
On the eve of the wedding, my fiancé suddenly disappeared, and three days later I found out the reason for his departure

author:Xiaoqing's emotional story

I never imagined that my life would change so dramatically on the eve of my wedding.

That night, my friends gathered to celebrate me, talking and laughing and talking about tomorrow's wedding with great anticipation. After three rounds of drinking, I looked at my fiancé Chen Yang, who was also smiling at me, his eyes full of tenderness. We have been together for four years, experienced many ups and downs, and finally entered the palace of marriage. I feel like the happiest woman in the world.

On the eve of the wedding, my fiancé suddenly disappeared, and three days later I found out the reason for his departure

However, when I woke up the next morning, I found that Chen Yang was gone. At first I thought he was just going to prepare for the wedding, but an hour, two hours later, his phone never got through. I began to feel a little uneasy, and anxiety and fear gradually took over my heart.

Everyone was asking me, "Where did Chen Yang go?" Why didn't you see him? I could only force a smile and reply, "He may have gone to take care of the wedding and will be back soon." "But I knew in my heart that it was far from that simple.

At the wedding, the guests were waiting for the groom to appear, and there was no message on my phone. My mood changed from anticipation to despair, and from despair to anger. I felt abandoned, abandoned by the people I trusted the most in the most important moments.

Three days later, Chen Yang finally appeared. He looked haggard, his eyes full of apology and exhaustion. He told me that his ex-girlfriend had been in a car accident and was seriously injured, and that he couldn't go to the hospital to take care of her when he got the news. When I heard these words, I felt a mixture of anger, disappointment, and a deep sense of powerlessness.

"You left me, the night before our wedding!" My voice trembled, and tears flowed down my face.

"I'm sorry, I really can't help it. She needs me. Chen Yang lowered his head, not daring to look into my eyes.

"She needs you, but what about me? Don't I need you? I shouted angrily.

"I ...... I don't know what to say. Chen Yang's voice became lower and lower, and finally he was almost inaudible.

I'm speechless. It turns out that the relationship between us seems so insignificant in the face of the critical moment of the ex-girlfriend's life. I suddenly felt like a joke, and the happiness I had always had been an illusion was an illusion.

On the eve of the wedding, my fiancé suddenly disappeared, and three days later I found out the reason for his departure

Back at home, I sat alone on the couch, and my mind kept flashing through the last four years. I don't understand why he could so easily leave me behind to take care of someone who is long gone. Wasn't I ever that important in his heart?

When my friends learned about this, they all fought for me. Someone said, "This kind of man is not worth it for you to feel sorry for him." I was advised, "Divide it as soon as possible, and don't get hurt again." But some people also expressed understanding: "Maybe he still has feelings for his ex-girlfriend, this kind of thing is really difficult to explain." ”

I struggled inwardly and didn't know how to deal with this sudden change. Is love really that fragile? Are the promises we once made really so easy to break?

During that time, I was in a state of self-doubt and reflection almost every day. I began to think back to the bits and pieces of our acquaintance, to recall the sweetness and beauty of those times. I can't believe that the man who was so gentle and considerate to me would leave me at our most important moment.

But as time went on, I gradually calmed down and began to try to understand Chen Yang's choice. Perhaps in his heart, the guilt and sense of responsibility for his ex-girlfriend have not disappeared. Perhaps in the face of a critical moment of life, he felt that this was an obligation that he could not escape. In any case, it was a choice he made and I can't change it.

During this time, I also learned to focus more on myself. I started trying new things, meeting new people, and finding joy in life. I have come to understand that love is not the whole of life, and without it, I can still live well.

On the eve of the wedding, my fiancé suddenly disappeared, and three days later I found out the reason for his departure

A month later, Chen Yang found me again. He apologized to me and hoped I could forgive him and give him a chance to start over. I looked at his familiar face, but my heart no longer had the same excitement as it had been.

"Chen Yang, the problem between us is no longer something that can be solved by an apology." I said calmly, "I need time to re-examine the relationship, and you need time to face your heart." ”

He nodded, was silent for a moment, and then turned to leave. I looked at his back and felt a sense of relief. Maybe the relationship has really come to an end, but I'm still grateful for the good times I had.

Life goes on, and I'm going to keep going. Maybe one day in the future, I will meet someone who truly knows how to cherish me. But in any case, I am no longer the girl who lost herself for love. I learned to be strong, I learned to be independent, and I learned how to love myself.