
Sky-high debt-ridden! 55-year-old Wu Xiubo went from actor to lai, and last year said that he was killed by the bureau and went bankrupt

author:Sunshine Kan emotional
Sky-high debt-ridden! 55-year-old Wu Xiubo went from actor to lai, and last year said that he was killed by the bureau and went bankrupt


In the bright galaxy of the entertainment industry, Wu Xiubo was one of the most dazzling stars. However, the gears of fate always turn unexpectedly. From actor to lai, from high-profile to notorious, Wu Xiubo's life trajectory is as thrilling as a roller coaster. What made this former screen darling fall off the altar? What can his story tell us? Let's unveil this legend together.

Sky-high debt-ridden! 55-year-old Wu Xiubo went from actor to lai, and last year said that he was killed by the bureau and went bankrupt

1. The origin of Wu Xiubo's crisis

In 2017, "The Alliance of Military Divisions of Sima Yi" was born and became popular with Wu Xiubo in one fell swoop. This drama not only soared in ratings, but also brought investors a rich return of nearly 1 billion yuan. However, who would have thought that this work, which allowed Wu Xiubo to stand at the pinnacle of his career, would become the fuse for him to slide into the abyss?

Sky-high debt-ridden! 55-year-old Wu Xiubo went from actor to lai, and last year said that he was killed by the bureau and went bankrupt

The seemingly simple issue of income distribution has become the beginning of a protracted legal battle. No one expected that this dispute would snowball, and finally pushed Wu Xiubo to the edge of the cliff.

Sky-high debt-ridden! 55-year-old Wu Xiubo went from actor to lai, and last year said that he was killed by the bureau and went bankrupt

Fast forward to November 2023, and the court's judgment was like a heavy punch, which caught Wu Xiubo off guard - a 466 million yuan enforcement order, which made the former actor lose his former aura in an instant. But that's just the beginning of the nightmare.

Sky-high debt-ridden! 55-year-old Wu Xiubo went from actor to lai, and last year said that he was killed by the bureau and went bankrupt

As if fate was playing a cruel joke on Wu Xiubo, in January 2024, another heavy blow followed. The new enforcement of 290 million yuan made Wu Xiubo's debt snowball. , a once glamorous actor, is now sinking deeper and deeper into the whirlpool of money.

Sky-high debt-ridden! 55-year-old Wu Xiubo went from actor to lai, and last year said that he was killed by the bureau and went bankrupt

In February 2024, the situation deteriorated further. Not only was the company restricted from high consumption, but Wu Xiubo, as the legal representative, could not escape his fate. He used to enjoy a luxurious life, but now even a first-class ticket has become a luxury. This huge gap can't help but make people sigh.

Sky-high debt-ridden! 55-year-old Wu Xiubo went from actor to lai, and last year said that he was killed by the bureau and went bankrupt

From 1 billion in income to 750 million in debt, Wu Xiubo's wealth evaporated in just a few years. This is not only a change in numbers, but also a complete turn in the trajectory of life. used to dominate the film industry, but now he is mired in debt and unable to extricate himself. All this makes people think: Is there only a thin line between success and failure?

Sky-high debt-ridden! 55-year-old Wu Xiubo went from actor to lai, and last year said that he was killed by the bureau and went bankrupt

2. Wu Xiubo's defense

In the face of overwhelming doubts and accusations, Wu Xiubo, who had been silent for a long time, finally broke his silence. On November 24, 2023, his social account suddenly broke out, posting several pieces of content in a row, crying blood and shouting grievances. "I was set up to bankruptcy!" This hoarse cry instantly detonated the Internet. What kind of grievance can make this once dominant boss in the film industry so out of shape?

Sky-high debt-ridden! 55-year-old Wu Xiubo went from actor to lai, and last year said that he was killed by the bureau and went bankrupt

Wu Xiubo's accusations are directed at two people - Jin Mouxing and producer Zhang. He claimed that the two "embezzled tens of millions of yuan of crew funds, but the evidence is conclusive, but they can still get away with it." This sharply worded accusation not only exposed the unspoken rules of the film and television industry, but also exposed Wu Xiubo's inner anger and helplessness. But what is the truth of the matter? Is it as Wu Xiubo said? These doubts will undoubtedly make this dispute even more confusing.

Sky-high debt-ridden! 55-year-old Wu Xiubo went from actor to lai, and last year said that he was killed by the bureau and went bankrupt

In this storm of public opinion, Wu Xiubo also has a trick that is interesting - he cleverly chose the stills of himself in "The Alliance of Military Divisions of Sima Yi" as the accompanying picture. The face full of vicissitudes and helplessness seems to be silently telling what happened in reality. This technique of mirroring the characters in the play with the real situation cannot help but make people sigh at the subtle connection between art and life.

Sky-high debt-ridden! 55-year-old Wu Xiubo went from actor to lai, and last year said that he was killed by the bureau and went bankrupt

Wu Xiubo's defense is the self-help of a troubled star, or a well-planned public relations action? In any case, this undoubtedly adds a bit of drama to the dispute. And in this debate where the public says that the public is justified and the mother-in-law says that the mother-in-law is reasonable, the truth seems to be getting farther and farther away, and all that is left to the public is endless speculation and discussion.

Sky-high debt-ridden! 55-year-old Wu Xiubo went from actor to lai, and last year said that he was killed by the bureau and went bankrupt

3. Wu Xiubo's reputation was ruined in love with his year-old love

Wu Xiubo's life is like a roller coaster, with ups and downs. In 2018, a sensational "derailment and blackmail incident" that caused a sensation across the country became the first major turning point in his life. The seven-year extramarital affair with actress Chen Yulin, who is 25 years younger, was exposed, which instantly pushed him to the forefront of public opinion. This "year-old love" not only ruined Wu Xiubo's public image for many years, but also caused him to fall into the quagmire of legal disputes.

