
In the Korean War, the United States had a chance to defeat China, but unexpectedly encountered a Chinese division commander who was trying to kill him

author:The volume of history

In the Korean War, the United States had a chance to defeat China, but unexpectedly encountered a Chinese division commander who was trying to kill him. In that cruel Korean War, the Chinese People's Volunteers fought bloodily against the United Nations forces in defiance of hardships and dangers. Among them was a memorable battle that almost rewrote the course of the entire war. An unknown general did not hesitate to turn the tide at a critical moment and won precious time for the volunteers. His heroic feats are astounding, and his reckless disobedience is incomprehensible. Who the hell is it? Why so desperate? What is the story of this general?

In the Korean War, the United States had a chance to defeat China, but unexpectedly encountered a Chinese division commander who was trying to kill him

In 1951, the Korean battlefield was at a fever pitch, and fierce fighting was raging between the two sides. At that time, the 58th Division of the Chinese People's Volunteers was covered with bruises under the baptism of war, and the command ordered the division to be withdrawn and reorganized. But on the march, the 58th Division encountered a monster unit of the United Nations Army.

This unit is not an idle person, but a strange soldier personally commanded by the commander of the United Nations Army, Li Qiwei, in an attempt to encircle the main force of the Volunteer Army and annihilate it in one fell swoop. In the face of a sudden crisis, the 58th Division was in a dilemma - retreat step by step, allowing the enemy soldiers to pass by? Or is it a desperate gamble to turn the tide?

In the Korean War, the United States had a chance to defeat China, but unexpectedly encountered a Chinese division commander who was trying to kill him

Although General Huang Chaotian, the commander of the 58th Division at that time, had not been in his hometown in Jiangxi for many years, he had repeatedly performed miraculous feats in the Revolutionary War and the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and had been on the battlefield for a long time. He knew very well that if he was at the mercy of the enemy, he would inevitably bring disaster to the entire army of volunteers. As a result, this competitive general resolutely made a decision to disobey his orders - to stop the enemy army desperately at all costs!

Although there were only 7,000 warriors under General Huang Chaotian's command, he rushed to the enemy line like crazy. The two sides came and went, the fire was fierce, and countless relatives were killed in the rain of bullets. In a desperate situation, General Huang regarded death as if he were at home, and stubbornly commanded three regiments to attack in turn, giving the enemy a severe blow.

In the Korean War, the United States had a chance to defeat China, but unexpectedly encountered a Chinese division commander who was trying to kill him

After a day and a night of bloody battles, the Huang Division finally held back the enemy's pace and bought time for the main force. Although he defied the orders of his superiors, General Huang's heroic actions thwarted the enemy plot. The superiors not only opened up the net, but sincerely admired his courageous spirit.

"There is no definite number of battlefields, and only by making a decision can we turn things around." Master Huang's courage to lean on the sky and not be afraid of danger was indeed eye-catching at that time. However, as a commander-in-chief, even if there are extenuating circumstances, battlefield disobedience is not tolerated by military discipline.

In the Korean War, the United States had a chance to defeat China, but unexpectedly encountered a Chinese division commander who was trying to kill him

More than a month later, under the cover of his superiors, General Huang fought bravely to kill the enemy, and finally completely annihilated the brute coalition force and lifted the siege. After the war, General Huang Chaotian was awarded the rank of major general and served as the commander of the Jiangsu Provincial Military Region.

General Huang Chaotian, who lived a simple life and regarded death as home, used his blood and life to create immortal feats, which will forever be recorded in the annals of Chinese history. His fearless heroism in the face of danger is precisely the outstanding embodiment of the Chinese nation.

In the Korean War, the United States had a chance to defeat China, but unexpectedly encountered a Chinese division commander who was trying to kill him

General Huang Chaotian's heroic deeds of making a decision on the Korean battlefield and treating death as if he were at home were nothing less than a life-and-death moment for the annihilation of the entire army and the survival of the whole army. He was not afraid of life and death, recklessly disobeyed orders, but saved the overall situation, won precious time, and can be called a turning point in the war. From a nobody to a general, General Huang has cast immortal feats with his blood. His sincere patriotic heart and heroic spirit of treating death as if he were at home will always remain in the hearts of the sons and daughters of China, shining brightly.

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