
Zhu Bai, Secretary-General of the Central Political and Legal Commission: Modernize political and legal work to support and serve Chinese-style modernization

author:Fushun politics and law
Zhu Bai, Secretary-General of the Central Political and Legal Commission: Modernize political and legal work to support and serve Chinese-style modernization

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has attached great importance to political and legal work, made a series of important instructions and instructions, put forward a series of new ideas, new ideas and new strategies, and led the political and legal cause in the new era to achieve historic achievements and historic changes. General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed the need to "support and serve Chinese-style modernization with the modernization of political and legal work, and provide a strong security guarantee for comprehensively promoting the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation", giving political and legal work a new historical mission, full of ardent expectations for the political and legal front to achieve better results, and pointing out the direction of progress and providing fundamental guidance for doing a good job in political and legal work in the new era and new journey. We must resolutely implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions, strengthen political responsibility, take the initiative to plan and promote the modernization of political and legal work around Chinese-style modernization, and support and serve Chinese-style modernization with the modernization of political and legal work.

The modernization of political and legal work is the proper meaning of Chinese-style modernization

Chinese-style modernization is a broad road to building a strong country and rejuvenating the nation. On the basis of long-term exploration and practice since the founding of the People's Republic of China, especially since the reform and opening up, and through innovative breakthroughs in theory and practice since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, our Party has successfully promoted and expanded Chinese-style modernization. The modernization of political and legal work is an important part of Chinese-style modernization and an important guarantee for building a modern socialist country in an all-round way. In the historical process of promoting Chinese-style modernization, political and legal organs should closely focus on the party's central tasks, anchor the direction of the times, grasp the situation and tasks, and strive to promote the modernization of political and legal work.

Promoting the modernization of political and legal work is an inevitable requirement for achieving a high level of security. National security is the foundation of national rejuvenation, and social stability is the prerequisite for a strong and prosperous country. At present, the mainland's development has entered a period in which strategic opportunities, risks and challenges coexist, and uncertainties and unpredictable factors are increasing, and the risks, challenges, and contradictions that need to be dealt with are more severe and complex than ever. From an international point of view, the world has entered a new period of turbulence and change, with the acceleration of major changes unseen in a century, the profound adjustment of the international balance of power, and the frequent occurrence of local conflicts and turbulence. From a domestic point of view, reform, development and stability are faced with many deep-seated contradictions that cannot be avoided or bypassed, various traditional and non-traditional security risks are intertwined and superimposed, and "black swan" and "gray rhinoceros" incidents may occur at any time. To promote the modernization of political and legal work, it is necessary to unswervingly implement the overall concept of national security, go all out to do a good job in ensuring security, protecting stability, and preventing risks, and ensure national security and social stability. Chinese modernization is the modernization of the path of peaceful development, which should not only seek its own development while firmly safeguarding world peace and development, but also better safeguard world peace and development through its own development, which requires political and legal organs to better coordinate external and internal security and earnestly safeguard national sovereignty, security and development interests.

Promoting the modernization of political and legal work is an inevitable requirement for achieving high-quality development. High-quality development is not only the essential requirement of the Chinese path to modernization, but also an important path to achieve Chinese-style modernization. To serve high-quality development, political and legal organs must completely, accurately and comprehensively implement the new development concept, maintain the order of the socialist market economy in accordance with the law, improve the level of construction of a law-based business environment, and promote the effective improvement of the quality and reasonable growth of the economy. Chinese modernization is the modernization of material civilization and spiritual civilization in harmony, which requires political and legal organs to adhere to the organic combination of stimulating vitality and maintaining order, promote the improvement of the property rights protection system, the fair competition system and the social credit system, serve and ensure the development of new quality productive forces, and achieve a dynamic balance of vitality but not chaos, activity and order. Chinese modernization is the modernization of harmonious coexistence between man and nature, which requires political and legal organs to coordinate and promote the improvement of the national ecological security rule of law system, ensure good governance with good laws, promote the improvement of the public interest litigation system, and strengthen judicial protection in the field of ecological environment.

