
He was a popular child star in the 80s, worked in a restaurant as an adult, and his parents have passed away and are still unmarried

author:Bug University Hall
He was a popular child star in the 80s, worked in a restaurant as an adult, and his parents have passed away and are still unmarried

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He was a popular child star in the 80s, worked in a restaurant as an adult, and his parents have passed away and are still unmarried

On the streets of Beijing in the cold spring of 2023, a middle-aged man walked alone, he was short, ordinary in appearance, and his face was slightly vicissitudes. Pedestrians rushed through the street, and no one stopped to look at him.

Who would have thought that the hottest child star in the 1980s turned out to be Fang Chao.

Today, the 47-year-old Fang Chao is a well-known producer and director. His work "Thirty-Nine Degrees of Youth" was widely acclaimed, and his career can be described as smooth sailing.

In 1979, Fang Chao, who was only 3 years old, embarked on the road of child star because he was favored by director Xie Jin. At that time, Xie Jin was preparing to shoot the movie "Ah! Cradle", due to the lack of suitable child stars in the crew, Fang Chao's uncle recommended his nephew to Xie Jin.

He was a popular child star in the 80s, worked in a restaurant as an adult, and his parents have passed away and are still unmarried

Fang Chao, who stepped on the screen for the first time, won everyone's love with his innocent performance.

Since then, Fang Chao has begun his brilliant career as a child star. He starred in a number of films such as "Bitter Fruit", "Wrangler" and "Spring Dingdong", each of which received enthusiastic praise from the audience.

Fang Chao is deeply loved by the audience because of his sweet smile and smart eyes, and he is extremely well-known and is an idol in the hearts of countless children of the same age. In addition, Fang Chao has also won many big and small awards and has become a leader in the entertainment industry.

However, when he looks back now, it feels like everything is a world away. No one calls him "Little Chaochao" anymore, and no one remembers the boy who babbled on the screen.

He was a popular child star in the 80s, worked in a restaurant as an adult, and his parents have passed away and are still unmarried

Time flies, time flies, and the glorious years of child stars have long disappeared.

Standing in front of the huge billboard, Fang Chao silently looked at his poster, which had his own name printed on it. The years have changed his appearance, but the stubbornness and persistence in his heart remain the same.

Although he is no longer the child star, he understands that he still needs to continue on this path and write the chapter of his life in his own way.

"Although the child star of the past is no longer there, I, Fang Chao, still exist." He told himself, and then continued to stride forward, to the future, to hope.

He was a popular child star in the 80s, worked in a restaurant as an adult, and his parents have passed away and are still unmarried

While Fang Chao became popular, his mother Liu Liya had her own concerns. As a mother who understands righteousness, she doesn't want her son Fang Chao's studies to be ruined because of his acting career.

Therefore, when Fang Chao was 7 years old, Liu Liya made a very important decision. Outside of the winter and summer vacations, Fang Chao must devote himself wholeheartedly to his studies and can no longer participate in any film and television shooting.

At first, Fang Chao was reluctant to do this, he loved acting deeply and longed to stand in the spotlight. However, Liu Liya's words hit him straight to the heart: "Child, you have to understand that cultural knowledge is equally important.

Fang Chao listened to his mother's advice and began to seek a balance between studying and acting, and only by learning knowledge well can he become an excellent actor.

He was a popular child star in the 80s, worked in a restaurant as an adult, and his parents have passed away and are still unmarried

Fang Chao was a smart and studious student at school. He is very serious in class and completes his homework carefully, which makes teachers and classmates like him very much. After school, he will quickly complete his homework and prepare for the upcoming winter and summer vacations.

As soon as the holidays arrived, Fang Chao threw himself into the intense shooting, and he knew that this was the precious time he had invested in realizing his dream.

However, even in the middle of a semester, sometimes opportunities come out of nowhere. One day in the fifth grade of primary school, Fang Chao suddenly received a temporary invitation, and the crew hoped that he could star in the movie "Panda Story".

For Fang Chao, who is keen on performing, this is undoubtedly a rare opportunity. He looked at his mother with a pleading. After seeing her son's expectant eyes, Liu Liya finally nodded in agreement.