Sky-high debt-ridden! 55-year-old Wu Xiubo went from actor to lai, and last year said that he was killed by the bureau and went bankrupt

Subsequently, Chen Yulin was arrested on suspicion of extortion, and this love farce turned into a complex legal case. In 2021, Chen Yulin was sentenced to three years in prison, suspended for three years. However, for Wu Xiubo, the verdict is just a talisman for the fall of his acting career. After this turmoil, it is difficult for the former actor to appear on the big screen, as if he was removed from the entertainment industry overnight.

Sky-high debt-ridden! 55-year-old Wu Xiubo went from actor to lai, and last year said that he was killed by the bureau and went bankrupt
Sky-high debt-ridden! 55-year-old Wu Xiubo went from actor to lai, and last year said that he was killed by the bureau and went bankrupt

However, what is less known is that this is not the first time in Wu Xiubo's life that he has been in a desperate situation. Already in his years of obscurity, fate gave him a heavy blow. After graduating from Chinese opera, the young Wu Xiubo joined the China Railway Art Troupe, full of longing. Who knew that there were unforeseen circumstances, he suddenly had unbearable abdominal pain, and was misdiagnosed as intestinal cancer.

Sky-high debt-ridden! 55-year-old Wu Xiubo went from actor to lai, and last year said that he was killed by the bureau and went bankrupt

This horrible misdiagnosis nearly killed him. On the operating table, doctors removed 40 centimeters of his colon. At that time, Wu Xiubo was just a poor boy with a shy pocket, and the sky-high medical expenses of 130,000 yuan almost crushed him. Luckily, the unit came to the rescue.

Sky-high debt-ridden! 55-year-old Wu Xiubo went from actor to lai, and last year said that he was killed by the bureau and went bankrupt

Wu Xiubo, who struggled to get up from the operating table, had to leave his beloved stage for a while and turn to singing in bars to make a living. Those years were the darkest moment of his life, and they were also the crucible that tempered his will. It wasn't until 2010 that he played the role of undercover Liu Xinjie in "Before Dawn", which made him usher in a turning point in his career and become famous in one fell swoop.

Sky-high debt-ridden! 55-year-old Wu Xiubo went from actor to lai, and last year said that he was killed by the bureau and went bankrupt

Wu Xiubo's life is like a movie with ups and downs. From a misdiagnosis of near-death to an overnight sensation, to being caught in the abyss of scandal, every turn is thrilling. This makes one wonder: how far is there between success and failure? A tease of fate, or the result of personal choice?

Sky-high debt-ridden! 55-year-old Wu Xiubo went from actor to lai, and last year said that he was killed by the bureau and went bankrupt

4. An actor's self-redemption

Wu Xiubo's life trajectory is like a thrilling chain reaction. A bad decision, like the first domino, falls gently but triggers a cascade of irreparable consequences. From the careless exposure of the extramarital affair, to the ensuing blackmail scandal, to the huge debt now, every step seems to push him deeper into the abyss. This begs the question: At the crossroads of life, are we really aware of the weight of each choice?

Sky-high debt-ridden! 55-year-old Wu Xiubo went from actor to lai, and last year said that he was killed by the bureau and went bankrupt

For Wu Xiubo, the most painful thing is the loss of his identity as an actor. As a person who has dedicated most of his life to acting, being suddenly forced to withdraw from the stage is undoubtedly the heaviest blow. Those once familiar shouts of "click" on the set, the applause and cheers of the audience, have now become unattainable dreams. This sense of loss can only be truly experienced by those who regard their profession as their life.

Sky-high debt-ridden! 55-year-old Wu Xiubo went from actor to lai, and last year said that he was killed by the bureau and went bankrupt

However, when we examine the ups and downs of Wu Xiubo, an eternal question emerges: Is this a trick of fate, or is it the result of personal choice? Some people say that Wu Xiubo is a victim of fate, from the misdiagnosis of bowel cancer to the current debt crisis, it is all a ruthless trick of fate. But another voice believes that everyone is the master of their own destiny, and that Wu's predicament stems from his own bad decisions.

Sky-high debt-ridden! 55-year-old Wu Xiubo went from actor to lai, and last year said that he was killed by the bureau and went bankrupt

Perhaps, the truth lies somewhere in between. Life gives us the freedom to choose, but it doesn't always generously give a second chance. Wu Xiubo's story is like a mirror, reflecting the fragility and impermanence of life. It reminds us to enjoy success while always being vigilant, because the winds of fate can change in an instant.

Sky-high debt-ridden! 55-year-old Wu Xiubo went from actor to lai, and last year said that he was killed by the bureau and went bankrupt

In the end, Wu Xiubo's experience left us with a profound enlightenment: life is not only about enjoying the highlights, but also showing resilience in the trough. Whether in good times or bad, maintaining the original intention and adhering to the right values may be the real magic weapon to survive the storms of life.

Sky-high debt-ridden! 55-year-old Wu Xiubo went from actor to lai, and last year said that he was killed by the bureau and went bankrupt


Wu Xiubo's story is full of ups and downs, but it reminds us of the resilience of life and the possibility of self-reinvention. Everyone can face setbacks, but the key is how to get back from a fall. Perhaps, this is precisely the reason why we should cherish the present moment and cherish everything we have. No matter what stage of life we are in, we all have the opportunity to start afresh and write our own wonderful chapter. Life is like a play, and we are all our own protagonists.

Sky-high debt-ridden! 55-year-old Wu Xiubo went from actor to lai, and last year said that he was killed by the bureau and went bankrupt

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