
After Putin's visit to North Korea and Vietnam, the United States was not in a hurry, and South Korea was the first to break its defenses

author:Teacher Zhang said something

I never expected that after Putin's visit to North Korea and Vietnam, the United States was not in a hurry, and South Korea became the first country to break its defenses. Putin's visit to the DPRK can be said to be full of gains, and the two sides signed the "Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Treaty," which is basically equivalent to a treaty of mutual security assistance between the two sides.

So South Korea is in a hurry, because it means that Russia and North Korea are basically tied together. If the situation on the peninsula changes, Russia will directly help North Korea. Therefore, South Korea also hastened to issue a statement that any cooperation that directly or indirectly helps North Korea build up its military strength is a violation of UN Security Council resolutions and will be subject to supervision and sanctions by the international community.

After Putin's visit to North Korea and Vietnam, the United States was not in a hurry, and South Korea was the first to break its defenses

This is a righteous statement, and it is quite powerful. But the funny thing is that after saying this, South Korea bought a large number of weapons to Poland, including 1,000 K-2 tanks, more than 600 K-9 self-propelled guns, and about 300 K-239 "Sky Dance" rocket artillery systems. At the same time, South Korea sold $920 million in weapons to Romania.

Why Poland suddenly bought so many weapons, everyone who understands it. Since the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian war, Poland has also been jumping up and down, busy helping the United States wave its flag. After these weapons went to Poland, it is estimated that a lot of them will flow into the battlefield in Ukraine.

No wonder Koreans don't understand this. In fact, South Korea is now one of the world's largest arms exporters, and Western countries have purchased a large number of weapons from South Korea to aid Ukraine. South Korea has repeatedly warned Russia not to aid, even citing UN Security Council resolutions.

After Putin's visit to North Korea and Vietnam, the United States was not in a hurry, and South Korea was the first to break its defenses

According to the American newspaper The Washington Post, South Korea, through the United States, supplies Ukraine with more 155-mm artillery shells than all European countries combined. South Korea wants Russia not to aid North Korea, but they themselves have been supporting Ukraine in disguise.

What's even more ridiculous? South Korea already has a mutual security agreement with the United States. Even the wartime military command of South Korea was in the hands of the Americans.

What qualifications do South Koreans have to point fingers at North Korea's cooperation with Russia? Influenced by Korean pop culture over the years, many netizens have been mythologizing Korea.

After Putin's visit to North Korea and Vietnam, the United States was not in a hurry, and South Korea was the first to break its defenses

However, in fact, South Korea is not a country in principle, they have no political opinions at all, and they have been following the United States for many years. As an Asian country, why does South Korea want to get involved in the affairs between Russia and Ukraine, is it really because of morality?

As a matter of fact, South Korea is just giving the United States a name to show its loyalty. South Korea is not only a country that has no backbone, but also has no future in sight.

Those who don't know about South Korea think that they are a developed country. In reality, however, South Korea's developed economy has come at the expense of national sovereignty. South Korea's so-called economic miracle on the Han River was not earned by their efforts, but was rewarded by the United States.

After Putin's visit to North Korea and Vietnam, the United States was not in a hurry, and South Korea was the first to break its defenses

In order to balance Japan, the United States transferred the chip industry from Japan to South Korea. Of course, the Americans are not so kind, they still control the command of the South Korean army, and they are just using South Korea as a weapon to successfully deal with China and Russia.

South Korea's so-called developed economy has only fattened those chaebols, and most ordinary people have not benefited from it. The monthly salary of ordinary people in South Korea is about 10,000 yuan, which looks higher than that of big cities such as Beijing and Shanghai, but what is the level of prices in South Korea, everyone can search for it on the Internet.

Some time ago, a Korean netizen came to China and was shocked when he saw us feeding pigs with watermelon. In South Korea, a 10-pound watermelon costs about 140 yuan. South Korea is a small agricultural country, and a large amount of resources are controlled by chaebols, resulting in their prices being extremely high. Although South Koreans have higher incomes than Chinese, their real purchasing power is far less than ours.

After Putin's visit to North Korea and Vietnam, the United States was not in a hurry, and South Korea was the first to break its defenses

So those who blow Korea should stop. This country is in chaos from the political arena to the entertainment industry. Hundreds of thousands of South Koreans choose to emigrate every year because they are so disappointed in the country. The 10 chaebols control everything, so that young Koreans completely lose their upward path. Behind the plutocracy is the Wall Street consortium. In fact, the political bigwigs are agents of the United States, and they do not represent the interests of the Korean people at all.

As a financial and military colony of the United States, South Korea itself should not jump up and down, just be quiet, and go to the United States if something happens, so why do you always come out to disgust people? Some time ago, South Korea and Japan were bullied by the United States, and the exchange rates of the yen and the won plummeted.

I just want to ask the South Koreans, when you deployed THAAD, didn't you think of this day?

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