
Xiaomi sweeping robot spontaneously combusted, is 30,000 compensation enough?

author:Universality does not exist
Xiaomi sweeping robot spontaneously combusted, is 30,000 compensation enough?

The Xiaomi Mijia Sweeping Robot 1T in Ms. Zhang's home in Nantong, Jiangsu Province, spontaneously combusted on May 26, 2024, causing a fire, and the house was blackened and needed to be renovated. Xiaomi offered to pay 30,000 yuan in compensation, but Ms. Zhang argued that this was far from enough to cover the actual losses.

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01 The spontaneous combustion incident of the Xiaomi sweeping robot is fully recorded

Xiaomi sweeping robot spontaneously combusted, is 30,000 compensation enough?

On May 26, an ordinary morning, Ms. Zhang's home became no longer ordinary because of the spontaneous combustion of a Xiaomi Mijia sweeping robot 1T. This price2299element,With the function of "sweeping and mopping"The high-end sweeping robot,During the charging process, the fire caused by the fault of the base line,The wooden frame at home was burned black,The ceiling was blackened,The direct economic loss is preliminarily estimated at 10,000 yuan。

According to the summary investigation certificate of the fire accident provided by Ms. Zhang, the fire was caused by a faulty line of the charging base of the sweeping robot. After Xiaomi after-sales and factory surveyed the site, it did not deny the product problem, and entrusted a third-party appraisal company to assess the loss, and determined that the loss was more than 30,000 yuan. However, Ms Cheung disagreed with Xiaomi's proposed compensation plan, arguing that the compensation was insufficient to cover the actual losses, including the cost of mobile accommodation, burned-out sockets and robot vacuums.

02 Xiaomi sweeping robot spontaneously combusted, is 30,000 yuan enough compensation?

Xiaomi sweeping robot spontaneously combusted, is 30,000 compensation enough?

Discussion of the incident is in full swing on the Internet. Some netizens questioned whether Xiaomi's compensation plan was reasonable, believing that 30,000 yuan would be difficult to cover Ms. Zhang's actual losses. At the same time, there are also voices expressing concerns about the safety of smart home devices, worried that even high-end products from well-known brands may have security risks.

Some netizens expressed dissatisfaction with Xiaomi's attitude, believing that companies should be more active in taking responsibility in the face of damage to consumer rights, rather than just providing minimal compensation. In addition, some netizens expressed doubts about the quality of third-party OEM products, believing that this may be one of the reasons for the accident.

03 Who will protect the rights and interests of consumers?

Xiaomi sweeping robot spontaneously combusted, is 30,000 compensation enough?

This incident is not just a simple spontaneous product combustion accident, it touches on the core issue of consumer rights protection. In today's increasingly popular smart home equipment, how to ensure the safety of products and protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers has become an urgent problem to be solved.

Xiaomi's handling of the incident has raised questions about its corporate responsibility. Whether the compensation of 30,000 yuan is sufficient is not only an economic issue, but also a moral and legal issue. As consumers, we have the right to hold businesses accountable for their products and responsible for our safety.

At the same time, it also reminds all consumers that when buying smart home devices, they should not only pay attention to the function and brand of the product, but also pay attention to its safety and after-sales service. When our rights and interests are damaged, we should stand up bravely and protect our legitimate rights and interests through legal means.

04 The spontaneous combustion incident of Xiaomi's sweeping robot triggered thoughts

Xiaomi sweeping robot spontaneously combusted, is 30,000 compensation enough?

The spontaneous combustion incident of Xiaomi's sweeping robot is not only a test for Xiaomi, but also a wake-up call for the entire smart home industry. It reminds us that in the pursuit of technological convenience, product safety and corporate responsibility should not be neglected.

As consumers, we should be vigilant and choose trustworthy products and companies. At the same time, we also hope that enterprises can truly stand in the perspective of consumers, provide safe and reliable products, as well as perfect after-sales service. Only in this way can we enjoy the convenience brought by technology with peace of mind, rather than the security risks hidden behind the convenience.

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Xiaomi sweeping robot spontaneously combusted, is 30,000 compensation enough?

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