
She's banned! Why is "bullying education" causing public outrage?

author:Dongming County Rong Media Center

On June 17, the account of "Education Expert" Zhao Juying, who was previously exposed by the media, was blocked.

She's banned! Why is "bullying education" causing public outrage?

In addition, Zhao Juying's multiple accounts, such as "Zhao Juying's Family Education" and "Zhao Juying's Home Visit to China", are mostly private, and the homepage shows that no works have been published.

Previously, the video of "education expert" Zhao Juying's brutal home visit sparked heated discussions. In the video, Cho Ju-young asks the boy to smash his beloved gunpla with his own hands, installs a surveillance camera in the boy's room, and asks the girl to throw all her toys and comic books in the trash...... The series of behaviors were complained by netizens as "bullying education".

She's banned! Why is "bullying education" causing public outrage?

Screenshot of the account

In a public introduction on social media, Zhao Juying claimed to have published books, trained gifted children, and toured more than 1,000 lectures across the country.

She's banned! Why is "bullying education" causing public outrage?

Some media investigations found that Zhao Juying's real identity is a retired teacher in Jiayuguan City, Gansu Province, and her son became famous for appearing on the stage of "Super Speaker". Today, Zhao Juying has become the founder of a commercial organization, selling online and offline courses in the form of short videos and live broadcasts, and the "prodigy" who rarely appears in the public eye has become a gimmick for selling classes and publicity.

The widely controversial video was released in March 2024. At that time, Zhao Juying went to Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province, to conduct a "home visit" to a family with a boy who was in junior high school. During the home visit, Zhao Juying found the boy's collection of toy figures, and Zhao Juying thought that these toys hindered the child's growth and would affect the grades, so she threw the box containing the toys on the ground and asked the boy to smash them with a hammer.

She's banned! Why is "bullying education" causing public outrage?

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Juying held the ring ruler in her hand, first hit the boy's palm, and then asked the parents to bring a hammer and forced the boy to smash the model with his own hands, and pointed to the model and said, "Smash!" Is this your dad or your mom? ”

This series of behaviors was complained by netizens as "bullying education".

On the afternoon of May 6, the staff of the Education Bureau of Jiayuguan City, Gansu Province, responded to reporters that Zhao Juying will retire from a primary school in the city in 2023, and the Education Bureau will intervene in the investigation in response to the problems reported by netizens.

Zhao Juying's bullying education is suffocating, what is the purpose? From her account profile, it can be seen that this is promoting the "genius godson method", claiming that she can turn her children into geniuses, what "memorized 150 pure English world classics at the age of 3" and "proficient in four Chinese languages at the age of 7".

She's banned! Why is "bullying education" causing public outrage?

He claimed to be a certified homeschool dual instructor of the American Positive Discipline Association, but the media found that there was no such person on the official website of the American Positive Discipline Association. Interestingly, Zhao Juying claimed many times in her self-description that she "does not know English", but she has obtained many certificates from English-speaking countries.

Zhao Juying let her children abandon all interests and hobbies and make way for their grades, which has to be said to cater to the needs of some parents. She has worked as a primary school teacher and knows the psychology of some parents. Therefore, her propaganda is easy to make some parents fall into blind obedience, fantasizing that they can make their children become geniuses and become dragons and phoenixes.

To put it bluntly, if parents don't come out of this misunderstanding, a Zhao Juying will be blocked, and Li Juying and Zhang Juying will emerge in batches to harvest parents' leeks on the Internet.

A child's growth is focused on all-round development, and grades are not everything. A 3-year-old child, it is difficult to sit quietly for dozens of minutes, he may stammer in his native language, and he can recite 150 pure English classics, where is this child? This kind of false propaganda can basically be identified as "fake at first sight".

I have to emphasize that no matter how good the child's grades are, if the personality is not sound and the body is not healthy, there may be an accident in the end. In reality, countless facts prove this.

The whole human development is intellectual, emotional, social, moral, and physical, all of which are indispensable. Every child in the world is different, but there is a scientific basis for giving them space, respecting their emotions, and guiding their interests.

Children can't just become reading machines, and parents shouldn't be superstitious about what "genius teaching children". The responsibility of parents is to guide their children's growth slowly according to what stage they do and what they learn, according to the characteristics of their physical and psychological development. It takes time for children to learn and become adults, and it is something that cannot be rushed or rushed. In the future, when I see exaggerated propaganda similar to "wild experts", the first thing is to report it, and the second thing is to block it.

Spending more time with your children and accompanying them to grow up is a compulsory course. There is no need to promote seedlings, let alone define success as good grades, and guiding them to become talents for comprehensive development is the most important.

Source: CCTV Comprehensive News Morning News, Jimu News

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