He was a popular child star in the 80s, worked in a restaurant as an adult, and his parents have passed away and are still unmarried

During the shooting, Fang Chao performed well. He went back and forth between the crew and the school, working and studying day and night. Although exhausted, he always had a happy smile on his face.

He understands that this is the price he must bear on the way to pursue his dreams.

After returning to school, Fang Chao quickly threw himself into his studies, doing his best to make up for the lessons he missed during filming, striving to strike a balance between studying and acting. Teachers and classmates were touched by his hard work, and they knew that the boy was writing an extraordinary life story in his own way.

In 1994, 18-year-old Fang Chao entered the examination room of Beijing Film Academy with the dream of being an actor. But because his height was not up to standard, his ideals were shattered in an instant.

He was a popular child star in the 80s, worked in a restaurant as an adult, and his parents have passed away and are still unmarried

At that moment, Fang Chao felt that the heavens and the earth were spinning, and he stood outside the examination room blankly, not knowing where to go.

Frustrated, Fang Chao decided to try his luck in the bustling city of Shanghai, where he is looking forward to finding his own stage again. Once again, however, reality struck him mercilessly.

Due to his lack of education and experience, Fang Chao was unable to find any acting-related jobs. In order to survive, he had to work in a small restaurant and live a precarious life, not only serving dishes but also washing dishes.

Facing the smoke and hustle and bustle every day, Fang Chao's heart was full of bitterness. He was unwilling to give up his dream, but reality pushed him step by step into the abyss of despair.

He was a popular child star in the 80s, worked in a restaurant as an adult, and his parents have passed away and are still unmarried

Once, he almost burned his hand, and at that moment he even felt the urge to give up.

Just when Fang Chao felt extremely helpless, an unexpected encounter changed everything. That day, he was serving dishes in the restaurant when a guest suddenly stopped him, and when he looked up, it turned out to be Shao Feng, an actor who had worked together.

Shao Feng was shocked by Fang Chao's situation and was saddened by the blow he had suffered. He encouraged Fang Chao not to give up and promised him that he would do his best to help him.

Shao Feng kept his promise and ran around for Fang Chao. He worked tirelessly to recommend, and finally helped Fang Chao get a chance to play tricks. Although this role is only a small role, for Fang Chao, this is a light in his life.

He was a popular child star in the 80s, worked in a restaurant as an adult, and his parents have passed away and are still unmarried

He cherishes this rare opportunity very much, and ponders every role wholeheartedly, and his acting skills are gradually recognized by the director, and his roles gradually increase.

However, Fang Chao found that his life was not as smooth as expected. As an adult, he has lost his former aura in the entertainment industry, and he is no longer a child star in the limelight, but an ordinary actor who needs to work hard step by step from the bottom.

The role is favored, and he is always positioned as a supporting role and cannot stand out.

Despite the difficulties, Fang Chao never gave up. He understands that this is the beginning of his new journey, and he wants to prove that the innocent boy has grown into a resilient man.

He was a popular child star in the 80s, worked in a restaurant as an adult, and his parents have passed away and are still unmarried

In the dead of night, Fang Chao always thinks of his years as a child star. Although the applause and praise have become a thing of the past, he knows that the boy who loves acting has never left him.

He is confident that he will continue to walk in the future, even if it will take a long time to return to the stage, but he has no regrets, because one day, he will be able to tell his story to the fullest.

There are always ups and downs in life, and we are constantly suffering setbacks and difficulties in the process of pursuing our dreams. Fang Chao's experience is also a portrayal of many ordinary people. Although life is not easy, as long as we have hope in our hearts and do not give up the pursuit of our dreams, one day, we will definitely reach the other side of our dreams.

After several years of hard work, Fang Chao gradually emerged in the entertainment industry. However, he knows that it is difficult for him to gain a long-term foothold in a highly competitive industry as an actor alone. So, he started thinking about transformation and trying to develop behind the scenes.

