
Sad! The uncle complained: I can't afford to die, so I can only sacrifice myself to donate my body to fulfill the child

author:Feng Feng Feng sealed

"I can't afford to die now, the cemetery (price) is too high, I can't get it without 20,000 or 30,000 yuan, and it may cost 50,000 yuan to die once." This is the sigh of an uncle in Jiangsu when talking about the aftermath, although the uncle said these words in a normal tone, it still sounds a little inexplicably sad.

Sad! The uncle complained: I can't afford to die, so I can only sacrifice myself to donate my body to fulfill the child

Cemeteries are more expensive than house prices

Expensive cemeteries are nothing new. Taking the price of a cemetery in Beijing in April this year as an example, the lowest price of the glazed tablet cemetery is 119,800 yuan, with an area of only 0.33 square meters, while the price of the lying monument and standing monument cemetery ranges from 138,000 yuan to 500,000 yuan, with an area of 0.33-1 square meter.

The author learned from a friend in Xiamen that when he visited the grave this year, he looked at the price of the cemetery, and the 6-square-meter cemetery cost 240,000 yuan, and the double cemetery he bought for his parents 8 years ago cost a total of 100,000 yuan, but he didn't expect it to rise like this now.

The author's hometown of Qujing, Yunnan, although it is a remote area, but the cemetery bought for his mother the year before last also cost 24,000 yuan, and there is only 20 years of use rights.

Sad! The uncle complained: I can't afford to die, so I can only sacrifice myself to donate my body to fulfill the child

Sacrifice yourself to donate your body

In order not to add a burden to the child, the uncle in Jiangsu chose to donate the body, the uncle said: "People die like lights go out, it is better to donate the body, all problems are solved, maybe you can contribute to the country." When the time comes, he'll take care of it for you, and he'll be clean..."

It turned out that as early as three years ago, the uncle handled the relevant matters related to the donation of the body, and the children also signed. The uncle said: "When you die, (the children) come to see it, there will be nothing else, and it will save the children (referring to women) who work outside the home and have to work and go to the grave or something, trouble..."

Whether the uncle's choice to sacrifice himself to fulfill the child is out of avant-garde thinking or out of desperation, in short, it is not easy to make this determination. Because in the traditional concept of Chinese, falling leaves return to their roots, and entering the soil for peace is the way back of life.

Sad! The uncle complained: I can't afford to die, so I can only sacrifice myself to donate my body to fulfill the child

The funeral could not be held

In many areas of the mainland, great attention is paid to the handling of white affairs, especially in some rural areas, where funerals are held very solemnly, and under the influence of the trend of comparison, funerals often become bigger and bigger, and some people do not hesitate to borrow money to make the funeral bigger for the sake of so-called face.

In some remote ethnic areas in the southwest of the author's hometown, there are still many bad habits of thin maintenance and thick burial, such as some places in Baise, Guangxi, where I often go to white affairs, and when a white event is held, the whole village and even the people in the surrounding villages will go, and relatives are counted by cattle and sheep, at least a sheep or a cow. Among relatives, the more relatives hang more, and these cattle and sheep used to hang gifts will be slaughtered on the spot. In many households, the income of many families is consumed by doing two or three things a year.

Then again, Uncle Jiangsu's complaint still resonated with many netizens, many netizens agreed with the uncle's ideas and practices, and many netizens expressed their willingness to donate their remains. Of course, the replies of some young netizens are more serious, maybe the end of their lives is still far away from them...