
Can't the elderly eat beans? The doctor warns: These types of people really can't eat more, don't ignore it!

author:Möngke talks about health

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One morning, Zhang Tao walked in the park in the center of the city with a relaxed mood.

Zhang Tao is an ordinary office worker, in addition to facing computers and documents every day, his most enjoyable time is such an early morning, with some simple intimate contact with nature.

Can't the elderly eat beans? The doctor warns: These types of people really can't eat more, don't ignore it!

Just as he was immersed in the fragrance of birds and flowers, an old man who was running suddenly stopped and complained to his companion next to him: "The doctor said that an old man of my age can't eat more beans, and he is prone to gastrointestinal problems." ”

Zhang Tao couldn't help but be stunned by these words, because there are a lot of beans planted in his family's back garden, and whenever summer comes, the family will enjoy the fresh beans pulled out of the soil.

Can't the elderly eat beans? The doctor warns: These types of people really can't eat more, don't ignore it!

This incident made him think a lot, recalling that his father also often ate beans grown at home, and his father was also quite old. Today, he happened to accompany his father to the hospital for a routine physical examination, and the doubts in his heart immediately turned into a determination to act.

In the hospital, he decided to ask the doctor in detail, hoping to understand from a professional perspective whether all elderly people can't eat beans, and the specific reasons behind it.

Can't the elderly eat beans? The doctor warns: These types of people really can't eat more, don't ignore it!

In the waiting room, Zhang Tao walked slowly along with the pace of the queue, curious about the unknown connection between beans and health. When it was their turn, he seized the opportunity to express his doubts to the doctor in detail.

The doctor, an experienced middle-aged woman, did not answer immediately, but nodded slightly, and motioned for Zhang Tao and his father to enter the consultation room, ready to give a scientific and detailed explanation.

Can't the elderly eat beans? The doctor warns: These types of people really can't eat more, don't ignore it!

Beans contain a lot of protein, vitamin C, and dietary fiber, which is very beneficial to our health. A simple stir-fry, or a soup or salad, are all good choices. All in all, this vegetable is delicious and healthy, and it is not a hassle to eat.

However, despite its high nutritional value, it may not be suitable for some people. For example, people with a weak digestive system or people who are sensitive to certain nutrients need to be careful when eating beans.

Can't the elderly eat beans? The doctor warns: These types of people really can't eat more, don't ignore it!

Beans have a lot of fiber in them. While dietary fiber is great for promoting gut health and preventing constipation, for those with irritable bowel syndrome or other digestive disorders, excessive fiber intake may trigger abdominal pain, bloating, and even diarrhea.

Especially when undercooked, the fiber in the beans is more difficult to digest, which increases the burden on the stomach.

Can't the elderly eat beans? The doctor warns: These types of people really can't eat more, don't ignore it!

Beans contain a protein called lectins, which make red blood cells stick together. In inadequately cooked beans, lectins are still highly active and may pose a threat to human health.

After ingesting carob containing active lectins, the human body may experience mild toxic reactions such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Therefore, it is very necessary to cook the beans thoroughly to eliminate lectins.

Can't the elderly eat beans? The doctor warns: These types of people really can't eat more, don't ignore it!

In addition, the uric acid content in beans should not be ignored. When we eat purine-containing foods, the body converts these purines into uric acid. Uric acid is usually processed by the kidneys and turned into urine and then excreted. So, to put it simply, uric acid is produced by the body after breaking down purines and will eventually be excreted by us.

It is a natural metabolic process that helps us maintain the balance of our body. In beans, especially dried beans, there are high levels of purines, and excessive consumption may lead to an increase in blood uric acid levels, which can induce or aggravate gout symptoms. People with gout must be very cautious in their daily dietary choices to avoid arthritis and other related complications.

Can't the elderly eat beans? The doctor warns: These types of people really can't eat more, don't ignore it!

In addition to this, beans also contain antinutrients such as phytic acid and saponins, which are able to reduce the body's absorption of certain minerals such as iron and calcium.

Although the effects of these substances in the diets of healthy adults are usually negligible, for those with pre-existing mineral deficiencies, excessive intake of foods containing these antinutrients may exacerbate their malnutrition.

Can't the elderly eat beans? The doctor warns: These types of people really can't eat more, don't ignore it!

Therefore, when we enjoy the delicious and nutritious beans, we should also fully understand and evaluate the possible health risks. Especially for people with special health conditions, it is necessary to be more careful when choosing ingredients and preparation methods to ensure that they can enjoy the delicious food and maintain their health.

When discussing the effects of carob on different populations, there are several specific groups of people who need to pay special attention to the intake of carob, not only because some of the components in the beans may affect their health status, but also because of the specific physiological responses and metabolic characteristics of these populations.

Can't the elderly eat beans? The doctor warns: These types of people really can't eat more, don't ignore it!

Pregnant women are a special group that requires attention. Although the high amount of dietary fiber in beans is beneficial for preventing constipation during pregnancy, some of its lectins may pose a potential risk to the fetus if they are not fully cooked.

In addition, the phytic acid in beans can reduce the absorption of iron and calcium in the body, which may affect the nutrient intake of pregnant women who need a lot of iron and calcium to support fetal development. Therefore, pregnant women should ensure that the beans are cooked and consumed in moderation when consuming beans.

Can't the elderly eat beans? The doctor warns: These types of people really can't eat more, don't ignore it!

Second, for those with chronic diseases who have a history of medication, such as heart disease and hypertension, they often need to strictly control the amount of potassium in their diet, because too much potassium can affect heart function, especially when using certain potassium-sparing diuretics.

The high potassium content in the beans may adversely affect the potassium levels in the blood of these patients, so these patients should consult their doctor before consuming the beans to ensure that they do not interfere with their disease management.

Can't the elderly eat beans? The doctor warns: These types of people really can't eat more, don't ignore it!

Next, diabetics can benefit from the high fiber in the beans to help control blood sugar levels, but they also need to pay attention to the sugar and total calorie control of the beans.

The sugars in beans may be converted into blood sugar more quickly in some people, which can affect blood sugar levels. Diabetics should consult a dietitian before consumption, adjust the plate, and ensure that the intake of beans is in line with their eating plan.

Can't the elderly eat beans? The doctor warns: These types of people really can't eat more, don't ignore it!

People with digestive disorders, such as those with chronic gastritis, stomach ulcers, or irritable bowel syndrome, may have their symptoms aggravated due to the fiber in the beans and certain compounds that can be more irritating. Before consuming the beans, it is best to carry out proper treatment, such as prolonged cooking, to reduce these potentially irritating ingredients.

Can't the elderly eat beans? The doctor warns: These types of people really can't eat more, don't ignore it!

Therefore, although carob is a nutritious food that is suitable for most people, individuals with certain conditions should consider the above factors and adjust appropriately according to their own health conditions to ensure that a healthy diet is also a safe diet.

In everyday life, understanding the science behind food and adaptability is something that everyone should know so that they can better protect their own health and that of their families.

Can't the elderly eat beans? The doctor warns: These types of people really can't eat more, don't ignore it!

(The names in the article are pseudonyms) #头条首发大赛#

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Can't the elderly eat beans? The doctor warns: These types of people really can't eat more, don't ignore it!

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