He was a popular child star in the 80s, worked in a restaurant as an adult, and his parents have passed away and are still unmarried

In 2006, the opportunity came. Fang Chao decided to devote himself to the producer industry, and with his years of acting experience and connections, he quickly adapted to this new role. He participated in the production of excellent film and television works such as "Hukou" and "Growing Up", which fully demonstrated his talent behind the scenes.

The producer's work is hard, but Fang Chaole enjoys it. He loves the creative process and sees the stories he creates come to life on screen. In order to keep improving, he often works overtime late into the night, meticulously crafting every detail.

Due to his hard work and intentions, his works have gradually been recognized by the industry, and he has gradually emerged in this field.

In 2012, Fang Chao decided to challenge himself and devote himself to the career of directing. His debut television drama "39 Degrees of Youth" received critical acclaim, which gave him a taste of success.

He was a popular child star in the 80s, worked in a restaurant as an adult, and his parents have passed away and are still unmarried

He told himself that this was just the beginning, and that he had the ability to shoot more excellent works and let more people see his talent.

However, while his career was booming, life hit him hard. In 2016, his father died, and in 2018, his mother also left him.

In just two years, Fang Chao lost two of his closest relatives one after another.

Under the guidance of his friends, Fang Chao gradually walked out of the haze. He knew that his parents in the heavenly spirit did not want to see him like this. So, he actively put himself into his work and used his work to relieve the pain in his heart.

He was a popular child star in the 80s, worked in a restaurant as an adult, and his parents have passed away and are still unmarried

Based on his dear parents, he directed the film "My Father and Mother".

Fang Chao has tasted the sweetness of success on the road of his career, but also experienced the bitterness of loss. He deeply understands that life is always a mixture of joys and sorrows, and the key is to learn to face it strongly.

Fang Chao was full of emotion about his own career in art. He has grown from an innocent and immature child star to a mature and stable director today, and has experienced countless ups and downs. However, no matter how many hardships he went through, he never gave up his love for movies.

This deep love has always been his driving force and will continue to guide him in the future.

He was a popular child star in the 80s, worked in a restaurant as an adult, and his parents have passed away and are still unmarried

In front of his parents' tombstones, Fang Chao gently stroked the cold stone tablet with his fingers. Tears moistened the corners of his eyes, but there was a smile on his lips. He knew that although his parents were gone, their love would always be with him.

He wants to spend the rest of his life to fulfill his parents' expectations and create more value.

Fang Chao's life is a behind-the-scenes transformation with mixed joys and sorrows. This is a portrayal of him, and of many. There are always ups and downs in life, and the key is to learn to grow through hardships and find strength in grief.

As long as there is love in the heart, life will always be full of hope.

He was a popular child star in the 80s, worked in a restaurant as an adult, and his parents have passed away and are still unmarried

With the passage of time, Fang Chao's emotional problems have become a "heart disease" for him. Living alone in Beijing, although he has a successful career, his loneliness is becoming stronger and stronger.

In the old days, when he was an innocent little boy, his parents were always by his side, giving him endless love and care. They care about his life, care about his feelings, and always urge him to find the other half of his life as soon as possible.

However, now that both parents have passed away, the matter is no longer mentioned.

Fang Chao longs for love and hopes to share the bits and pieces of life with someone, but due to the nature of his work, he does not have enough time and energy to manage a relationship.

He was a popular child star in the 80s, worked in a restaurant as an adult, and his parents have passed away and are still unmarried

Producers and directors have a hectic schedule, often working late into the night, or even through the night, and the hectic pace of life makes it impossible for them to take care of their personal feelings.

In addition, Fang Chao also understands that he is not the male protagonist in romantic movies. His height is not outstanding, and his appearance is not outstanding. In this era of looking at faces, he doesn't have much advantage in the emotional market.

Although he is full of kindness and warmth in his heart, he does not seem to attract the attention of the opposite sex.

Fang Chao tried to fall in love several times, but all of them ended in failure. Some girls choose to leave him because he is too busy, feeling that he cannot give them enough company; There are also some girls who feel that he is not considerate enough, romantic enough, and does not know how to create surprises; Other girls just regard him as a popular child star and don't really understand his heart.

