
movie star Sammo Hung's grandfather shot Song Jiaoren, and the little boy swore revenge on his father, what was the ending

author:A💟葫芦 娃

March 20, 1913 was supposed to be a memorable day in the history of the Chinese revolution. At the Shanghai North Railway Station, Song Jiaoren and other important leaders of the Kuomintang were gladly welcoming the fruits of the victory of the revolution. However, at this moment that should have been festive, a gunshot rang out, which plunged the entire situation in the early days of the Republic of China into a new crisis.

At 10 o'clock that night, Song Jiaoren, surrounded by Huang Xing, Yu Youren and other veterans of the Alliance, slowly walked to the ticket gate, ready to board the bus and go north. Suddenly, a sharp burst of gunfire exploded in the crowd, and the bullets shot straight at Song Jiaoren, who fell in a pool of blood holding his stomach. The scene was immediately plunged into chaos, and witnesses only saw a figure running desperately towards the exit, and soon disappeared into the night.

movie star Sammo Hung's grandfather shot Song Jiaoren, and the little boy swore revenge on his father, what was the ending

Song Jiaoren was rushed to the railway hospital for rescue, but his injuries were too serious, and he was incontinent, and he knew that the end was coming. Before his death, Song Jiaoren left a touching last words: "I have no inheritance, only books, you donate all for me, the revolution has just begun, the road is long and difficult, you continue to work hard!" "

In this way, this veteran of the Kuomintang, who had fought side by side with Sun Yat-sen, was plotted at the age of 31 and sacrificed his young life for the revolutionary cause. The death of Song Jiaoren was undoubtedly a great loss to the revolutionary camp, and what is even more sad is that his only son, Song Zhenlu, was only 12 years old and has been orphaned ever since.

Who would be so ruthless and plot against a patriot in peacetime? What's even more incredible is that the murderer turned out to be the grandfather of movie star Sammo Hung, Hong Shuzu. Things have to start in 1904, Song Jiaoren founded the Huaxing Society, organized more than 30,000 people to oppose the Qing Dynasty, and unfortunately had to flee to Japan after the matter was leaked. In 1911, when the revolutionaries suffered a crushing defeat at Huanghuagang, Song Jiaoren was not discouraged and founded the "Central General Association of the League" in the interior to inject new vitality into the revolution. Hong Shuzu, who was already hiding in Japan at that time, heard about this incident and eyed Song Jiaoren, for fear that he would disturb the Yuan Shikai regime, which was already in power at that time.

The young Song Zhenlu was lonely and helpless, secretly investigating the whereabouts of the enemy

Song Jiaoren was tragically shot, bringing endless suffering to the family. Soon, Song Zhenlu's mother and grandmother also passed away one after another, and he became a helpless orphan. Song Zhenlu, who was already young, suffered a major blow to his family in just a few years, which was difficult for any child to bear.

However, Song Zhenlu did not sink completely, but unswervingly made an oath to avenge his father's hatred. In his young heart, he had long remembered his father's tragic death, and vowed to uphold justice for Song Jiaoren and never tolerate it.

Despite his young age and poverty, Song Zhenlu showed extraordinary tenacity and courage. In those turbulent times, it was courageous for an orphan to track down the murderer of several years ago. Song Zhenlu acted secretly, and did not hesitate to spend all his strength to find clues to find the whereabouts of the murderer who made their family's blood feud unrewarding.

movie star Sammo Hung's grandfather shot Song Jiaoren, and the little boy swore revenge on his father, what was the ending

That murderer is Hong Shuzu. After the shooting of Song Jiaoren, the mastermind behind the stabbing of important Kuomintang officials quickly disappeared and hid in the remote and backward concession area to escape pursuit. But Song Zhenlu did not give up, he was like a desperate avenger, insisting that Qing is green and Ma is a horse with the momentum of fighting alone, and launched an all-pervasive investigation of Hong Shuzu.

In a difficult environment, Song Zhenlu inquired about the news everywhere, and finally learned that Hong Shuzu had hidden in the German Concession in Qingdao, barely making a living on some small businesses. As a teenager, Song Zhenlu's efforts are beyond the reach of any adult.

In this way, on the one hand, there are suffering children who have lost their parents and their families are ruined, and on the other hand, there are murderers who hide their names and avoid investigation. In the past few years, although Song Zhenlu was alone, he was never discouraged, but instead ignited a raging fire of revenge in this darkness, just waiting for the opportunity to dawn.

With wisdom and courage, Song Zhenlu finally found a chance for revenge

Several years have passed, and Song Zhenlu's exploration work has not stopped. He is like a fearless undercover agent, always keeping an eye on Hong Shuzu's every move, looking for opportunities.

Hong Shuzu's whereabouts were erratic at this time, and in order to avoid being traced, he had to change his name and surname, disguised as a nobody named "Zhang Jiao'an". In the process of hiding, Hong Shuzu encountered financial difficulties for a time, so he was forced to go to the Shanghai Concession to be summoned for a lawsuit.

This news is undoubtedly the icing on the cake in Song Zhenlu's ears. After years of difficult reconnaissance, he finally found an undoubted opportunity to break free from the shadows and take revenge on his enemies in the open.

