
Scared to cry American high school students' pregnancy and childbirth class, domestic netizens frantically "begged for introduction"

Scared to cry American high school students' pregnancy and childbirth class, domestic netizens frantically "begged for introduction"

News brother

2024-06-19 19:20Published in Shandong Tencent News employee, first brother of News Brother Studio

It's been a long time, but here is Xiaobai, who is becoming more and more afraid of childbirth.

Do you know flour babies?

As shown in the figure below.

Scared to cry American high school students' pregnancy and childbirth class, domestic netizens frantically "begged for introduction"

Many countries now offer a baby-taking education course for middle and high school students, and schools give each student a flour baby.

Flour babies are very similar to real babies, with built-in computer programs, crying, fussing, hiccups, and even pooping.

The school allows students to take their babies home 24×7 hours a day, whether it's during school hours or when they go out on weekends.

If Xiaobai had been allowed to take this course, it would have really collapsed!

If your baby hangs, then the class hangs too.

Flour babies will cry anytime and anywhere like little babies, and even at night they will cry at any time according to the pattern of babies tossing their parents, and wake up 3-4 times a night.

Scared to cry American high school students' pregnancy and childbirth class, domestic netizens frantically "begged for introduction"

Xiaobai already felt the despair of this classmate......

The teacher will give you a lot of cards, and when he is crying, the student needs to determine if he is hungry, peeing, or wants to burp, and then insert the correct card for him to stop crying. Babies even have sick procedures that require students to insert the corresponding card and be comforted.

Scared to cry American high school students' pregnancy and childbirth class, domestic netizens frantically "begged for introduction"

The system also sets up a point system, if the student does not feed on time, change diapers, etc., points will be deducted, and whether there is beating, abuse of the baby, ignoring the baby's needs, etc. In addition, students will also wear sensor chips on their hands, and others cannot take care of the baby for students.

Not only every need must be completed, but the details must be controlled, when holding the child, to support the neck, some students do not know, at the end of the course, the flour baby's neck twisted a total of 94 times.

Scared to cry American high school students' pregnancy and childbirth class, domestic netizens frantically "begged for introduction"

A netizen with an IP in the United States shared: "When I was in high school, I was fortunate enough to feel it, my mother, she cried at every turn. I slept lightly, she was crying in the middle of the night, I couldn't sleep at all... For a week, she cried at night, and I hugged my mom during the day and cried. ”

In this course, an egg will be given before the flour baby is given to the students, and the child's gender will be pumped when the time comes, and some unlucky eggs will be twins.

Scared to cry American high school students' pregnancy and childbirth class, domestic netizens frantically "begged for introduction"

Students will then be asked to wear a heavy pregnant belly and experience what it feels like to be pregnant.

Another assignment will be arranged: investigate how much it costs to raise a baby, such as some basic costs: diapers, formula, clothes, strollers, etc.

Scared to cry American high school students' pregnancy and childbirth class, domestic netizens frantically "begged for introduction"

Xiaobai feels that this doll can really be given to the parents who are urging them, after all, they like to bring their grandchildren.

There are also parents who want to have children, and it is also recommended to buy this doll to raise it, and only after passing the exam are allowed to have children, so as to avoid the situation of giving birth but not raising.

In fact, the situation of not raising children in China has also been tried to solve in China.

It's just that the efforts of sporadic waves can't resist the endless abandonment.

On January 28, 2014, Guangzhou opened the "Baby Island" in order to care for abandoned babies, and 8 babies were sent to the baby island in the first 24 hours before the opening.

Scared to cry American high school students' pregnancy and childbirth class, domestic netizens frantically "begged for introduction"

On the 13th day of opening, Baby Island received 51 abandoned babies, and more than 100 on the 17th day of opening......

On March 16, 48 days after opening, Guangzhou's "Baby Safety Island" was suspended because the number of babies accepted had exceeded the limit of the institution.

