
Facts have proved that Zhao Benshan, who once "no one dared to provoke", is now "not guaranteed in the evening"

author:Spicy fried rice cakes
Facts have proved that Zhao Benshan, who once "no one dared to provoke", is now "not guaranteed in the evening"
Facts have proved that Zhao Benshan, who once "no one dared to provoke", is now "not guaranteed in the evening"

Zhao Benshan faded out of the comedy stage, which is undoubtedly a huge loss for the entire comedy industry. In just a few years, we have lost top comedy celebrities such as Yue Yunpeng and Guo Degang, and Zhao Benshan's departure is undoubtedly the last straw, making the audience completely feel the arrival of the "comedy famine". But at the same time, this also prompts us to reflect on Zhao Benshan's far-reaching influence and important position in the entire sketch and cross talk industry.

Facts have proved that Zhao Benshan, who once "no one dared to provoke", is now "not guaranteed in the evening"

As an ordinary rural youth from Northeast China, Zhao Benshan has shown extraordinary artistic talent since he was a child. Although his family was poor, his mother died early, and his father was away for a long time, he followed the blind second uncle to learn erhu and two-person turn, and gradually mastered a superb artistic skill. At the age of 17, he joined the local literary and artistic propaganda team and started his stage career.

Facts have proved that Zhao Benshan, who once "no one dared to provoke", is now "not guaranteed in the evening"

At the age of 23, Zhao Benshan's outstanding performance in a competition in Tieling attracted the attention of Li Zhongtang, the director of the Tieling Art Museum at the time. Director Li is wise, and he saw Zhao Benshan's potential at a glance, and since then he has formed a friendship between master and apprentice.

Facts have proved that Zhao Benshan, who once "no one dared to provoke", is now "not guaranteed in the evening"

Li Zhongtang personally tailored the role of the blind Zhang Zhiyi in "Falling Three Strings" for Zhao Benshan, and this drama became Zhao Benshan's famous work. It can be said that without Li Zhongtang's insight and careful cultivation, it would be difficult to have today's "comedy master" Zhao Benshan.

Facts have proved that Zhao Benshan, who once "no one dared to provoke", is now "not guaranteed in the evening"

In 1987, Zhao Benshan and Pan Changjiang's cross talk sketch "Daguan Lantern" was a household name in Northeast China. It was also in this year that Zhao Benshan got acquainted with Jiang Kun, a cross talk master who later had a crucial influence on him.

Facts have proved that Zhao Benshan, who once "no one dared to provoke", is now "not guaranteed in the evening"

As an authority in the cross talk industry, Jiang Kun saw extraordinary talent from Zhao Benshan and always wanted to recommend him to the Spring Festival Gala. In 1990, after being rejected by the Spring Festival Gala for two consecutive years, Jiang Kun finally found a foothold for Zhao Benshan on the stage of the CCTV Spring Festival Gala.

Facts have proved that Zhao Benshan, who once "no one dared to provoke", is now "not guaranteed in the evening"

That year's sketch "Blind Date" was amazing, and the wonderful performances of Zhao Benshan and his partner Huang Xiaojuan won the house and became a well-deserved highlight of the show.

Facts have proved that Zhao Benshan, who once "no one dared to provoke", is now "not guaranteed in the evening"

Zhao Benshan and Gao Xiumin worked together to make appearances on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala every year, and gradually formed an unknown "Iron Triangle" partner team.

Facts have proved that Zhao Benshan, who once "no one dared to provoke", is now "not guaranteed in the evening"

Gao Xiumin is Zhao Benshan's most important partner, and the cooperation between the two on the stage over the years can be described as a match made in heaven. The impromptu anti-skewer of sorghum dumplings was all the rage, and it was called "the funniest national treasure partner".

Facts have proved that Zhao Benshan, who once "no one dared to provoke", is now "not guaranteed in the evening"

Gao Xiumin's sudden death made Zhao Benshan very painful. After that, he cried several times about this past: "Gao Xiumin is like a doll I made with my own hands, and now there is no suitable actor who can play those works with me."