Song Zhenlu, who was only 15 years old, did not fight alone, he recruited one of his father's old subordinates. This old man not only witnessed the tragedy of Song Jiaoren's murder, but was also a key figure in the early years of tracking down the case. Although it was repeatedly unsuccessful back then, the addition of Song Zhenlu now has undoubtedly added a new dawn to this matter.

movie star Sammo Hung's grandfather shot Song Jiaoren, and the little boy swore revenge on his father, what was the ending

The two quickly formulated a set of battle plans and secretly watched Hong Shuzu's every move. When Hong Shuzu really appeared in the Shanghai Concession, they immediately captured him alive.

This 15-year-old boy showed extraordinary courage and wisdom. Compared to adults, he did not show any omissions in his plans and actions. At the moment of Hong Shuzu's arrest, Song Zhenlu complained to him loudly: "You brutalized my father, and I swore to avenge him when I was a child!" "

As soon as these words came out, everyone present realized the firmness and heroism of this young man's revenge. Although he was still young, Song Zhenlu already had the blood and backbone of a man, and these heroic words pushed his determination to a climax.

The young hero finally got revenge and wrote an epic that can be sung and cried

Since his arrest, the Hong Shuzu case has entered a long-term trial stage. The intricacies of the interests involved in this murder case, coupled with the seriousness of the case, have intensified the dispute between the two parties.

For nearly two years, no verdict was pronounced. During this period, the arrested Hong Shuzu still went his own way, but he was arrogant about his crimes, repeatedly justified himself, and tried to get away with it.

movie star Sammo Hung's grandfather shot Song Jiaoren, and the little boy swore revenge on his father, what was the ending

On the other hand, Song Zhenlu and his teachers were not discouraged, they fully cooperated with the work of the court and spared no effort to expose Hong Shuzu's crimes. Song Zhenlu even recounted the scene he witnessed with his own eyes in a series of articles, accusing Hong Shuzu of fleeing after killing Song Jiaoren, and his crime was unforgivable.

The offensive and defensive battles between the two sides in the court continued until 1915. Finally, after tens of thousands of materials and countless court sessions, the court made a final ruling: sentencing Hong Shuzu to death!

For Song Zhenlu, a 15-year-old boy, this verdict is undoubtedly the biggest victory of his life. For this revenge, he paid unimaginable hardships and wisdom for ordinary people. From witnessing the tragic death of his father, to orphaning people under the fence, to finding clues, carefully arranging, and finally bringing the enemy to justice with his own hands, Song Zhenlu wrote a singing and crying epic with his own actions.

Although the verdict is lamentable, for Song Zhenlu, this is the justice he deserves. Carrying such a burden alone as a teenager is a great test for anyone. And Song Zhenlu not only did not get discouraged along the way, but broke through many obstacles with courage and wisdom, and finally brought justice to the revolutionary martyrs.

Then came the crucial scene. In August 1915, Song Zhenlu witnessed the execution of the enemy's death sentence at a young age. When Hong Shuzu was tied to the execution ground, Song Zhenlu watched his every move, and at this moment, what flashed in his mind was the deafening gunshot many years ago and the tragic situation of his father lying in a pool of blood. And now, the enemy is finally going to pay the heaviest price for this crime.

"This is what you deserve! Song Zhenlu said silently. When that moment came, Song Jiaoren's biological son finally avenged the death of his family for this inhumane blood revenge.

Hong Shuzu's death marks the end of the revenge that Song Zhenlu has been pursuing almost all his life. From this time on, Song Zhenlu, a young hero who had suffered a lot, could finally let go of the obsession in his heart and embark on a new path of life.

At the same time that Hong Shuzu was justly tried, Song Zhenlu also won praise from all walks of life through his actions. People praised him, an orphan, for his courage and wisdom to break through many obstacles and finally bring justice to his family.

People of insight are full of infinite expectations for Song Zhenlu's great future. A young man who is so upright and courageous will definitely become a generation of influential figures if he can cultivate well in the future.

movie star Sammo Hung's grandfather shot Song Jiaoren, and the little boy swore revenge on his father, what was the ending

In fact, Song Zhenlu himself did not stop there. With the successful conclusion of the Hong Shuzu case, he gradually became involved in the revolutionary cause of the Kuomintang. Under the careful training of Sun Yat-sen and others, Song Zhenlu soon showed extraordinary wisdom and leadership ability.

As the best and most outstanding representative of the younger generation, Song Zhenlu is well versed in many fields of politics, military affairs, and diplomacy, and has repeatedly made immortal contributions at critical moments. Especially during the civil war between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party after the death of Sun Yat-sen, Song Zhenlu stepped forward and won victory after victory for the Kuomintang.

This young hero eventually became a prominent member of the Kuomintang, and his methodical leadership style and extraordinary wisdom made him a leader of a generation. In the face of all kinds of difficulties and obstacles, Song Zhenlu was always able to deal with them calmly, so that the situation improved in a short period of time. It is precisely with this hard-headed spirit that Song Zhenlu has been able to continue to climb and become a generation of influential figures.

After going through the most bumpy period of his life, Song Zhenlu finally avenged his long-cherished blood revenge, and carried forward the indomitable spirit, and established a brilliant meritorious service for the country and the nation. This long-suffering orphan finally became the backbone of the leadership after overcoming obstacles along the way, which is undoubtedly the greatest inspiration in life.

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