Scared to cry American high school students' pregnancy and childbirth class, domestic netizens frantically "begged for introduction"

A certain proportion of these abandoned babies may be due to the fact that the parents did not do a good job of pregnancy check-ups, and the parents were desperate and sent the children to the baby island.

But if these parents have already taken baby care courses in middle and high school and experienced the situation of baby illness, will they think more about whether they have the ability to take risks when they are pregnant, do a comprehensive marital examination before marriage, and do the necessary pregnancy screening during pregnancy?

Of course, there are many abandoned babies who abandon their children on Baby Island because their parents are too young to have the financial means to give birth.

Scared to cry American high school students' pregnancy and childbirth class, domestic netizens frantically "begged for introduction"

To tell the truth, at a stage when we have been waiting for sex education for a long time, fertility education seems to be even more luxurious. Of course, fertility education can not prevent all the tragedies that occur because of irresponsibility, it is like a firewall program implanted in adolescence, when faced with a choice in adulthood, to help the teenager who had the experience of raising a baby to make a more prudent decision, to give birth, to bear the responsibility of raising, to give birth to not raise, will be punished by the law.

The island of abandoned babies is closed, but irresponsible parents still exist, and where are these abandoned babies going to be? Is it a trash can? Or the bathroom?

In May this year, an elderly man found an abandoned baby in a garbage can, "at first I thought it was a cat crying, and called the neighbor to call the police".

Coincidentally, on March 18 this year, Ms. Zhong said that she was working at a factory in Jinjiang, Fujian Province, and found an abandoned baby boy in a wastepaper basket in a public toilet. The baby was found with his head down and legs up.

Seriously... Xiaobai really can't understand why some parents can do such a thing. 

On November 27 last year, a girl from a school in Harbin, Heilongjiang gave birth to a child in the toilet, and the insider called the teacher, who opened the door and found that there were blood stains on the ground and the child had been born.

Scared to cry American high school students' pregnancy and childbirth class, domestic netizens frantically "begged for introduction"

How should these children who are thrown in the trash look at their parents and how should they face their past when they grow up?

The tragedy never stops, just in unknown corners.

The people who stand in the light, crying out helplessly, but insignificant.

Before they become arbitrary adults, it's time for sex education to prevent early pregnancy.

This is the role of flour dolls, Yiwu, come on.

Of course, this is in the case of young people being able to choose.

Xiaobai remembered a documentary "The Way Out", and the girl named Ma Baijuan, like her friends in the same village, got married in her teens, and now the children are all old.

Even though she knew she couldn't get pregnant early, she didn't have a choice.

News sources:

"Chengdu's "Baby Safety Island" Construction Ran Aground, Two Baby Girls Were Abandoned on the Street in One Day" Phoenix Public Welfare

Principal Principle | Niimo Taiho

Produced by | Tencent News News Brother Studio

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  • Scared to cry American high school students' pregnancy and childbirth class, domestic netizens frantically "begged for introduction"
  • Scared to cry American high school students' pregnancy and childbirth class, domestic netizens frantically "begged for introduction"
  • Scared to cry American high school students' pregnancy and childbirth class, domestic netizens frantically "begged for introduction"
  • Scared to cry American high school students' pregnancy and childbirth class, domestic netizens frantically "begged for introduction"
  • Scared to cry American high school students' pregnancy and childbirth class, domestic netizens frantically "begged for introduction"
  • Scared to cry American high school students' pregnancy and childbirth class, domestic netizens frantically "begged for introduction"
  • Scared to cry American high school students' pregnancy and childbirth class, domestic netizens frantically "begged for introduction"
  • Scared to cry American high school students' pregnancy and childbirth class, domestic netizens frantically "begged for introduction"
  • Scared to cry American high school students' pregnancy and childbirth class, domestic netizens frantically "begged for introduction"
  • Scared to cry American high school students' pregnancy and childbirth class, domestic netizens frantically "begged for introduction"

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