
Sammo Hung only accepts two apprentices in his life, one is a first-line superstar, and the other is lying down to make money

author:Autumn Wind Quest for Knowledge
Sammo Hung only accepts two apprentices in his life, one is a first-line superstar, and the other is lying down to make money
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Sammo Hung only accepts two apprentices in his life, one is a first-line superstar, and the other is lying down to make money

Sammo Hung, a legend in the Hong Kong martial arts film industry, has a unique and unique life. As a grandmaster of a generation, he scolded Fang Xuan in the film industry and took on the responsibility of countless wonderful action scenes.

What's more worth mentioning is that in the course of his brilliant career, only two lucky people won this honor and were personally accepted by him as his disciples.

They are the popular superstar Peng Yuyan, and the low-key and introverted but martial arts master Zou Zhaolong. These two filmmakers with different backgrounds and personalities, under Sammo Hung's careful teaching, each wrote their own chapter in life.

Although their achievements are inseparable from their personal hard work, it is worth mentioning that it is the guidance of the Master Hung that has allowed them to find the direction and unremitting motivation to move forward.

Sammo Hung only accepts two apprentices in his life, one is a first-line superstar, and the other is lying down to make money

Peng Yuyan can be described as a model of contemporary idols. His handsome facial features, outstanding acting skills and fanatical pursuit of martial arts have made countless boys and girls crazy. At the beginning of his fame, he was just an unknown little transparent, relying on his lonely courage to fight alone on this thorny road of no return.

Until 2014, he cooperated with Sammo Hung in the movie "Once Upon a Time", Sammo Hung had insight into talents, took a fancy to his potential on the spot, and accepted him as an apprentice without hesitation.

Peng Yuyan was flattered and burst into tears. As a martial arts enthusiast, it is a great honor for him to be personally instructed by this grandmaster. Since then, he has unswervingly pursued martial arts, studying hard and never relenting.

He was even willing to pay three months of crazy physical training for a wonderful fight scene, and finally trained a body as strong as an iron pole.

Sammo Hung only accepts two apprentices in his life, one is a first-line superstar, and the other is lying down to make money

Another apprentice, Zou Zhaolong, had a bad fate. At the age of 18, he met Sammo Hung and was favored by the aging but discerning director, so he was able to make his debut in "Full Rebound".

Although it was only a small role, Zou Zhaolong's outstanding performance was unforgettable, and he was invited to become Sammo Hung 's disciple.

The two apprentices have their own characteristics, but their achievements are all the embodiment of Sammo Hung's personal guidance and sincere teachings to the two. This friendship between master and apprentice has been planted on the stage of Peking Opera decades ago, and with the passage of time and the passage of time, it has finally ignited a raging fire, illuminating the life path of the master and apprentice to pursue their dreams.

Before Peng Yuyan became a popular superstar, he was also an unknown little transparent. At that time, he was just a young man chasing his dreams, relying on his enthusiasm for his acting career, fighting alone on this thorny road of no return.

Sammo Hung only accepts two apprentices in his life, one is a first-line superstar, and the other is lying down to make money

Peng Yuyan has never tirelessly challenged works of various themes, whether it is idol dramas, romance films, comedies or action movies, he has bravely tried and gradually polished his acting skills.

Despite the difficulty of the work, he was never discouraged and still cherished the persistent pursuit of his dreams.

Opportunity finally condensed in the TV series "The Legend of Sword and Fairy" in 2000. Peng Yuyan played a loyal character Tang Yu in the play, and his superb acting skills and unique temperament made countless audiences fall in love with him.

The show quickly gained him huge popularity, and his road to stardom set sail.

Sammo Hung only accepts two apprentices in his life, one is a first-line superstar, and the other is lying down to make money

However, this is not enough, for a martial arts enthusiast, he has a higher pursuit in his heart. In 2014, the turning point in my life finally sounded.

Peng Yuyan was fortunate to co-star with martial arts master Sammo Hung in the movie "Once Upon a Time", skillfully interpreting a pair of brothers and sons on the screen.

Sammo Hung, a veteran martial arts master, has a discerning eye for Peng Yuyan's unlimited potential. At the press conference, he did not hesitate to announce the acceptance of Peng Yuyan as his personal disciple.

Peng Yuyan was flattered, tears welled up in his eyes, he knew that this was his unprecedented glory.

Sammo Hung only accepts two apprentices in his life, one is a first-line superstar, and the other is lying down to make money

Since then, Peng Yuyan has unswervingly pursued martial arts, studied hard and never relented. In order to present the best action scene effect, he even did not hesitate to pay three months of crazy fitness training, and finally trained a strong and powerful body like an iron pole.

Whenever he bravely shows a fierce martial arts scene in front of the screen, he always wins the applause and cheers of countless audiences.

However, the master-apprentice relationship between Sammo Hung and Peng Yuyan seems to have sketched a vague outline in the troupe decades ago.

Back in the fifties and sixties of the last century, Sammo Hung, who was just a naughty child at the time, was sent to the Peking Opera troupe founded by Yu Zhanyuan and began to learn the basic kung fu of Peking Opera.

Sammo Hung only accepts two apprentices in his life, one is a first-line superstar, and the other is lying down to make money

There, he not only met his brother Yu Zhanyuan, who would become the eldest brother in the future, but also met another child of the same age, Jackie Chan, and since then he has formed an indissoluble bond.