Facts have proved that Zhao Benshan, who once "no one dared to provoke", is now "not guaranteed in the evening"

In addition to Gao Xiumin, screenwriter He Qingkui is also an indispensable and important help for Zhao Benshan. Many popular golden sentences are written by He Qingkui, such as "I'm in it!" I'm in it! It was the biggest surprise of my life!" If you don't beat your wife for a day, you will feel uncomfortable!" Wait a minute.

Facts have proved that Zhao Benshan, who once "no one dared to provoke", is now "not guaranteed in the evening"

It can be said that Zhao Benshan's prosperity is largely due to Gao Xiumin and He Qingkui, the two "behind-the-scenes heroes".

Facts have proved that Zhao Benshan, who once "no one dared to provoke", is now "not guaranteed in the evening"

Although Zhao Benshan has received the support and help of many nobles along the way, the contradiction between him and the director team of the Spring Festival Gala has always been obvious to all.

Facts have proved that Zhao Benshan, who once "no one dared to provoke", is now "not guaranteed in the evening"

Initially, Zhao Benshan's three applications to participate in the Spring Festival Gala were rejected on the grounds that "his appearance does not meet the requirements" and "his accent is not suitable for southern audiences". Later, even if he appeared on the Spring Festival Gala, he often had disputes with the director team because of unreasonable program arrangements and other issues.

Facts have proved that Zhao Benshan, who once "no one dared to provoke", is now "not guaranteed in the evening"

That year, there was a suspicion that "Zhao Benshan was blocked". At that time, Zhao Benshan's apprentice's performance in the cross talk sketch contest was stopped by the program director team on the grounds that there was "some indecent content", but the audience agreed that there was no problem with the quality.

Facts have proved that Zhao Benshan, who once "no one dared to provoke", is now "not guaranteed in the evening"

This incident made Zhao Benshan angry, believing that he had been discriminated against and suppressed. Since then, his relationship with CCTV has been at an impasse, and he soon gradually left the stage of the Spring Festival Gala.

Facts have proved that Zhao Benshan, who once "no one dared to provoke", is now "not guaranteed in the evening"

In fact, it is not difficult to understand the concerns of the director team. Zhao Benshan's sketches and two-person style have always been relatively rough and straightforward, some of which are not in line with the mainstream aesthetics, and have an impact on the cautious Spring Festival Gala. In particular, he always likes to use some inappropriate topics and explicit expressions, which is obviously incompatible with the requirements of large-scale variety shows.

Facts have proved that Zhao Benshan, who once "no one dared to provoke", is now "not guaranteed in the evening"

But in any case, even if he leaves the Spring Festival Gala, Zhao Benshan's achievements and status can be shaken. Over the years, he has continued to innovate and successfully introduced the two-person turn, which was regarded as an "authentic folklore" at the time, to the whole country.

Facts have proved that Zhao Benshan, who once "no one dared to provoke", is now "not guaranteed in the evening"

For a long time, as long as sketch comedy was mentioned, Zhao Benshan was the first protection brand, and was affectionately known as "Northeast Yiba" and "Comedy Emperor".

Facts have proved that Zhao Benshan, who once "no one dared to provoke", is now "not guaranteed in the evening"

With his outstanding comedy talent and tenacious fighting spirit, Zhao Benshan has stepped onto the pinnacle of life step by step. From an obscure small village to a household name, his legendary experience is truly unparalleled.

Facts have proved that Zhao Benshan, who once "no one dared to provoke", is now "not guaranteed in the evening"

Along the way, Zhao Benshan has cultivated countless disciple successors, such as Xiao Shenyang and Song Xiaobao, all of whom have shown their edges under his hand-in-hand teaching.

Facts have proved that Zhao Benshan, who once "no one dared to provoke", is now "not guaranteed in the evening"

Now Zhao Benshan is over the age of sixteen and has retreated into the background, but the "Benshan Media" he created is still strong and dominates the entire comedy industry. Although some people will say that he may be a little good at making money, and even his daughter Zhao Yihan was accused of "showing off his wealth", his love and feedback for his hometown and artistic career are beyond reproach.

Facts have proved that Zhao Benshan, who once "no one dared to provoke", is now "not guaranteed in the evening"

In any case, Zhao Benshan's contribution to the cause of Chinese comedy is immortal. Now that the audience sees Shen Teng, Deyun Club, Guo Degang and other new comedians coming out, they can't help but think of the so-so but extraordinary "Master Zhao" back then.

