
Spleen deficiency ages quickly, and it is more important to strengthen the spleen in summer than to dispel dampness! Eating these things will help strengthen the spleen and accumulate accumulation

author:Dr. Wang of General Surgery

On a summer afternoon, the sun shines through the treetops on the streets of the town, and an old man named Li Ming sits leisurely in a rocking chair in front of his house. There was a faint smile on his face, and his eyes revealed infinite nostalgia for the past years. Li Ming is a legend in this town, and he is always surrounded by young people and old people to listen to him tell stories of the past and health.

Spleen deficiency ages quickly, and it is more important to strengthen the spleen in summer than to dispel dampness! Eating these things will help strengthen the spleen and accumulate accumulation

Li Ming's childhood friend, Sister Wang, is a health expert. She often says, "Summer is more important than dampness to strengthen the spleen!" When a person's spleen and stomach are good, even if there is more moisture, it will be successfully discharged. These words were deeply imprinted in Li Ming's heart. When he was younger, he often saw Sister Wang picking fresh yams, mung beans and lotus seeds at the market, and then skillfully cooking them into a variety of delicious health soups. Whenever the summer heat hits, she always cooks a large pot of refreshing mung bean soup and invites Li Ming and other neighbors to enjoy it. The cool and sweet taste seems to dissipate the boredom and fatigue of the whole day.

Sister Wang's health wisdom doesn't stop there. She taught Li Ming that the key to summer health is to regulate the spleen and stomach, so that the body can stay healthy and energetic in hot weather. She once told Li Ming, "The human spleen and stomach are the core of digestion and absorption of nutrients, and if the spleen is weak, moisture will take advantage of the weakness, causing tiredness and discomfort in the body." ”

The importance of strengthening the spleen in summer

Summer is one of the most fragile periods of the human spleen and stomach. Under high temperatures, the human body is prone to water loss, weakened spleen and stomach function, and is prone to problems such as loss of appetite and indigestion. At this time, over-reliance on cool and heat-relieving food may further damage the function of the spleen and stomach, making dampness more likely to invade. Therefore, the key to summer health preservation is not only to dispel dampness, but also to strengthen the spleen and improve the body's resistance and self-regulation ability.

Manifestations and effects of spleen deficiency:

Spleen deficiency often manifests as loss of appetite, dyspepsia, loose stools, and other symptoms. These problems not only affect the absorption and utilization of nutrients, but also may lead to the accumulation of moisture in the body, aggravating the possibility of dampness invasion. In summer, when the heat and humidity are heavy, it is more necessary to regulate the moisture balance of the body by strengthening the spleen, so that the body is in a refreshing and healthy state.

Wellness Focus:

The core of summer health care is to regulate the spleen and stomach. Choosing ingredients that are suitable for summer heat, such as mung beans, yams, and lotus seeds, can not only clear away heat and relieve heat, but also help strengthen the spleen. These foods are rich in nutrients, such as amylase and mucin, which can promote digestion and absorption, and enhance the body's immunity and disease resistance.

Dietary recommendations for strengthening the spleen and accumulating the body

Choose the right ingredients

In your daily diet, it is important to choose ingredients that are good for your spleen. The following foods are believed to have a positive effect on spleen and stomach health:

Mung bean: Mung bean is cool and sweet, has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, diluting water and reducing swelling, and is suitable for summer heat. It is rich in amylase, which can help digestion, reduce the residence time of food in the gastrointestinal tract, and help reduce the problem of dampness.

Yam: Yam is rich in mucin and starch, which has a good nourishing effect on the spleen and stomach. It can not only enhance the function of the spleen and stomach, promote digestion and absorption, but also regulate symptoms such as loss of appetite and fatigue caused by spleen deficiency.

Lotus seeds: Lotus seeds are sweet and peaceful, and have the effect of tonifying the spleen and invigorating qi and calming the nerves. It is often used to treat fatigue, weakness, loss of appetite and other problems caused by spleen deficiency. Moderate consumption of lotus seeds in summer can help regulate the function of the spleen and stomach and enhance physical fitness.

The principle of compatibility

Spleen deficiency ages quickly, and it is more important to strengthen the spleen in summer than to dispel dampness! Eating these things will help strengthen the spleen and accumulate accumulation

In terms of food collocation, it can be reasonably matched according to personal physique and seasonal characteristics to enhance the nutrient absorption and spleen strengthening effect of food:

Mung bean and barley porridge: Mung beans and barley are cooked together into porridge, which can not only clear away heat and relieve heat, but also help digestion, diuretic and dampness, suitable for summer consumption.

Chicken stewed with yam: Stewing yam and chicken together can enhance the function of the spleen and stomach, supplement nutrition, and is especially suitable for people who need to enhance their physical fitness.

Lotus seed and red date soup: Lotus seeds and red dates are boiled together into soup, which is not only beneficial to the spleen and stomach, but also regulates qi and blood, and has a significant effect on improving physical fitness.


When consuming the above ingredients, you need to pay attention to the following:

Avoid raw and cold food: It is easy to lose appetite in summer, but you should try to avoid too much raw and cold food, so as not to damage the function of the spleen and stomach and affect digestion and absorption.

Moderate amount: Although there are many ingredients that are good for strengthening the spleen, the amount of each food should also be consumed in moderation to avoid excessive consumption and increased burden on the body.

Individual differences: Everyone's physique and health status are different, so you should choose and adjust according to your own situation when consuming, or consult a doctor or dietitian for advice.

Practical advice

Medicinal diet recommended

In addition to daily food choices, medicinal diets are also a good way to regulate the spleen and stomach. The following medicinal diets are suitable for strengthening the spleen and accumulating in summer:

Goji berry and yam porridge: Cooking yam, wolfberry and glutinous rice together into porridge not only nourishes the spleen and stomach, but also benefits eye health, and is suitable for people who need to nourish qi and blood.

Poria cocos atractylodes stewed black chicken: Poria cocos, atractylodes and black chicken stewed together, with the ability to nourish the spleen and stomach, nourish qi and blood

Spleen deficiency ages quickly, and it is more important to strengthen the spleen in summer than to dispel dampness! Eating these things will help strengthen the spleen and accumulate accumulation

The effect is especially suitable for people with weak spleen and stomach.

Tips for strengthening your spleen in your daily life

In addition to dietary conditioning, some small habits in daily life can also help strengthen the spleen:

Regular work and rest: Maintaining a good work and rest habit helps to maintain the stability of spleen and stomach function.

Proper exercise: Proper exercise can promote metabolism, enhance physical fitness, and help improve spleen and stomach function.

Feeling Comfortable: Maintain a good mood, reduce stress, help promote digestion and absorption, and maintain spleen and stomach health.

Through reasonable dietary choices and daily lifestyle adjustments, we can effectively improve various discomforts caused by spleen deficiency and enhance the body's resistance and immunity. Spleen building up in summer not only helps to relieve the discomfort caused by dampness, but also improves overall health, keeping us energized and comfortable during the hot summer months.

Spleen deficiency ages quickly, and it is more important to strengthen the spleen in summer than to dispel dampness! Eating these things will help strengthen the spleen and accumulate accumulation

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