
In 1953, someone spent 2 yuan to ask Qi Baishi for painting, but Qi Baishi only painted 2 pieces of salted duck eggs, and the other party accompanied him with a smile: "It's a little plain." Qi Baishi added 1 fly with a stroke of his pen, right

author:Fusu Historical Records

In 1953, someone spent 2 yuan to ask Qi Baishi for painting, but Qi Baishi only painted 2 pieces of salted duck eggs, and the other party accompanied him with a smile: "It's a little plain." Qi Baishi added 1 fly with a stroke of his pen, and the other party was dumbfounded. Unexpectedly, in 2007, this painting was auctioned for a high price of 517,500 yuan.

Sometimes, whether it is a painting or a person, the fame at the time can be described as average, but as the long river of history rolls forward, the background of these people and things is highlighted.

Although Qi Baishi is a master of painting, when he was young, he did not like to paint since he was a child, at the beginning, he studied carving, and painting a little edge, but later, he had the idea of starting to write, because of a "painting book".

He was fascinated by the vivid flora and fauna on it, so he couldn't help but have the idea of depicting it. He wanted to see what his paintings would look like.

This painting doesn't matter, it actually "forced" his painting talent out.

As his fame grew, he also made a rule that he would first tell the price, otherwise he would not talk about it, and that the price of the painting would be set by him, and that no bargaining would be allowed, unless he was willing, no amount of words would help.

Gradually, people came one after another, and they all knew that one of the people's preferences was to paint flies, and later people jokingly praised this as his finishing touch.

If there is no embellishment, those people are not willing, because in their opinion, it is not vivid enough, and the combination of movement and stillness in the painting is called a stroke of genius, but this is another price.

Since people who ask for "mosquitoes" come one after another, they must come according to the rules, but if they want to "white wolf with empty gloves", they have no money and such a request, and they will draw a dead mosquito on the premise of not doing a meaningless battle of words.

At that time, people, regardless of status, even if they had no money, they also wanted to see the style of Qi Baishi's paintings, if they could have it, then naturally they couldn't ask for it, on this day, he met a ragged person.

Although this person has no money, his requirements are not low, he does not understand paintings, but he also wants to get a real painting of Mr. Qi.

Qi Baishi glanced at this person, seeing that he was overstretched, but he still followed the example of others to ask for his paintings, and the money he prepared alone did not match the rules he had set, and he didn't want to talk to this person more, but at that time, sympathy was overflowing, especially after learning that he had traveled a long distance, he was moved by compassion.

His next request made Qi Baishi feel from the bottom of his heart that he didn't know how to paint, because he didn't ask himself to draw shrimp or birds, but anything.

At first, Qi Baishi felt a little embarrassed, but soon, he smiled, in this case, these two yuan, let's draw a duck egg, and thanks to what he came up with, a salted duck egg came into being on paper in an instant, which made people want to drool when they saw it.

But this person was not satisfied, because he knew that Qi Baishi always liked to add something to his paintings, if there were only duck eggs, it would be a little too monotonous.

It is said that "flies don't bite seamless eggs!" "There you have it, you add another fly to me!" He said contentedly.

Qi Baishi's face was embarrassed at first, but soon, he readjusted his mentality and acquiesced, and then he sighed and began to create, because he thought that it was not easy for everyone, after all, he was also from a poor background, so add it.

After Qi Baishi painted everything, this person couldn't help but applaud and applaud, although he couldn't say why, but he felt that as long as it belonged to his pen name, it was understandable and must be worth studying.

This person is also very prescient, you must know that after decades, it is worth a lot of money, and this painting was only two yuan, as time passed, Qi Baishi's reputation rose, and his paintings were later sold for sky-high prices, including this duck egg, which was auctioned to a price of 510,000.

Qi Baishi's paintings are not only like this, just before he closed the pen, a masterpiece "Shou Tao", was later auctioned for a sky-high price, and the one with the highest price naturally got it.

At that time, this painting was painted by Qi Baishi for 80 yuan, who would have thought that after decades, the value of this painting would have increased nearly 30,000 times, and the price reached 1.8 million!

Although this 80 yuan was a high price at the time, it did not stop the people who wanted to paint them. Who can foresee what will happen decades later, otherwise, Qi Baishi's family will definitely be called a good family!

In 1953, someone spent 2 yuan to ask Qi Baishi for painting, but Qi Baishi only painted 2 pieces of salted duck eggs, and the other party accompanied him with a smile: "It's a little plain." Qi Baishi added 1 fly with a stroke of his pen, right
In 1953, someone spent 2 yuan to ask Qi Baishi for painting, but Qi Baishi only painted 2 pieces of salted duck eggs, and the other party accompanied him with a smile: "It's a little plain." Qi Baishi added 1 fly with a stroke of his pen, right
In 1953, someone spent 2 yuan to ask Qi Baishi for painting, but Qi Baishi only painted 2 pieces of salted duck eggs, and the other party accompanied him with a smile: "It's a little plain." Qi Baishi added 1 fly with a stroke of his pen, right

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