Promoting the modernization of political and legal work is an inevitable requirement for satisfying the people's needs for a better life. At this stage, the people's yearning for a better life has shifted from "whether it is good" to "whether it is good or not", and the demand for democracy, rule of law, fairness, justice, security and environment is growing day by day. Chinese modernization is the modernization of a huge population, and a small problem multiplied by 1.4 billion will become a big problem, which requires political and legal organs to take into account the national conditions of a large population base when thinking about problems, making decisions, and doing things, and earnestly protect the safety of the people's lives and property and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the people. Chinese modernization is the modernization of common prosperity for all the people, and it is required to further divide the "cake" while making it bigger, so that the fruits of modernization can benefit all the people more and more fairly, which requires the political and legal organs to put the protection and promotion of social fairness and justice in a more prominent position, strictly enforce the law, administer justice fairly, and strive to make the people feel fairness and justice in every legal system, every law enforcement decision, and every judicial case.

The modernization of political and legal work provides support and services for Chinese-style modernization

The new journey of comprehensively promoting the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation with Chinese-style modernization is an expedition full of glory and dreams. Political and legal organs should be based on their responsibilities and positioning, take the initiative to take action, focus on maintaining national political security, strive to ensure overall social stability, focus on promoting social fairness and justice, and provide support and services for Chinese-style modernization.

Safeguard national political security and create a more favorable external environment for China's modernization. Political security is the foundation of national security. It is necessary to put the maintenance of national political security in the first place in political and legal work, improve political sensitivity and political discernment, improve the coordination mechanism for the maintenance of national political security, resolutely prevent and resolve all kinds of political security risks, and resolutely safeguard the security of state power, system, and ideology in the midst of great changes in the world. Carry forward the spirit of struggle, actively seek to play cards, deepen the struggle against sanctions, interference, and "long-arm jurisdiction", resolutely oppose all forms of hegemonism and power politics, and better serve the overall situation of the party's and the country's external work. Crack down on all kinds of infiltration, sabotage, subversion, and separatist activities, strictly guard against systemic security risks, and resolutely defend the long-term ruling position of the Communist Party of China, the state power of the people's democratic dictatorship, and the socialist system with Chinese characteristics. Bearing in mind that "if you can't pass the Internet, you won't be able to stay in power for a long time", the Internet is already at the forefront of the current ideological struggle, and we must take the maintenance of network ideological security as an important mission to defend the territory and fulfill our responsibilities, we must dare to struggle, be good at fighting, persist in upholding integrity and innovation, persist in making breakthroughs at the same time, and take establishment as the foundation, control the dominant power of network ideology, persist in using both effectiveness and prevention, strengthen and improve positive propaganda on the Internet, and resolutely win the online ideological struggle.

Ensure the overall stability of society and create a safer and more stable social environment for Chinese-style modernization. At present, the mainland's high-quality development has been steadily promoted, the overall social situation has continued to remain stable, and the "two miracles" have continued to write a new chapter. At the same time, it should be noted that the mainland is in a critical period of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and the tasks of reform, development, and stability are arduous and arduous. It is necessary to grasp the implementation of the responsibility system for maintaining social stability, go all out to do a good job in maintaining stability and security, and strive to build a higher level of peace and security in China. With a sense of responsibility of "always being at ease" and a keen sense of "wide-eyed", we will improve our ability to predict, warn and prevent all kinds of contradictions, improve the risk assessment mechanism for social stability in major decision-making, and strive to grasp small problems as early as possible and prevent them from occurring. Do a good job of maintaining stability and security for major events with high standards, improve emergency response plans, and improve mechanisms such as hierarchical response, regional coordination, and departmental linkage to ensure that major events are foolproof. Deepen the comprehensive management of public security, persist in both punishment and prevention, and comprehensive measures, advance the normalization of counter-terrorism and stability maintenance under the rule of law, advance the normalization of the elimination of organized crime and vice, strengthen the comprehensive management of juvenile delinquency, the management and assistance of persons with severe mental disorders, and the placement of persons released from prison to help and educate, and strive to eradicate the breeding ground for violations and crimes. Adhere to and develop the "Fengqiao experience" in the new era, based on prevention, mediation, the rule of law, and the grassroots, correctly handle contradictions among the people, and improve the level of prevention and resolution of contradictions and disputes under the rule of law.