Together with five other partners, the two young men formed the famous "Seven Little Blessings" troupe, which performed in various theatres in Hong Kong and won a warm welcome from the audience.

Although the personnel lineup of Seven Little Blessings has changed from time to time, Sammo Hung and Jackie Chan have always been the core figures in it.

After graduating, Sammo Hung joined Golden Harvest Film Company as an action director, and he participated in the production of many classic martial arts films, including "Jingwumen" starring Bruce Lee.

Sammo Hung only accepts two apprentices in his life, one is a first-line superstar, and the other is lying down to make money

In this film, Sammo Hung himself plays a Japanese samurai and has a fierce duel with Bruce Lee, and his outstanding performance is impressive.

Since then, Sammo Hung , Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee have been known as the "Three Masters of Kung Fu Movies", symbolizing the highest level of Hong Kong martial arts films. In the 70s, Sammo Hung founded his own "Hung Family Class", although the class members are only colleagues, but the Hung Family Class still successfully cultivated batch after batch of action superstars, and made outstanding contributions to the development of Hong Kong action movies.

Compared with Peng Yuyan's open future, the fate of another junior brother, Zou Zhaolong, is much more tortuous. When he became acquainted with Sammo Hung, he was only 18 years old when he was a Huangkou child.

But this veteran martial arts master is already discerning and has taken a fancy to Zou Zhaolong's extraordinary talent, so in the movie "Full Rebound" directed by himself, he did not hesitate to give him the opportunity to play a small role.

Sammo Hung only accepts two apprentices in his life, one is a first-line superstar, and the other is lying down to make money

Although it is only a small role, Zou Zhaolong's outstanding performance is unforgettable. His humble and dedicated work attitude deeply touched his mentor Sammo Hung, so he was accepted as a personal disciple and accepted the martial arts secrets passed down by the Hung family.

In the next few years, Zou Zhaolong practiced martial arts diligently, increasingly refined his acting skills, and also played on the same stage with superstars such as Jet Li and Stephen Chow with his outstanding performance.

Until 1993, he played an unforgettable villain role in the costume drama "Heaven and Dragon Slayer". He vividly portrayed this sinister and cunning and sinister character, not only with dirty mouths and fierce eyes, but also with a strong aura of martial arts scenes, which was intimidating.

Zou Zhaolong is so intrigued that countless viewers looked at his chivalrous and righteous face, and thought that he was the villain himself.

Sammo Hung only accepts two apprentices in his life, one is a first-line superstar, and the other is lying down to make money

In real life, he also suffered a lot of criticism and white eyes because of this, and even suffered verbal attacks and abuse. All kinds of criticism finally crushed his heart, and he began to doubt and waver about his profession.

At this low point in his life, Zou Zhaolong made a desperate decision - to leave Hong Kong and pursue his dream in Hollywood. There, he served as the martial arts instructor of the sci-fi masterpiece "The Matrix", and designed the amazing "bullet time" martial arts action for the film, which not only made the whole film shine, but also won Zou Zhaolong a huge amount of money.

After many years of debauchery in Hollywood, Zou Zhaolong gradually emerged and attracted the favor of many directors, who threw olive branches of cooperation to him. But without exception, they all hope that Zou Zhaolong will continue to play the villain image, and this is what Zou Zhaolong is extremely disgusted.

So he politely turned down these offers one by one, because he had made up his mind to show a new positive image and get rid of the label of "villain".

Sammo Hung only accepts two apprentices in his life, one is a first-line superstar, and the other is lying down to make money

After years of debauchery in Hollywood, trying out all kinds of new roles, Chow finally made up his mind to return to his roots and continue to pursue his dreams in the familiar land of Hong Kong.

After returning to his homeland, he continued to climb the heights and created a series of positive character images, which finally won the recognition and appreciation of all walks of life.

However, although he is now a veteran filmmaker with a net worth of money, Zou Zhaolong still has not forgotten the film dream that inspired him to burn passion, and he has not forgotten the teachings of his mentor Sammo Hung back then.

He always remembers to study with an open mind, not to be arrogant or impatient, to insist on self-cultivation in obscurity, and to never give up the pursuit of martial arts.

Sammo Hung only accepts two apprentices in his life, one is a first-line superstar, and the other is lying down to make money

Along the way, Zou Zhaolong has gone through vicissitudes and ups and downs several times. From being appreciated to enter the industry at a young age, to being trapped in the villain image and unable to extricate himself, to struggling to start anew and finally achieve self-transcendence, each stage is his precious life experience.

Now he has become a master who everyone admires in the martial arts world, enough to compete with his mentor Sammo Hung.

In fact, Zou Zhaolong's biggest dream in this life is to promote Chinese martial arts culture to the world stage, so that more people can appreciate and recognize this long-standing national treasure.

Over the years, he has worked tirelessly on this, cultivating and sowing seeds in obscurity, just to one day see martial arts bloom brightly in the world film industry.

Sammo Hung only accepts two apprentices in his life, one is a first-line superstar, and the other is lying down to make money

Although he is now old, Zou Zhaolong's pursuit of his dreams has not been fleeting. For the mainstay of this generation and the martial arts champion, the road of dreams is endless, and the road of pursuit is endless.

He hopes to pass on the spiritual torch of martial arts culture, lead the future forces to take over, and continue to write this never-ending dream.

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