
The front-line troops of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) suddenly approached the mainland of the Philippines, and the US aircraft carrier urgently changed formations in the South China Sea

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When hundreds of Chinese ships poured into the blue waters of the South China Sea, the Philippines seemed to smell something unusual. They found that the training position of the front-line troops of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) was quietly approaching the coastal waters of the Philippines. However, the US aircraft carrier battle group, which was supposed to support the Philippine side, once again played "hide and seek" and quietly moved to a corner that is not easy to get involved in right and wrong.

The front-line troops of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) suddenly approached the mainland of the Philippines, and the US aircraft carrier urgently changed formations in the South China Sea

In this blue sea area of the South China Sea, a battle without gunpowder smoke is quietly staged. Philippine Navy spokesman Trinidad announced at a press conference with wide eyes and a slightly trembling voice: "Since June 4, Chinese ships have poured into the South China Sea like a tidal wave, and in just a few days, we have found 146 Chinese ships!" Among them, 108 are fishing boats, 16 are Chinese coast guard patrol ships, and 22 are Chinese Navy warships! ”

The front-line troops of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) suddenly approached the mainland of the Philippines, and the US aircraft carrier urgently changed formations in the South China Sea

This news instantly exploded in the Philippines, and people speculated that China was going to make a big move in the South China Sea! And Trinidad is even more astonishing: "This is the first time that the Philippine military has discovered that the PLA is conducting exercises in the so-called 'Philippine exclusive economic zone'!" ”

The front-line troops of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) suddenly approached the mainland of the Philippines, and the US aircraft carrier urgently changed formations in the South China Sea

Judging from the on-site photos released by the Philippine side and CCTV and other media reports, the protagonist of this exercise is a mighty Type 071 landing ship - Wuzhishan ship. It is like a warrior in armor, wielding a sharp sword in the waters near Xianbin Reef, showing the majesty and majesty of the People's Liberation Army. In addition, 1 warship of unknown type and 2 auxiliary vessels were involved, which together formed a strong lineup for this exercise.

The front-line troops of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) suddenly approached the mainland of the Philippines, and the US aircraft carrier urgently changed formations in the South China Sea

Speaking of Xianbin Reef, this is the focus of the recent situation in the South China Sea. In late April, the Philippine Coast Guard dispatched its largest patrol vessel, the USS Teresa Magbanua, to try to break into the Senbin Reef lagoon to compete with China for control of the reef. The ship is still lying in the lagoon, as if it wants to assert its sovereignty through this "quasi-beaching" method.

The front-line troops of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) suddenly approached the mainland of the Philippines, and the US aircraft carrier urgently changed formations in the South China Sea

However, the Chinese coast guard did not give the Philippines this opportunity. They sent small boats and collided with Philippine patrol ships several times, successfully stopping the Philippine side's attempts. Now, the Chinese Navy has held another week-long exercise near Xianbin Reef, which is undoubtedly sending a clear message to the Philippine side: Xianbin Reef is China's territory and cannot be violated!

The front-line troops of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) suddenly approached the mainland of the Philippines, and the US aircraft carrier urgently changed formations in the South China Sea

In this contest in the South China Sea, the US aircraft carrier battle group, which was supposed to support the Philippine side, suddenly changed its deployment position. As if they had smelled something, they quickly withdrew from the South China Sea and ran to a corner where it was not easy to get involved in right and wrong. This move can't help but make people speculate, is the US military afraid? Or are you waiting for a more opportune moment?

The front-line troops of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) suddenly approached the mainland of the Philippines, and the US aircraft carrier urgently changed formations in the South China Sea

However, in any case, the withdrawal of the US aircraft carrier has undoubtedly brought a big blow to the Philippines. Originally, I thought that with the support of the US military, the Philippines could argue with China in the South China Sea, but now it seems that this is nothing more than wishful thinking on the part of the Philippine side.

The front-line troops of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) suddenly approached the mainland of the Philippines, and the US aircraft carrier urgently changed formations in the South China Sea

In this contest in the South China Sea, the front-line troops of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) displayed a heroic and fearless spirit. In the face of provocations and provocations by the Philippines, they did not flinch and resolutely defended their country's sovereignty and maritime rights and interests. Whether it is the mighty and domineering spirit of the Type 071 landing ship Wuzhishan or the close cooperation of other ships, they have fully demonstrated the superb combat effectiveness and firm determination of the front-line units of the PLA.

The front-line troops of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) suddenly approached the mainland of the Philippines, and the US aircraft carrier urgently changed formations in the South China Sea

At the same time, we must also realize that the front-line units of the PLA must not only have firm determination and courage in safeguarding national sovereignty and maritime rights and interests, but also have superb tactical literacy and combat skills. Only in this way can we remain invincible in the complex situation in the South China Sea.

The front-line troops of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) suddenly approached the mainland of the Philippines, and the US aircraft carrier urgently changed formations in the South China Sea

As the situation in the South China Sea heats up, netizens have also expressed their opinions on social media. Some netizens said: "The People's Liberation Army is mighty and domineering! This is how we should give the Philippine side a dismount! Some netizens ridiculed: "The US aircraft carrier is running so fast, it seems that it is still afraid of our PLA!" Of course, some netizens expressed concern: "I hope that the situation in the South China Sea will not escalate, and peaceful resolution is the best way." ”

The front-line troops of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) suddenly approached the mainland of the Philippines, and the US aircraft carrier urgently changed formations in the South China Sea

Regardless of the views of netizens, we should all see that the tension and complexity of the situation in the South China Sea exist objectively. Under such circumstances, we should remain calm and rational and jointly maintain peace and stability in the South China Sea through diplomatic and military means.

The front-line troops of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) suddenly approached the mainland of the Philippines, and the US aircraft carrier urgently changed formations in the South China Sea

The South China Sea is China's blue land, and every inch of land carries the glory and dreams of the Chinese nation. The front-line units of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) have fully demonstrated their heroism, fearlessness, and firm determination in this contest in the South China Sea. They have defended China's sovereignty and maritime rights and interests with their own practical actions, and also demonstrated China's responsibility and courage as a major country.

The front-line troops of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) suddenly approached the mainland of the Philippines, and the US aircraft carrier urgently changed formations in the South China Sea

We believe that under the strong leadership of the Party and the government, and with the heroic struggle of the front-line troops of the People's Liberation Army, we will be able to protect this blue land and contribute to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

The front-line troops of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) suddenly approached the mainland of the Philippines, and the US aircraft carrier urgently changed formations in the South China Sea

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