Promote social fairness and justice, and create a more fair and just legal environment for Chinese modernization. Fairness and justice are the intrinsic requirements of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the core value pursuit of political and legal work. Based on the functions of political and legal organs, it is necessary to comprehensively advance the establishment of the rule of law, better give play to the role of the rule of law in consolidating the foundation, stabilizing expectations, and benefiting the long-term, and constantly meet the people's higher demand for fairness and justice. Promote scientific legislation, put forward legislative recommendations on key areas, emerging fields, and foreign-related fields, promote the formulation and revision of laws and regulations, improve judicial interpretations, and increase the systematic, holistic, and coordinated nature of legislation in the political and legal fields. Promote strict law enforcement, thoroughly rectify problems such as inaction and disorderly action in law enforcement, promote strict, standardized, fair, and civilized law enforcement, and ensure that there are laws that must be followed, law enforcement must be strict, and violations must be prosecuted. Promote judicial impartiality, comprehensively and accurately implement the judicial responsibility system, improve mechanisms for restricting and supervising the operation of judicial power, realize the unity of substantive justice and procedural justice, and continuously improve the quality, efficiency, and credibility of the judiciary. Promote the observance of the law by the whole people, carry forward the spirit of the socialist rule of law, carry out in-depth publicity and education on the rule of law, let the rule of law go to the people's side, and make respecting the law, studying the law, abiding by the law, and using the law become a common practice in the whole society.

Several principles that should be adhered to in promoting the modernization of political and legal work

We must always adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, learn and make good use of the worldview, methodology and positions, views and methods that run through this important thought, and constantly deepen the understanding of the laws of the modernization of political and legal work, and firmly grasp the following important principles.

Adhere to the party's absolute leadership. Upholding the party's absolute leadership is the fundamental principle for doing a good job in political and legal work in the new era. It is necessary to adhere to the party's absolute leadership in all aspects of the whole process of political and legal work, deeply understand the decisive significance of the "two establishments" and resolutely achieve the "two safeguards" as the criterion for all work, improve political standing and political judgment, political comprehension, and political execution, and fully implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions and the major decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee, and always maintain a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core in terms of ideology, politics, and action.

Adhere to the people-centered. The country is the people, and the people are the country. Adhering to the people-centered approach is the fundamental stance of political and legal work in the new era. It is necessary to adhere to the fundamental purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly, practice the people-centered development thinking, firmly establish the mass viewpoint, implement the mass line, take the protection of the fundamental interests of the broadest masses of the people as the starting point and end point of political and legal work, and strive to solve the issues of public safety, protection of rights and interests, fairness and justice that the people are most concerned about, so that political and legal work is deeply rooted in the people, and constantly enhance the people's sense of gain, happiness, and security.

Adhere to the path of socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics. Comprehensively governing the country according to law is a profound revolution in national governance, which has a bearing on the party's governance and rejuvenation of the country, the happiness and well-being of the people, and the long-term peace and stability of the party and the country. It is necessary to thoroughly implement Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law, unswervingly follow the path of Socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics, and closely focus on the overall goal of building a socialist rule of law system with Chinese characteristics and a socialist rule of law country, building the foundation of the rule of law, exercising the power of the rule of law, and accumulating the momentum of the rule of law. Coordinate the advancement of scientific legislation, strict law enforcement, judicial fairness, and law-abiding by the whole people, and be good at using rule of law thinking and methods to respond to risks, resolve contradictions, maintain stability, and promote development, and comprehensively build a modern socialist country on the track of rule of law.

Adhere to the principle of coordinating development and security. Security is the premise of development, development is the guarantee of security, and the two are the two wings of one body and the two wheels of drive. Coordinating development and security is a major principle of our party's governance of the country in the new era. It is necessary to plan and promote development and security as an organic whole, be good at using the fruits of development to consolidate the strength foundation of national security, and be good at shaping a security environment conducive to economic and social development, and strive to achieve a benign interaction between high-level security and high-quality development, and the new development pattern and new security pattern promote each other.

Persist in reform and innovation. Reform and innovation are a powerful driving force for the modernization of political and legal work. It is necessary to further deepen the political and legal reform in an all-round way around the promotion of Chinese-style modernization, adhere to the general tone of the work of seeking progress while maintaining stability, pay more attention to system integration, pay more attention to highlighting key points, and pay more attention to the effectiveness of reform, so as to effectively provide a strong impetus and institutional guarantee for the modernization of political and legal work. Adhere to integrity and innovation, actively promote innovation in political and legal work concepts, ideas, methods, measures, mechanisms and other innovations, deepen the construction of political and legal intelligence, so that political and legal work can better reflect the nature of the times, grasp the law, and be creative.

Source: Learning Times

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