
Grandpa has made braised pork for 60 years, the taste is soft and fragrant, and the spices only add these four flavors

author:Apocalypse of life

Nowadays, people's living conditions are getting better and better, and there is more meat that can be eaten for us at ordinary times, but the most popular thing is pork, which seems to be more satisfying than other meats. The most delicious part of pork should be the fat and thin pork belly, and the most classic way to make pork belly is the braised pork, the red color, soft and glutinous taste of the braised pork on the table, can instantly arouse people's appetite, eat a bite is even more people can't stop chopsticks.

Grandpa has made braised pork for 60 years, the taste is soft and fragrant, and the spices only add these four flavors

I believe that many friends like to eat this bite of braised pork, for many people, braised pork is also the most childhood memory of the classic dish. When I was a child, the conditions were not good, and there was relatively little meat at home, only during the New Year's festival I could eat the braised pork once, and the stewed braised pork could smell fragrant from afar, and it tasted fat but not greasy, soft and rotten.

Grandpa has made braised pork for 60 years, the taste is soft and fragrant, and the spices only add these four flavors

When I grew up, I used to make braised pork for my family, and I learned the recipe from my mother. Although the braised pork is delicious, it is not easy to make, the meat is old, the color is not red and bright, and it is estimated that many friends have encountered it. If you want to make braised pork delicious, there are also some skills that need to be mastered, and the following editor will share the practices and skills of braised pork with you.

--- [Homemade Braised Pork]---

Prepare ingredients: 600 grams of pork belly, a shallot, a piece of ginger, two star anise, a small piece of cinnamon, an appropriate amount of salt, 20 grams of rock sugar, and an appropriate amount of cooking oil.


1. Clean the pork belly and cut it into pieces about 2 cm square for later use.

Grandpa has made braised pork for 60 years, the taste is soft and fragrant, and the spices only add these four flavors

2. Cut the shallots into long sections, cut the ginger into slices, and prepare two star anise and a small piece of cinnamon for later use. You don't need too many spices to make braised pork, just a few ingredients.

Grandpa has made braised pork for 60 years, the taste is soft and fragrant, and the spices only add these four flavors

3. Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot, put the cut pork belly pieces in a pot under cold water, skim off the foam after boiling over high heat, then add a little cooking wine to remove the smell, cook for 2 minutes and remove it.

Grandpa has made braised pork for 60 years, the taste is soft and fragrant, and the spices only add these four flavors

4. After removing the pork belly, rinse off the residual foam on the surface with hot or warm water, and then dry the water for later use. Do not rinse the meat with cold water after blanching, because the temperature on the surface of the meat is still relatively high at this time, and the cold water will shrink the meat and make the pork belly not easy to stew.

Grandpa has made braised pork for 60 years, the taste is soft and fragrant, and the spices only add these four flavors

5. Heat the wok until it smokes, then add a little cooking oil to moisten the pan, stir-fry the pork belly with dry moisture, stir-fry the excess fat in the pork belly, and stir-fry the pork belly until the skin is slightly yellow. This step can remove the excess fat in the pork belly, making the braised pork taste fat but not greasy.

Grandpa has made braised pork for 60 years, the taste is soft and fragrant, and the spices only add these four flavors

6. Leave a little bottom oil in the wok, add 20 grams of rock sugar, first turn on high heat to fry the rock sugar, then turn to low heat and fry slowly, stir constantly with a spoon, when the rock sugar bubbles, the bubbles change from large to dense bubbles, and the sugar color is fried.

Grandpa has made braised pork for 60 years, the taste is soft and fragrant, and the spices only add these four flavors

7. After the sugar is fried, add the fried pork belly pieces and stir-fry them a few times quickly to evenly coat the surface of the meat pieces.

Grandpa has made braised pork for 60 years, the taste is soft and fragrant, and the spices only add these four flavors

8. Add an appropriate amount of boiling water, then add green onions, ginger slices, star anise, cinnamon, bring to a boil over high heat, turn to medium-low heat, cover the pot and simmer for 45 minutes. At this time, you must add boiling water, if you add cold water, the meat will shrink and the sugar color will crystal.

Grandpa has made braised pork for 60 years, the taste is soft and fragrant, and the spices only add these four flavors

9. After 45 minutes, the meat pieces are already seven or eight minutes cooked, add an appropriate amount of salt to taste, cover the pot and simmer for another 15 minutes. To make braised pork, add salt not too early, if you add salt too early, the meat is easy to firewood, and it is not easy to stew; The meat should be stewed until it is medium-cooked, and then salt should be added, which will not make the meat woody, but also make it more flavorful.

Grandpa has made braised pork for 60 years, the taste is soft and fragrant, and the spices only add these four flavors

10. After 1 hour of slow simmering, the braised pork has become very soft and glutinous, at this time, turn on the high heat, collect the soup slightly, the color of the braised pork will become very beautiful, turn off the heat, put it out of the pot and put it on the plate.

Grandpa has made braised pork for 60 years, the taste is soft and fragrant, and the spices only add these four flavors

Details and several tips for making braised pork: 1. After blanching the meat pieces, rinse them with hot water, and it is best not to rinse them with cold water. 2. Blanched pork belly pieces and then stir-fried can effectively remove the grease and fishy smell, so that the braised pork does not taste greasy. 3. Braised pork stewed until medium-cooked, then add salt to taste, too early or too late.

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