
The doctor reminds that people who have passed the age of 65 would rather not take a bath for a week than do these 4 things casually

author:Dr. Liang popularized science

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"You're not having an ordinary stomach ache, it's a serious gastrointestinal problem caused by a poor diet." The doctor's voice was particularly serious under the lights of the emergency room, which frightened Uncle Wang's heart.

Uncle Wang, 67 years old, was a university professor before retirement, and he usually lives a regular life and has no major problems.

But that night, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his stomach and a cold sweat.

The doctor reminds that people who have passed the age of 65 would rather not take a bath for a week than do these 4 things casually

His wife rushed him to the hospital emergency room. After a series of examinations, the doctor found that there was a big problem with Uncle Wang's stomach and intestines.

"Did you eat anything you shouldn't have eaten during this time?" The doctor asked.

Uncle Wang thought about it, and he didn't seem to have eaten anything special recently, but that day when friends got together, they ate a lot of cold dishes and drank some beer.

In addition, his wife made some spicy dishes a few days ago, and he felt that the meal was quite enjoyable.

The doctor nodded and said, "After the age of 65, the body's digestive function begins to decline, and many things that you could eat when you were young may not be able to digest them now."

In particular, cold dishes, alcohol and spicy foods are very harmful to the stomach and intestines of the elderly. ”

The doctor reminds that people who have passed the age of 65 would rather not take a bath for a week than do these 4 things casually

The doctor went on to explain: "In fact, after the age of 65, there are many things to pay attention to, and some things would rather not take a shower for a week than do casually. ”

When Uncle Wang heard this, he felt quite fresh, and hurriedly asked, "Then what are the things that can't be done?" ”

The doctor smiled and said, "There are four things, especially for the elderly, that must be paid attention to. ”

Don't just eat raw or cold food

Doctors said that raw and cold food is very irritating to the stomach and intestines of the elderly, and it is easy to cause diarrhea and gastrointestinal discomfort.

Especially some cold dishes and cold drinks, it is best for the elderly to eat less.

The digestive system of the elderly gradually deteriorates with age, the peristalsis function of the gastrointestinal tract is weakened, the secretion of digestive juices is reduced, and the stay time of food in the gastrointestinal tract is prolonged, which can easily lead to indigestion.

The doctor reminds that people who have passed the age of 65 would rather not take a bath for a week than do these 4 things casually

After raw and cold food enters the gastrointestinal tract, it will further reduce the temperature of the gastrointestinal tract, inhibit the secretion of digestive juices, and aggravate the symptoms of indigestion.

Don't drink alcohol casually

The doctor went on to explain that the liver function of the elderly is also gradually deteriorating, the metabolism of alcohol is decreasing, and drinking alcohol can easily lead to alcoholism and liver damage.

The damage of alcohol to the liver is well known, and the liver function of the elderly is no longer as good as that of young people, and long-term drinking will accelerate the damage of the liver, leading to fatty liver, cirrhosis and even liver cancer.

In addition to this, alcohol can also irritate the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract, leading to gastritis, gastric ulcers and other diseases.

The doctor reminds that people who have passed the age of 65 would rather not take a bath for a week than do these 4 things casually

Don't just eat spicy food

Doctors say that spicy food is very irritating to the gastrointestinal tract and can easily cause gastritis and stomach ulcers.

The gastric mucosa of the elderly has become very fragile, and the capsaicin in spicy food can directly irritate the gastric mucosa, causing gastritis, gastric ulcers, and even gastric bleeding.

In addition, spicy foods can also irritate the intestines, causing intestinal problems such as diarrhea and constipation.

Don't just stay up late

The doctor finally reminded that staying up late is very harmful to the body of the elderly, and it is easy to cause cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

The biological clock of the elderly has been formed, and staying up late for a long time will disrupt the biological clock, leading to endocrine disorders and increasing the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Studies have shown that staying up late will lead to sympathetic nerve excitation, increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, and increased heart burden, which makes the elderly more likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension and coronary heart disease.

The doctor reminds that people who have passed the age of 65 would rather not take a bath for a week than do these 4 things casually

After listening to the doctor's explanation, Uncle Wang suddenly realized that he did have many problems with his usual living habits.

He decided that when he returned home, he would pay more attention to his diet and routine to avoid making similar mistakes again.

At this time, the doctor told a case to corroborate: "There is a 65-year-old Aunt Liu, who usually likes to eat spicy food, and every meal is inseparable from chili peppers.

As a result, after a few years, I was riddled with stomach problems and always had stomach pains.

Later, at our suggestion, she quit spicy food, and her stomach problems slowly improved. ”

When Uncle Wang heard this, he had a bottom in his heart, and he decided to try the doctor's method as well.

After returning home, he and his wife studied it together, adjusted their diet and schedule, and after a few months, his gastrointestinal problems were indeed reduced a lot, and his mental state was much better.

The doctor reminds that people who have passed the age of 65 would rather not take a bath for a week than do these 4 things casually

At this point in the story, you may have questions: in addition to these four things, what other things do the elderly need to pay special attention to?

The doctor's advice is:

Pay attention to keeping warm: The elderly are prone to feeling cold due to the slowing down of blood circulation, especially in winter, and should pay more attention to keeping warm to prevent colds and other diseases.

Maintain a moderate amount of exercise: Proper exercise helps to maintain the flexibility of the body and cardiopulmonary function, but avoid strenuous exercise and choose an exercise method that suits you, such as walking, tai chi, etc.

Regular medical check-ups: Elderly people need regular check-ups to detect and treat potential health problems in a timely manner and maintain good health.

Maintain a good mood: A good mental state is very important for the health of the elderly, participate in more social activities, maintain a good mood, and prevent depression and other mental illnesses.

Pay attention to a balanced diet: The diet of the elderly should focus on nutritional balance, eat more vegetables and fruits, consume protein in moderation, and avoid high-salt and high-fat diets.

The doctor reminds that people who have passed the age of 65 would rather not take a bath for a week than do these 4 things casually

Through these daily precautions, combined with the doctor's advice, I believe that everyone can maintain a healthy body and a happy mood in old age.

So the question is: in addition to paying attention to these things, what other health problems do the elderly need to pay special attention to?

Older people need to pay special attention to osteoporosis.

As we age, calcium in our bones is gradually lost, and bone density decreases, which can easily lead to osteoporosis.

Osteoporosis increases the risk of fractures, especially hip, spine and wrist fractures, and has a serious impact on the quality of life of older adults.

Therefore, the elderly need to prevent osteoporosis through diet and exercise, increase the intake of calcium and vitamin D, and carry out appropriate weight-bearing exercises, such as walking, tai chi, etc., to enhance bone strength.

In short, the elderly need to pay more attention to all aspects of life, maintain healthy living habits, and prevent various health problems in order to have a happy life in old age.

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