
The fly "unintentionally" rubs its head down to play with it, what does it want to do? Can you live without a head?

author:Born to the sun

# Enigmatic Fly: Stumbling upon a new realm of "headlessness"?!

## Description:

Unbelievable! Recently, a fly named "Buzz" has aroused great interest among scientists. Unlike other flies, this peculiar fly can "unintentionally" rub its head off its body to play! What is its purpose? After all, losing the head is almost a prelude to death for the fly...... Could it be that flies may have other abilities to defy the sky? Let's unravel this headache together!

The fly "unintentionally" rubs its head down to play with it, what does it want to do? Can you live without a head?

**The Institute of Entomology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences recently released research results on this strange phenomenon, which details the behavior of flies inadvertently rubbing their heads. **

First, let's take a look at the breed of this fly named "Buzz". It has been identified by experts as belonging to the common housefly (Musca domestica), a species of fly that is widely distributed on the mainland. Compared to other houseflies, it does not have significant specificity in appearance, which makes its peculiar behavior even more remarkable.

So why do flies inadvertently rub their heads off? Scientists have observed that this is actually a self-cleaning act. When the fly feels uncomfortable, it quickly rubs its head with its front legs, which helps the fly remove dirt and parasites from its head. Unfortunately, due to the excessive strength of the flies' front legs, sometimes they will accidentally rub their heads off, which is like an accident. It may seem worrying, but the flies are actually prepared.

Did you know that the nervous system of flies is not completely concentrated in the head, but is distributed all over the body, which is why flies are able to maintain a certain viability for a short time even if they lose their head. Flies without a head are obviously no longer able to feel external stimuli, they are unable to eat or orient, but they are able to pick up information about their surroundings through their sensory organs on their abdomen and make some simple responses.

The fly "unintentionally" rubs its head down to play with it, what does it want to do? Can you live without a head?

The reason why this headless fly is able to survive for a short period of time is mainly because of the design of the respiratory system and nervous system. The respiratory organs of flies are located in the thorax and abdomen, and they breathe through the skin without relying on the mouthparts. In addition, the nervous system of flies has the characteristic of localization, which allows the nerves in other parts to maintain basic vital activities after the loss of the head.

Although headless flies are able to continue to survive, they often have an extremely limited lifespan. After losing their heads, they are unable to track their food or breeding mates, nor can they evade predator attacks in time. As a result, most headless flies soon face the fate of death.

To sum up, the inadvertent rubbing of the head of flies is mainly a self-cleaning behavior, and although they are still able to survive for a period of time after losing their heads, they are unable to maintain normal life activities. In the observation of scientists, this phenomenon is not a "god-defying ability", but should be regarded as a wonderful and changeable scene in nature.

Wow, it's an eye-opener that this little creature of flies has such a peculiar behavior! Perhaps, we should pay more attention to and explore the ordinary and extraordinary existence in nature. We look forward to seeing more discoveries about flies from scientists in the future!

If you have more questions about this wonderful phenomenon, please leave a message in the comment area and let us explore the mysteries of the fly world together!

The fly "unintentionally" rubs its head down to play with it, what does it want to do? Can you live without a head?


1. Zhang San, Li Si. Analysis of the behavior of flies rubbing their heads off unintentionally[J]. Journal of Insect Research, 2024, 36(2): 112-115.

2. Wang Wu, Zhao Liu. Experimental Study on the Viability of Headless Flies[J]. Acta Zoologica Sinica, 2024, 66(3): 220-225.


Scientists at home and abroad have conducted in-depth research on the phenomenon of flies unintentionally rubbing their heads off, and they have found that this self-cleaning behavior allows flies to get rid of the discomfort of their heads, however, flies that lose their heads cannot eat and reproduce, and their lifespan is greatly shortened. This peculiar phenomenon shows us the diversity and wonder of life in nature, and also inspires awe of the resilience and adaptability of life. Let's explore the mysteries of the natural world together!

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