
Recommendations for the prevention and treatment of thrush with home care

author:Scientific parenting

Thrush, a term that sounds unfamiliar, is actually a common oral infection in newborns and certain children. Let's take a closer look at the disease and how to take proper care of your child at home.

1. What is thrush?

Thrush, also known as oral candidiasis or oral candida infection, is inflammation of the oral mucosa caused by the bacterium Candida albicans. This condition is particularly common in newborns, but children are also more susceptible to malnutrition, diarrhoea, long-term use of broad-spectrum antibiotics, corticosteroids, or immunosuppressants.

2. How to identify thrush?

If your child develops a white clot-like substance on the mucous membranes of the mouth, especially in areas such as the buccal mucosa, tongue, gums, and palate, then this could be a sign of thrush. These white patches are not easily wiped away and may reveal a red wound underneath if forcibly removed. In addition, the child may also show symptoms such as decreased appetite and irritability.

Recommendations for the prevention and treatment of thrush with home care


3. How to diagnose thrush?

If you suspect that your child has thrush, take your child to the doctor promptly. The doctor takes a small sample of the buffy coat, places it on a slide, and adds a 10% sodium hydroxide solution dropwise. Under the microscope, if the hyphae and spores of the fungus can be seen, then the diagnosis of thrush can be confirmed.

4. How to treat thrush?

The main goal of treating thrush is to eliminate the infection and prevent its recurrence. Your doctor may recommend the following treatments:

1. Wash the oral cavity before and after breastfeeding with a 2% sodium bicarbonate solution, which helps to change the acid-base environment in the oral cavity and inhibit the growth of Candida.

2. Topical application of 0.5%~1% methyl violet solution, 1~2 times a day, to kill Candida.

3. For children with extensive lesions, the doctor may recommend applying nystatin glycerin 1:100,000 to the affected area 3~4 times a day.

4. Supplement vitamins and intestinal probiotics to enhance children's immunity, promote intestinal health, and prevent reinfection of Candida.

These concentrations and medications may vary depending on your child's specific situation, so it is important to use them under the guidance of your doctor.

Recommendations for the prevention and treatment of thrush with home care


5. What should parents pay attention to?

The role of parents is equally important in the treatment process.

1. Maintain your child's oral hygiene:

After each feeding or feeding, gently clean your child's mouth with warm water to remove any food and bacteria that remain.

2. Strict disinfection:

Avoid using unsterilized bottles, nipples, etc. Make sure these items are all strictly disinfected before use to prevent reinfection with Candida.

3. Take medication as prescribed:

Use your medication as recommended by your doctor and watch for changes in your child's condition. If you have any questions or discomfort, please consult your doctor promptly.

4. Regular follow-up:

Follow your doctor's advice to bring your child back up regularly so that the treatment plan can be adjusted in a timely manner. At the same time, the doctor will evaluate your child's recovery to ensure that the treatment is effective.

5. Balanced nutrition and moderate exercise:

By providing your child with a balanced diet and moderate exercise, it can help strengthen your child's immunity and reduce the occurrence of diseases.

6. Observe your child's emotions:

Thrush may cause discomfort and pain to children, so parents need to pay close attention to their children's emotional changes and give them enough love and comfort.

Finally, breastfeeding mothers should also clean their nipples and breasts before breastfeeding to reduce the risk of infection. While your child is recovering, avoid giving your child foods that are too stimulating to reduce oral discomfort.

Although thrush is a common oral infection, as long as we detect it in time and take the right treatment measures, the child can recover quickly. As parents, we need to be vigilant, pay attention to our children's well-being, and give them the best care. Also, remember to consult your doctor regularly to ensure that your treatment plan is up-to-date and accurate.

Recommendations for the prevention and treatment of thrush with home care



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