
Spend 268,000 to buy a Mercedes-Benz that broke down after just 3 days of driving! The owner's request to change the car was refused, and the 4S store responded

Spend 268,000 to buy a Mercedes-Benz that broke down after just 3 days of driving! The owner's request to change the car was refused, and the 4S store responded

Peninsula Morning News

2024-06-19 14:38Posted on the official account of Liaoning Peninsula Morning News

Recently, Ms. Mo told reporters that on May 6 this year, she spent 268,000 yuan at the Hainan United Crown Mercedes-Benz 4S store on Nanhai Avenue in Haikou to buy a Mercedes-Benz C260. ”

"Ms. Mo's vehicle did not meet the conditions for return and exchange under the law. We also admit that the fault was not caused by Ms. Mok, and we will carry out free repairs for the vehicle. The relevant person in charge of the 4S store said that Ms. Mo had been provided with a care plan and a one-year extended warranty for the whole vehicle.

Spend 268,000 to buy a Mercedes-Benz that broke down after just 3 days of driving! The owner's request to change the car was refused, and the 4S store responded

The Mercedes-Benz purchased by Ms. Mok.


Pick up the car just 3 days ago

The engine failure light suddenly came on

"I signed the contract on May 6 to pick up the car, and on May 9, I drove back to my hometown in Ding'an from Haikou. When I was about to get off the highway in Ding'an, the engine fault light of the car suddenly turned on, but it did not affect the normal use of the vehicle at that time. After parking the car, I immediately took a photo of the situation and sent it to the 4S store. Ms. Mo told reporters that after taking photos and sending them to the 4S store, the 4S store explained that it was the oil problem that caused the engine failure light to turn on.

Ms. Mo said that the purchase of this Mercedes-Benz car, including insurance, licensing fees, etc., cost a total of 268,800 yuan. She signed a sales contract with the 4S store on May 6 and picked up the car on the same day, but what she didn't expect was that the car had not yet had time to be licensed, and it broke down after only 3 days of driving, which made her worry about the quality of the car.

"After the vehicle broke down on the same day (9th), it continued until the afternoon of the next day, and the engine failure light remained on. The 4S shop asked me to drive the car back to the 4S shop for inspection and maintenance on May 11, because I was going to travel, so I didn't drive the car back to the 4S shop, and it was delayed until May 19, I drove the car to the 4S shop for testing. Ms. Mo recalled, "On the afternoon of the 19th, I drove the car to the 4S store. At first, the 4S store said that it would be solved by waiting for 30 minutes, but it was still not solved after waiting for 2 hours. At 5:30 p.m., I asked what had gone wrong with the car. At that time, I considered that if the new car was disassembled and assembled, the value of the vehicle would be greatly discounted, and who would pay for the depreciation? So I didn't agree to disassemble and assemble. ”

Ms. Mo said that the vehicle has been parked in the 4S store since then, and the problem cannot be solved considering that it is towed. On May 27, she agreed with the 4S store to disassemble and assemble the vehicle, "After disassembly, the test results were only released on May 29, and it was a problem with the gearbox oil circuit board." ”

The maintenance list shown by Ms. Mo to reporters shows that the 4S shop replaced the gearbox oil circuit plate for the car.

On the morning of June 5, Ms. Mo came to the 4S store to ask the company for a new car, but was rejected by Mr. Zheng, the relevant person in charge of the 4S store.

4S shop

The conditions for changing the car are not met

Complimentary vehicle extended warranty for one year

Regarding Ms. Mo's request for a car replacement, Mr. Zheng said that according to the explanation of the maintenance situation, Ms. Mo's vehicle did not meet the conditions for return and exchange as stipulated by law.

Ms. Mo said that if she can't change the car, she hopes to get compensation for the two-year extended warranty of the whole vehicle.

"The fault of Ms. Mo's vehicle is detailed in the maintenance list, and we also admit that the failure is not caused by Ms. Mo, and we will carry out free maintenance for the vehicle according to the requirements of the three guarantees of the vehicle. In addition, we have provided Ms. Mo with a care plan and a one-year extended warranty for the whole vehicle. Mr. Zheng said.

The reporter learned from the Haixiu Supervision Office of the Xiuying Branch of the Haikou Municipal Market Supervision Bureau that the supervision office has received Ms. Mo's complaint and will intervene to understand the situation.

On June 18, the reporter contacted Ms. Mo again, who said that the car had been retrieved, and after negotiation, she finally agreed to the care plan proposed by the 4S store.

 Source: Hainan Special Zone Daily reporter Lin Daoheng text/picture

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  • Spend 268,000 to buy a Mercedes-Benz that broke down after just 3 days of driving! The owner's request to change the car was refused, and the 4S store responded

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