
Cross-border e-commerce success story: the Amazon entrepreneurial journey of husband and wife

author:Open-minded clouds kO1

  [Editor's Foreword]

  In the fierce competition of Amazon cross-border e-commerce, Chen Sen and Yuying, a husband and wife seller, have become leaders in the industry with their unique cooperation model and professional operation strategy. Their story is not only an ode to entrepreneurship, but also a vivid interpretation of dreams and perseverance. Today, we have the pleasure of interviewing Chen Sen and Yuying, let's go into their entrepreneurial world and listen to their stories.

  [Interview Text]

  Editors: Chen Sen, Yuying, hello! First of all, thank you for your time. We know you've been running a store on Amazon for seven years, can you tell us a little bit about your motivation for starting your business?

  Chen Sen: Hello! Our original intention is actually very simple, that is, we hope to apply our experience and expertise in the field of cross-border e-commerce operation to our own business and create a brand that truly belongs to us.

  Yuying: Yes, we decided to start a business together after we got married. We believe that husband-and-wife have the natural advantage of being able to communicate and collaborate better to face the challenges of entrepreneurship together.

  Editor: Sounds very romantic. How do you balance life and work in the process of starting your own business?

  Chen Sen: We believe that life and work are two completely different fields. We give our all when we work, and we support each other in life. We have a very professional professionalism, which allows us to stay focused and efficient on the entrepreneurial journey.

  Yuying: We also have a common dream, which is to travel the world together after making enough money. Hahahaha~ This yearning for a free life has become the driving force for us to continue to move forward on the road of entrepreneurship.

Cross-border e-commerce success story: the Amazon entrepreneurial journey of husband and wife

  Editor: What challenges and difficulties did you encounter in the process of starting your own business?

  Chen Sen: The biggest challenge should be that we encountered an unreliable supplier, which led to the out-of-stock goods and serious losses. During that time, we went through a period of depression, but instead of giving up, we encouraged each other to find solutions to our problems.

  Yuying: But fortunately, in the process, my husband discovered the fingerprint HICUSTOM platform. Through the small batch delivery mode and zero inventory mode of this platform, we have effectively solved the problem of out of stock, and the project has ushered in a new turnaround.

  Editor: Can you elaborate on how the HICUSTOM platform has changed your business?

  Chen Sen: Absolutely. The small batch delivery model of the HICUSTOM platform greatly improves our response speed to market changes. We can quickly replenish the stock according to the order situation, without the need to prepare a large amount of inventory in advance, which greatly reduces our operational risk.

  Yuying: Another point is that the zero-inventory model of the HICUSTOM platform also makes our operations more flexible. We can try more products and strategies without adding additional costs, which opens up more possibilities for our business development.

  Editor: How is your store currently operating?

  Chen Sen: At present, our store is running well. We mainly provide pan-boutique products for mid-to-high-end consumer groups in the North American market. The store maintains about a dozen stable links, and the average daily order volume and profit of each link are relatively stable.

  Yuying: The most important thing is that our store has a good reputation on Amazon~ It has won the trust of many consumers.

Cross-border e-commerce success story: the Amazon entrepreneurial journey of husband and wife

  Editor: As a veteran seller, do you have any experience that you can share with newbies?

  Chen Sen: I think the most important thing for novice sellers is to have a professional professionalism and an attitude of continuous learning. At the same time, finding a reliable supply chain platform, such as HICUSTOM, is also very crucial.

  Yuying: Yes, it's really important to choose the right supply chain! We are grateful for the support of the fingerprint HICUSTOM platform, which provides us with a strong backing and helps us go further on the road of entrepreneurship.

  Editor: How do you stay innovative and competitive in the process of starting a business?

  Chen Sen: We always maintain sensitivity to market trends and constantly learn new operational knowledge and skills. At the same time, we also focus on product and service innovation to meet the changing needs of consumers.

Cross-border e-commerce success story: the Amazon entrepreneurial journey of husband and wife

  Yuying: We also pay great attention to communication and interaction with consumers, and continuously optimize our products and services by collecting their feedback and suggestions.

  Editor: Do you have any new plans or goals for the future?

  Chen Sen: We plan to further expand our business scope and explore more overseas markets. At the same time, we also hope to help more entrepreneurs succeed in the field of cross-border e-commerce through our experience and knowledge.

  Yuying: We also plan to realize our dream of traveling around the world in the next few years. We believe that as long as we have dreams and persistence, we will be able to create our own wonderful.

  Editor: Haha, then I sincerely wish the two of you to fulfill your dreams as soon as possible and have a happy marriage! Thank you both for accepting my interview~


  The story of Chen Sen and Yuying has given us a lot of inspiration. Their entrepreneurial spirit, persistence in their dreams, and professional attitude are all worth learning from. They use their own experience to tell us that as long as they have dreams and perseverance, even in the highly competitive field of cross-border e-commerce, they can create their own world. Their story continues. We wish them every success in their future ventures.

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