
Common prosperity is misinterpreted

author:Calm squirrel Wp

When it comes to common prosperity, some people's strange theories are flying all over the sky, especially those who are self-interested, and they are even more rampant; they advocate that the result of common prosperity can only be common poverty, and they openly go against the party's principles and policies; their reasons are very simple, saying that common prosperity cannot embody the principle of distribution according to work, and that it is engaging in egalitarianism, which is unfair to the elite class, seriously affects the development of society, and can only make society go against the grain.

Common prosperity is misinterpreted

This is completely nonsense by those with vested interests, and there is a certain degree of confusion in the distortion of common prosperity in order to safeguard personal interests. To understand the truth, we must first have a comprehensive and profound understanding of common prosperity, so that we can fundamentally understand the truth of the facts.

Common prosperity is misinterpreted

The country's proposal that the first rich will lead the latter to become rich, and ultimately achieve common prosperity is a solemn commitment to the people and the party's goal. I don't want to be deceived by the crooked-mouthed monk and establish correct values. First of all, common prosperity is not about absolute egalitarianism, but about people sharing the dividends brought about by social development, and it is a concrete embodiment of narrowing the gap between the rich and the poor. It is not an equal distribution of benefits among various strata, and it does not affect the principle of distribution according to work in society. Some people overemphasize the difference in individual ability, and the competition for the size of the contribution is in essence a manifestation of going to extremes. They emphasized that the contributions of a scientist and an old farmer cannot be the same, and that if resources are evenly distributed, it can only discourage the enthusiasm of the able, seriously affect people's enterprising spirit, and the result can only be common poverty. On the surface, there seems to be a certain amount of truth in this statement, this is the redistribution of resources, the cake is bigger, how to distribute and share resources, in fact, is a profound social problem, the socialist public ownership is the only magic weapon to solve this problem, only by adhering to the theory of redistribution of resources under the public ownership system, can we truly achieve resource sharing, not monopolized by a small number of people, and truly benefit all social strata.

Common prosperity is misinterpreted

The difference in income between different classes is normal, common prosperity is not an absolute average meaning, the understanding of happiness is not purely material, people's spiritual needs cannot be ignored, how to achieve social fairness and justice, is also a major problem in front of us.

If the broad masses of working people are disturbed by poverty for a long time, the products produced by those entrepreneurs will lose their purchasing power, on the one hand, the products of the factories are piled up, and on the other hand, the broad masses of the people are starving and frozen, and the result of polarization has caused social turmoil. Only by sharing resources can we truly increase the purchasing power of the society, promote the orderly virtuous circle of the society, and form a one-stop system of production, supply and marketing, so that people can enjoy more freedom and rights in harmony and equality.

The rich break with the concept of personal private ownership and take a positive and responsible attitude towards society, on the surface, they lose their vested interests, but in the long run, they are the real beneficiaries. Refined egoism is not advisable, and treating all wealth as one's own private property is actually a manifestation of the indifference. The privatization of capital can only be self-digging. The red capitalist Rong Yiren is the best proof that the development and growth of Rong Group is inseparable from Rong Yiren's foresight and benefiting the people. Entrepreneurs do not forget their social responsibilities and engage in a large number of philanthropy, which loses personal interests on the surface, but also enhances the personal brand, and the result is that production, production and sales are booming, and truly achieve mutual benefit and win-win results.

Common prosperity is misinterpreted

Lao Hu Pandao and his ilk everywhere preaching egoism can only make them go narrower and narrower, only care about personal interests, ignore social responsibility, arbitrarily distort common prosperity, regard the realization of common prosperity as undifferentiated egalitarianism, as the poor illegally occupy the fruits of the labor of the rich, this extreme selfish performance, social resource sharing is the inevitable trend of social development, is the trend of the times of social development, throughout some of the real rich, which one is not the world, to the common people as their own responsibility, from the father of hybrid rice Professor Yuan Longping, Lin Zhanxi, who went to the promotion of Juncao technology, and Xu Zengping, a patriotic businessman who bought the Varyag merchant ship for the country, showed their broad-mindedness, all of them are witnesses of the world for the public, and it is better to be happy alone, than to be happy with everyone, only by giving up their own selfish interests and integrating themselves into the vast ocean of society, can they be stable and far-reaching, and enjoy with the people, which is the real happiness. Common prosperity is the common aspiration of the people. It is ignorant to emphasize only personal contributions, to put one's own happiness above the suffering of others, and to show one's superiority. They will eventually become a stumbling block to social development, and they will eventually be abandoned by the times!

Common prosperity is misinterpreted