
Just today! The new journey of "rejuvenation" has begun......

author:The official account of Xiqing Rong Media

In order to promote the solid development of large-scale consumer goods trade-in activities in Xiqing District and meet the needs of residents for a better life and quality of life, on the morning of June 18, the Xiqing District Bureau of Commerce, together with Tianjin Rural Commercial Bank and a number of enterprises in the district, jointly held the "Launching Ceremony of Consumer Goods Trade-in Activities in Xiqing District".

Just today! The new journey of "rejuvenation" has begun......

At the launching ceremony, the relevant person in charge of Tianjin Rural Commercial Bank said in his speech that the bank will give full play to its financial advantages, provide convenient financial services for trade-in activities, help consumers achieve shopping upgrades, and contribute to promoting local economic development. Subsequently, the main responsible comrades of the Xiqing District Bureau of Commerce introduced the efforts and achievements made by Xiqing District in promoting the upgrading of consumer goods, and emphasized the importance of the trade-in activities of consumer goods to promote regional economic development and improve the quality of life of the masses. Through the event, it can not only effectively promote the release of consumption potential, but also promote green consumption and help sustainable development.

Just today! The new journey of "rejuvenation" has begun......

In the release session, representatives of IKEA, Suning Tesco, Jietongda, Qiangqi Environmental Protection and Rural Commercial Bank gave detailed interpretations of the trade-in policies in their respective fields. They said that they will take this event as an opportunity to launch more preferential policies and high-quality services, so that consumers can truly enjoy the benefits and convenience of trade-in.

Just today! The new journey of "rejuvenation" has begun......

Subsequently, Wang Yuyi, deputy head of Xiqing District, and the heads of relevant functional departments of Tianjin Municipal Bureau of Commerce, the main responsible comrades of Xiqing District Bureau of Commerce, the main responsible comrades of Zhongbei Town and enterprise representatives jointly launched the "Juhui Xiqing, Rejuvenate Life" consumer goods trade-in activity in Xiqing District. During the event, the guests and consumers observed the exhibition area of new products. The dazzling array of new products in the exhibition area attracted many attention, and consumers stopped to experience the new experience brought by product upgrades. At the same time, the home, home appliances and mini car shows also kicked off, providing consumers with a one-stop shopping platform.

Just today! The new journey of "rejuvenation" has begun......

It is understood

Xiqing District Bureau of Commerce will use

The launching ceremony was an opportunity

Linkage of key towns and towns

Organize commercial carriers, automobile sales enterprises

Home furnishings, home appliances, financial institutions, etc

Cross-industry linkage

Constantly launch a variety of promotions

Let consumers enjoy the fun of shopping at the same time

You can also really enjoy the policy dividends

Just today! The new journey of "rejuvenation" has begun......
Just today! The new journey of "rejuvenation" has begun......
Just today! The new journey of "rejuvenation" has begun......
Just today! The new journey of "rejuvenation" has begun......
Just today! The new journey of "rejuvenation" has begun......
Just today! The new journey of "rejuvenation" has begun......

"Juhui Xiqing Rejuvenates Life"

Home furnishings, home appliances, and automobiles are displayed on site


June 18th

It lasts from 10:00 a.m. to 22:00 p.m


Under the overpass corridor near the north entrance and exit of the IKEA North Mall

Participating Businesses

IKEA home improvement product display

Suning home appliance display

Mini Car Show

Wenjie, BYD, Volvo, Volkswagen,


New models such as Deep Blue, Qiyuan, and Ruifeng

Trade-in method

A series of products such as old home appliances, old furniture, and automobiles can be valued and exchanged at the event site (each company will have a different exchange policy, and the specific situation can be found on site)

Trade-in activities for consumer goods in Xiqing District

The trade-in activity of consumer goods in Xiqing District is not only a specific measure to promote the implementation of the national consumer goods trade-in policy, but also one of the series of supporting activities of the "2024 Consumption Promotion Year". Since the beginning of the year, Xiqing District has promoted the trade-in of old cars, and has successfully held two phases of automobile consumption promotion activities, by increasing the amount of government subsidies, increasing second-hand car purchase subsidies, encouraging car companies to superimpose replacement subsidies and other measures, for consumers to make real profits, has achieved remarkable results. In the first quarter, the growth rate of total social retail sales in Xiqing District ranked first in the city, injecting strong impetus into regional economic development.

On this basis, Xiqing District adheres to the principle of "government support, enterprise profits, financial assistance, and residents benefit", and links up with leading enterprises in home furnishings, home appliances, automobiles, material returns, banks and other formats, and launches a series of activities to trade in consumer goods for new ones. At the same time, we will continue to optimize the policy of promoting consumption, innovate the trade-in scenario, improve the shopping experience of consumers, and strive to expand and strengthen the market at both ends of supply and demand, and better create a social atmosphere of "it is easier to replace the old with the new".