
8 years have passed, and this big heroine drama is still one of my two favorite American dramas

author:Feel free to watch American dramas

Today I recommend to you a legal drama that has ended - "The Good Wife", 7 years and 7 seasons, a total of 156 episodes.

Although it has been 8 years, I still haven't found any drama where the adults are more complex, more realistic, and more moving than the protagonists in "The Good Wife".

8 years have passed, and there is no drama that can bring the audience the courage and strength to start anew, the wisdom and cunning to constantly wrestle with life.

Eight years later, she is still one of my two favorite dramas.


The Good Wife

Genre: Drama / Legal

8 years have passed, and this big heroine drama is still one of my two favorite American dramas

"The Good Wife" premiered on CBS in 2009 and ended in May 2016, with a total of 7 seasons over a period of 7 years.

The play is based on the politician scandal that occurred in the United States, and depicts the story of a politician's wife, who returns to the workplace and regains her life after her husband was exposed to prostitution and corruption scandal and was imprisoned.

Each season has a score of more than 9 points on Douban.

8 years have passed, and this big heroine drama is still one of my two favorite American dramas

Alicia Florrick is the central character in the series "The Good Wife", and her story begins at a very low beginning.

As a top student in law school, Alicia was originally an aspiring lawyer.

But after marrying state attorney Peter Florrick, she chose to give up her career.

For love, she washed her hands and made soup, and was willing to be a housewife.

However, when Peter's sex scandal and political corruption are exposed, Alicia has to face public humiliation and a personal crisis.

8 years have passed, and this big heroine drama is still one of my two favorite American dramas

Isolated and helpless, she decided to return to the workforce and resume her legal career to support herself and her two children.

Alicia began her legal career at the Law Firm of Lockhart & Gardner.

8 years have passed, and this big heroine drama is still one of my two favorite American dramas

As a mother who has been away from the workforce for many years, she faces the challenge of readjusting to the work environment, building her professional reputation and dealing with competition in the workplace.

When she first returned to the workplace, she lived under the stigma of her husband, the judge made it difficult for her, her colleagues talked about her, and her friends alienated her......

She had to prove that she was not only a capable lawyer, but also able to establish herself in the male-dominated legal profession.

As the plot develops, Alicia gradually grows from a good wife and mother who relies on her husband to an independent and strong professional woman.

She learned how to find her ground in complex legal cases, how to choose between ethics and law, and how to find a balance between her personal life and her career.

8 years have passed, and this big heroine drama is still one of my two favorite American dramas

Alicia's emotional life in the show is equally complicated. Her relationship with her husband, Peter, went through a process of estrangement to re-establishing trust.

At the same time, the emotional entanglement between her and her colleague Will Gardner is also a highlight of the plot, and the relationship between the two is full of attraction and contradictions.

8 years have passed, and this big heroine drama is still one of my two favorite American dramas

As a lawyer, Alicia often touches on a variety of social issues such as gay rights, racial discrimination, and political corruption in her handling cases.

These issues not only test Alicia's legal knowledge, but also her ethics and values.

Within the law firm, Alicia is also involved in various power struggles.

Her relationships with title partners Diane Lockhart and Will Gardner, as well as later rivalries with new partners and rivals, have driven Alicia's growth and transformation.

8 years have passed, and this big heroine drama is still one of my two favorite American dramas

Eventually, she grew from the wife of a politician who was humiliated by the public to a respected lawyer who was successful both personally and professionally.

In the final scene of the final episode of The Good Wife, Alicia is slapped hard by Diane, who looks frightened and half of her face blushes.

But Alicia wiped away her tears, straightened her clothes, and walked back on, leaving us with an empty hallway.

8 years have passed, and this big heroine drama is still one of my two favorite American dramas

Seven years ago, it was the same corridor after the press conference, and it was the same slap, but the difference was that the person who shot it back then was herself, and the other party was Peter.

It's like a reincarnation.


What do you want?

Alicia thought for a moment and replied:

I want a happy life,and I want to control my fate.

Screenwriters King and his wife also said in the "Afterword" of The Good Wife:

The most important thing is not who she is with, but who she becomes.

If it is said that seven years ago, Alicia was with her husband and children and became a good wife and mother;

Seven years later, Alicia is empty, and she has become "herself".

8 years have passed, and this big heroine drama is still one of my two favorite American dramas

Through Alicia's perspective, "The Good Wife" shows the story of how women overcome difficulties in modern society to achieve self-worth and career success.

She went from a forward-looking housewife, to a middle-aged woman with nothing, to a dominating legal beauty.

I have to say that this drama is a compulsory American drama for women in the new era!

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