
File interaction|How to control outgoing files

author:Li Xiang, Enterprise Security Engineer

In today's increasingly global business environment, file interaction and outgoing have become an integral part of your day-to-day operations. However, with the frequent progress of this process, how to ensure the security and compliance of outgoing documents and prevent the leakage of sensitive information has become an important issue for enterprise information security management.

File interaction|How to control outgoing files

1. Challenges in the control of outgoing documents

File interaction|How to control outgoing files

In the process of outgoing documents, companies face multiple challenges. First of all, how to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of outgoing documents, and prevent them from being illegally intercepted, tampered with or abused. Second, how to meet regulatory requirements to ensure that outgoing documents comply with data protection and privacy regulations. In addition, how to track and audit outgoing documents so that problems can be quickly located and dealt with when they occur.

Second, the method of outgoing document control

1. Establish a strict policy for outgoing documents

Companies should have a clear policy on outsourced documents, specifying which documents can and cannot be outsourced, as well as the approval process and responsibilities for outsourced documents. With clear policies, it is possible to regulate the behavior of employees and reduce the risk of outgoing documents.

2. Strengthen the management of file permissions

Enterprises should establish a sound file permission management mechanism and set detailed permissions for documents. By setting access permissions, editing permissions, printing permissions, and more, you can ensure that only authorized personnel can access and manipulate files. For sensitive documents and important drawings, strict access rights should be set up to prevent unauthorized persons from accessing them.

3. Use file encryption technology

Enterprises can use file encryption technology to encrypt files before they are sent. Through encryption technology, the security of files during transmission can be ensured, and even if the files are illegally intercepted, they cannot be read or tampered with by unauthorized persons. Encryption technology can also effectively protect the confidentiality and integrity of files.

4. Implement document outgoing audit and monitoring

Enterprises should establish an audit and monitoring mechanism for document outgoing to record the whole process of document outreach. Through auditing and monitoring, organizations can track the flow of files, understand the access and operation of files, and identify and address potential security risks in a timely manner. At the same time, audit and monitoring records can also be used as proof of compliance to meet regulatory requirements.

3. Insight into the application of the MIT system in the control of outgoing documents

File interaction|How to control outgoing files
File interaction|How to control outgoing files

As a professional enterprise information security management system, Insight Eye MIT system provides enterprises with a comprehensive outgoing document management and control solution. The following are the specific applications of the Insight Eye MIT system in outgoing document control:

1. File encryption and outgoing approval

The Insight Eye MIT system supports the encryption of files and approves them before they are sent. Businesses can set up an approval process that requires employees to submit approval requests before sending documents out, and they are reviewed and approved by the relevant personnel. This ensures the compliance and security of outgoing documents and prevents unauthorized outgoing documents.

2. File permission management and access control

The Insight Eye MIT system can set detailed permissions and access control for files. Enterprises can set different file access permissions, such as read-only, edit, and print, as needed. At the same time, the system can also record file access records and operation logs, which is convenient for enterprises to audit and track. With file rights management and access control, businesses can ensure that only authorized personnel can access and manipulate files.

3. Sensitive content identification and protection

The Insight Eye MIT system supports sensitive content recognition of documents. With a built-in sensitive thesaurus and intelligent algorithms, the system can automatically detect whether files contain sensitive information, such as customer data, trade secrets, and more. Once sensitive content is discovered, the system will immediately block and prompt to ensure that sensitive information is not illegally distributed.

4. Outgoing document tracking and auditing

The Insight Eye MIT system can track the flow and access of outgoing files in real time. Through the tracking and auditing functions provided by the system, enterprises can understand the recipient of documents, the time of receipt, access records, and other information. This helps enterprises identify and deal with potential security risks in a timely manner, ensuring the security and compliance of outgoing documents.

In short, by formulating strict outgoing document policies, strengthening file permission management, using file encryption technology, implementing outgoing file audit and monitoring, and applying the Insightful MIT system, enterprises can achieve comprehensive control and protection of outgoing documents to ensure enterprise information security and compliance.