He was a popular child star in the 80s, worked in a restaurant as an adult, and his parents have passed away and are still unmarried

These failed experiences made Fang Chao lose more and more confidence.

In the dead of night, Fang Chao often sat alone in front of the window, staring at the brilliant lights outside the window. He thought back to his childhood self, the boy who was radiant on the screen, as if he was getting farther and farther away from his current self.

However, Fang Chao is not a person who gives up easily. He knows that his relationship is the same as his career, and he needs to work hard to strive for it. So, he began to try to change himself and take the initiative to meet new people.

He actively participates in various social activities, has the courage to broaden his network, and at the same time learns to be considerate and attentive to others' feelings.

He was a popular child star in the 80s, worked in a restaurant as an adult, and his parents have passed away and are still unmarried

Fang Chao understands that there is still a long way to go, but he believes that as long as he persists, he will meet the right person one day. Until then, he will choose to enjoy life and learn to live with loneliness.

Emotional problems, loneliness in the heart, this is a problem that many people will face. In the fast-paced modern life, we often lose sight of our inner needs.

As long as we face it bravely and change positively, we will eventually find our own happiness.

As Fang Chao said: "I firmly believe that love is like a movie, although the beginning is a little slow, but as long as we remain patient, we will definitely usher in a bright ending." "

He was a popular child star in the 80s, worked in a restaurant as an adult, and his parents have passed away and are still unmarried

In the course of more than 40 years of life, Fang Chao has rich life experience and deep feelings. His life is like a movie, full of ups and downs, highs and lows, laughter and tears.

When recalling the glory of his childhood, Fang Chao still remembers it vividly. That energetic little boy showed his brightest smile on the big screen. His name has been heard by everyone on the streets, and his photos have appeared on the covers of various magazines.

At that time, he thought that his good times would last forever, and that success and applause would always be with him.

However, time flies, and time is merciless. When Fang Chao gradually grew up and faced the reality, he found that the aura of a child star was no longer there.

He was a popular child star in the 80s, worked in a restaurant as an adult, and his parents have passed away and are still unmarried

As an adult, he suffered a cold reception in the entertainment industry, and could only work silently behind the scenes. Although he has become an excellent producer and director with his own efforts, deep down, he has always had an irreparable regret - the little boy who shines in the spotlight can never come back.

Today, the 47-year-old Fang Chao is still single. He lives alone in Beijing, working day after day, facing empty rooms day after day, longing for love, longing for someone to spend the rest of his life with, but real life always jokes with him.

Fang Chao occasionally thinks that if he hadn't chosen the path of acting, would his life be different? If he could have a happy family like ordinary people, wouldn't he be so lonely? But he immediately shook his head again, he understood that these were just meaningless assumptions.

His acting career is closely linked to his life, which is both his own choice and his fate.

He was a popular child star in the 80s, worked in a restaurant as an adult, and his parents have passed away and are still unmarried

Despite the bitterness of life, Fang Chao never regretted his choice. He loves acting and movies, and this passion has always been the strongest motivation on his life path.

He is convinced that as long as he persists and works hard, one day, he will find that shining self again on the screen.

Fang Chao's life picture is composed of the glory of the past and the loneliness of today, this former smash hit child star is now walking alone on the road of life. His experience is touching and awe-inspiring.

In this impetuous society, there are very few people who can stick to their dreams and continue to work hard.

He was a popular child star in the 80s, worked in a restaurant as an adult, and his parents have passed away and are still unmarried

Perhaps, Fang Chao's life is like a mirror, reflecting the inner world of our ordinary people. Each of us has our own dreams and pursuits, is living our own lives, and enjoying our own joys and sorrows.

The key is that we learn to maintain a pure heart under the pressure of reality.

As Fang Chao said: "My life is like a movie. Although the plot has ups and downs, and although the ending is still unknown, I believe that as long as I continue to act patiently, one day, I will usher in a perfect curtain call of my own.

He took Fang Chao as his life belief to bring you an in-depth revelation about life.

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