
He is the king of comedy, his parents have long passed away, and he has no children at the age of 67!

author:Really talk about entertainment

Photo/Zhenzhen Chat Entertainment

Editing/Zhenzhen Chat Entertainment

He is the king of comedy, his parents have long passed away, and he has no children at the age of 67!


Ge You, the name, contains a legendary and rich life experience behind it. He is deeply imprinted in the Chinese film and television industry with his unique image and excellent acting skills. Ge You is not only an excellent actor, but also a legend who has witnessed the changes of the times and the various states of life. Behind his tired expression and slow pace is the accumulation of years and wisdom. His life, like his performance, is unremarkable, but it is touching because it is true and admirable because of its persistence.

The later life of an old artist

Ge You is a famous Chinese actor whose private life and career show two very different sides. In 1987, he and his wife He Cong were married, and they loved each other deeply, and despite differences in living habits and sometimes arguing over them, they still worked together for 35 years. They had made the decision not to have children, and although it was not universally accepted in society at the time, they persevered.

He is the king of comedy, his parents have long passed away, and he has no children at the age of 67!

Ge You has a desire for his children in his heart, but he is worried that he will not be able to be a qualified father. After his father Ge Cunzhuang suddenly had a cerebral infarction and died, and his mother Shi Wenxin passed away, Ge You began to feel the loneliness brought by having no heirs. However, he officially adopted Fu Zien in 2018 and filled the void in his life by treating him as his biological son. This young man is the biological son of Ge You's friend Fu Biao, and has been loved by Ge You since he was a child.

"I treat him like my own son and I want him to treat me like a real son." Ge You said so sincerely. Since then, he has been secretly funding and following Fu Zien's life and career development. Influenced by Ge You, Fu Zien gradually became interested in movies, and entered the showbiz with Ge You's recommendation and participated in the filming of many film and television works.

He is the king of comedy, his parents have long passed away, and he has no children at the age of 67!

Despite his limited acting skills, Fu Zien is passionate about his acting career, while Ge You, as his "godfather", patiently guides him on the sidelines, sharing his skills and experience. Ge You deeply understands the preciousness of family affection, especially as he gets older. In recent years, Ge You often mentioned in interviews that his biggest regret was that he did not have children back then. "If only I had a child, I wouldn't be so lonely." He once sighed.

Shonen Tachi Taishi

In 1976, after graduating from high school, Ge You was assigned to a farm in Changping to join the team, and it was only then that he gradually came into contact with the magical art form of film, and slowly ignited his passion for acting. His father Ge Cunzhuang is a famous actor, and his mother Shi Wenxin is a screenwriter of a Chinese film studio.

He is the king of comedy, his parents have long passed away, and he has no children at the age of 67!

Despite the poverty of his family, this dream seemed unattainable in the eyes of ordinary people, but Ge You did not lose heart. His parents wanted Ge You to pursue an artistic career like them, but he didn't think so. Although he had some literary and artistic talents when he was in school, he would become extremely nervous and stammering on some important occasions, and even preferred to shrink in the corner rather than stand in front of the stage.

When he wanders the streets and alleys, he is often attracted by the performances of the troupe. Despite his poor family, the young Ge You had an extraordinary dream burning in his heart. He understands that to become a good actor, it takes unimaginable effort. The young Ge You showed extraordinary talent and hard work. His performances are natural and pure, as if he was born to exist for the stage.

He is the king of comedy, his parents have long passed away, and he has no children at the age of 67!

However, this road to chasing dreams is full of thorns. He began to learn acting with the troupe, starting from the most basic vocalization and steps, and accumulating acting skills bit by bit. The young Ge You secretly vowed that one day, he would also become an excellent actor like them, shine on the stage, and win the applause of the audience.

The road to art was not smooth, and Ge Xian applied for many art academies such as Chinese Opera and Beiying, but he failed in the exams again and again. In the face of the doubts of the examiners and the criticism of the elders, Ge You was unwilling and persistent in his heart. In the end, he officially started his career as an actor by participating in the selection of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions Art Troupe.

He is the king of comedy, his parents have long passed away, and he has no children at the age of 67!

A turning point in his acting career

In 1988, it attracted the attention of director Feng Xiaogang. Feng Xiaogang was already a well-known director at that time, and his works attracted many outstanding actors to participate. He won the recognition of Director Feng for his wonderful performance in "The Story of the Editorial Department". The audience also highly recognized his performance, especially his vivid interpretation of the role of "Li Dongbao".

He won the Golden Eagle Award for Best Actor for this play. In 1997, the two worked together again and jointly filmed the movie "Party A and Party B", which was humorous and witty and widely popular. The famous sentence in the movie, "The landlord's family has no surplus grain" is still talked about today and has become a popular meme on the Internet. The cooperation between the two was very successful, and directly became the focus of the year, and even promoted the concept of "Chinese New Year" movies, which profoundly affected people's impressions.

He is the king of comedy, his parents have long passed away, and he has no children at the age of 67!

Since then, they have become golden partners, and Ge You has performed brilliantly in every Feng Xiaogang movie, You You in "Big Bowl" and Uncle Li in "No Thieves in the World". Although he mainly focuses on comedic roles, Ge You also tries to challenge other types of roles, and Feng Xiaogang is his long-time mentor and friend, providing him with these opportunities.

In "Night Banquet", he successfully portrayed the role of Emperor Li, breaking the traditional impression of the audience. In the release of the "Do Not Disturb" series, he played the role of Qin Fen, and his unique interpretation made these movies repeatedly set box office records and won the love and recognition of a wide range of audiences.

He is the king of comedy, his parents have long passed away, and he has no children at the age of 67!

Whenever he takes on a new role, Ge You will strive to present the character's character deeply and three-dimensionally by repeatedly studying the script and practicing his lines diligently. At the rehearsal site, he often rehearses intently in front of the mirror, striving to interpret every subtle expression and movement of the character with great precision. Even director Feng Xiaogang once gave sincere praise to Ge You's performance: "He is a crazy artist who is extremely strict with the portrayal of the role. ”


He is the king of comedy, with a wealth of acting experience and a unique style of humor. However, in life, he suffered from loneliness. In his long 67 years of life, he has experienced too many partings. His parents passed away one after another, leaving him alone to face the world. He had no children, no family, and loneliness became the norm in his life. With his laughter and performing arts, he soothed the hearts of countless people and became an indispensable comedy master in the hearts of a generation.