
Tinnitus recurs and is difficult to heal? Peanuts with a bowl of soup to clean the ears, but also the roots of the ears clean and good sleep!

author:Li Shefang, director of the Department of Encephalopathy

Hello everyone, I am your TCM friend Li Shefang.

Peanuts, an ordinary ingredient on our tables, are often overlooked for their deep value.

This seemingly insignificant "little bean" actually has unexpected benefits for tinnitus patients.

So, can peanuts really cure tinnitus?

The answer is not a direct treatment, but peanuts can indeed help us reduce and alleviate the symptoms of tinnitus.

Peanuts, as a nutritious food, contain B vitamins that have a positive effect on improving nerve conduction function.

Tinnitus recurs and is difficult to heal? Peanuts with a bowl of soup to clean the ears, but also the roots of the ears clean and good sleep!

It can effectively alleviate the symptoms of tinnitus caused by nerve damage. More importantly, peanuts also have the effect of nourishing the liver and kidneys, nourishing qi and nourishing blood.

It can improve and alleviate the problems of kidney qi deficiency and kidney essence deficiency behind tinnitus to a certain extent.

Like I had a tinnitus patient in the outpatient clinic before, listening to his description that he didn't know how to control when he was young, so people often feel tired when they reach middle age, often sweat profusely, and their limbs are afraid of cold, and they have serious insomnia at night, and they are tormented by tinnitus and always can't fall asleep.

In addition to tinnitus, his backache and weak legs, weakness in his legs, and even slippery sperm, his ears are also accompanied by a sense of obstruction, hearing loss, etc....

Tinnitus recurs and is difficult to heal? Peanuts with a bowl of soup to clean the ears, but also the roots of the ears clean and good sleep!

In traditional Chinese medicine, the main storage of the kidney is like a warehouse, where all the kidney essence is stored and then discharged on time, then if you usually don't know moderation, the kidney essence is consumed and emptied.

Therefore, according to his situation, the prescription is mainly based on tonifying kidney qi, supplemented by strengthening the spleen:

Tinnitus recurs and is difficult to heal? Peanuts with a bowl of soup to clean the ears, but also the roots of the ears clean and good sleep!

After insisting on 12 years of medicine, the patient came back for a follow-up visit, saying that the tinnitus was relieved a lot, and he had strength during the day, the number of insomnia at night was decreasing, and the backache was also improved.

After the later adjustment, he has now returned to normal, his tinnitus has been resolved, and his married life is more harmonious.

  • Astragalus has the effect of replenishing qi and solidifying the surface, diluting water and reducing swelling, Cistanche is the subordinate medicine of Qirong soup, which has the effect of nourishing yin and nourishing the kidney, moistening the intestines and laxative, and can improve the symptoms of waist and knee soreness, dizziness and tinnitus caused by kidney yin deficiency.
  • Atractylodes atractylodes has the effect of invigorating qi, drying dampness and improving water. It can enhance the function of the spleen and stomach, promote the transportation of water valleys, and improve the symptoms of dampness and stagnation in the body.
  • Mai Dong has the effect of nourishing yin and reducing fire, and quenching thirst. It can alleviate symptoms such as dry mouth, upset and insomnia caused by yin deficiency and fire.

Later, according to his specific recovery, I added other auxiliary drugs to the Qirong decoction to enhance the therapeutic effect. In general, Qirong decoction is compatible with the medicines of the monarch and ministers, and together exert the effects of nourishing yin and clearing heat, strengthening the spleen and invigorating qi, and is suitable for the treatment of kidney deficiency and spleen weakness!

Tinnitus recurs and is difficult to heal? Peanuts with a bowl of soup to clean the ears, but also the roots of the ears clean and good sleep!

In order to adjuvant the treatment, I recommend that he can eat peanuts regularly, because peanuts have a certain tonic effect. If you continue to consume it, you may feel relief in your symptoms within a month.

Patients with tinnitus can usually stew peanut soup: stew peanuts with some other nourishing ingredients, such as goji berries, red dates, etc. The soup stewed in this way can not only nourish the yin and kidneys, but also nourish the body, and is also very effective in relieving tinnitus.

However, it is important to be clear that the treatment of tinnitus is a long-term process, and in addition to strictly following the doctor's instructions, it is also possible to consult the doctor on how to use diet to help you recover more quickly.

It is important that patients with tinnitus seek medical attention as soon as possible, strictly follow the doctor's instructions, and never take medication without permission.

During the treatment process, it is the key to maintain timely communication with the doctor, adjust the medication plan according to the condition, and ensure that the right medicine is prescribed.

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