Facts have proved that Zhao Benshan, who once "no one dared to provoke", is now "not guaranteed in the evening"

That thin figure has accompanied us countless Spring Festival nights and brought us bursts of laughter. "If you don't beat your wife for a day, you will feel uncomfortable", "I'm in!" I'm in it! It was the biggest surprise of my life!" Who can not be moved by these golden sentences that should come out of their mouths?

Facts have proved that Zhao Benshan, who once "no one dared to provoke", is now "not guaranteed in the evening"

As an unknown rural youth, Zhao Benshan has stepped onto the top of comedy step by step, and the road ahead is quite tortuous and bumpy. But because of this, his success is even more valuable and inspirational. From a small place in Tieling, with his solid skills and extraordinary talent, he finally became the "hegemon" who dominated the entire Chinese comedy industry. All of this embodies his persistence and dedication for decades.

Facts have proved that Zhao Benshan, who once "no one dared to provoke", is now "not guaranteed in the evening"

Looking back on the history of Zhao Benshan's artistic career, it is not difficult for us to find that his success was by no means achieved overnight, but step by step. Along the way, he has given too much, and he has also gained countless opportunities and nobles to help.

Facts have proved that Zhao Benshan, who once "no one dared to provoke", is now "not guaranteed in the evening"

The mercy of Director Li Zhongtang extended a life-saving hand to Zhao Benshan, who was seriously ill at the time, and made him an instant hit in the play. Master Jiang Kun's wisdom and strength overcame public opinion to gain a firm foothold for Zhao Benshan in the CCTV Spring Festival Gala. is the support of Gao Xiumin, an excellent partner, and the two have fallen into the reputation of "the best partner in the cross talk industry". screenwriter He Qingkui's golden sentence masterpiece has achieved the ultimate word-of-mouth peak of Zhao Benshan's sketches.

Facts have proved that Zhao Benshan, who once "no one dared to provoke", is now "not guaranteed in the evening"

Along the way, Zhao Benshan has never given up or become complacent. When he was successful that year, he still insisted on treating his disciples as "life-savers" and teaching them well. When he was "blocked" by CCTV, he did not give up, but indifferently turned around and continued to display his talents on other stages. He has encountered several setbacks on the road of art, but he has broken through the encirclement one by one with tenacious perseverance, which can be described as commendable.

Facts have proved that Zhao Benshan, who once "no one dared to provoke", is now "not guaranteed in the evening"

Now Zhao Benshan has been retired for many years and lives a leisurely life given to him by the motherland and life. But every festive season, there are always viewers who think about the thin figure wearing sunglasses and robes. How many people were healed and moved by his sketch comedy, and they were full of endless nostalgia and gratitude for him.

Facts have proved that Zhao Benshan, who once "no one dared to provoke", is now "not guaranteed in the evening"

Some people say that Zhao Benshan is a living fossil of Chinese comedy, a legend that will never be surpassed. No single person's talent, effort, and dedication can shake the importance of his entire industry. Although the audience's preferences are changing now and new stars are rising, the status and influence of a master like Zhao Benshan are eternally solidified.

Facts have proved that Zhao Benshan, who once "no one dared to provoke", is now "not guaranteed in the evening"

Today's Shen Teng and Deyun Club are the ways for Zhao Benshan to open the way and sweep the way in the past. We have reason to believe that there may be new comedy kings in the future, but none of them can forget the hard work of Master Zhao back then. Zhao Benshan will always be the strongest backbone of the Chinese comedy career.

Facts have proved that Zhao Benshan, who once "no one dared to provoke", is now "not guaranteed in the evening"

Before Zhao Benshan completely retires, we also take this opportunity to express our most sincere wishes to him. I wish this former "Northeast tyrant" can be at ease in his old age, and I wish him will always be a shining pearl in the Chinese comedy industry! Let us always remember the joy and emotion that Zhao Benshan brought us, and look forward to his successors being able to pass on the torch and continue this gift of comedy.

Facts have proved that Zhao Benshan, who once "no one dared to provoke", is now "not guaranteed in the evening"

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