
14 years ago, Liu Dacheng, who promised in public that he would never abandon his bad wife after becoming popular, did he do it later?

author:Xiaozo Naogon
14 years ago, Liu Dacheng, who promised in public that he would never abandon his bad wife after becoming popular, did he do it later?
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
14 years ago, Liu Dacheng, who promised in public that he would never abandon his bad wife after becoming popular, did he do it later?

In 2010, on the stage of "Avenue of Stars", a rural youth named Liu Dacheng conquered the audience and judges with his simple singing voice. When the spotlight enveloped him, and honor and applause followed, Liu Dacheng made a shocking declaration: no matter what the future holds, he will never abandon his wife, Wang Min.

This promise sparked a lot of discussion at the time. Many people can't help but wonder: Can a man from a poor background really keep his promise after becoming famous? After all, as the saying goes, "when a man is rich, he becomes bad".

However, Liu Dacheng's determined eyes seem to tell a different story to the world.

14 years have passed quietly, has Liu Dacheng really fulfilled his oath? Let's walk into this sincere emotion across time, and witness the extraordinary actions of an ordinary person together.

14 years ago, Liu Dacheng, who promised in public that he would never abandon his bad wife after becoming popular, did he do it later?

Liu Dacheng spent his childhood in a poor rural area, but even though life was hard, his love for music always burned in his heart. In the fields, he played the melodies of various musical instruments with the leaves of the trees, and expressed his heart's desires with his immature singing.

However, in the countryside of that era, singing and dancing were seen as unprofessional and unpromising.

Liu Dacheng's father was strongly opposed to his son's musical dreams. In his opinion, farming is the way to go. In the face of his father's severe rebuke, Liu Dacheng did not give up his hobby, but chose a low-key way to persevere.

He often sneaked into the open fields of the neighboring villages, where he sang to his heart's content, letting the song drift in the wind. This kind of days of secret practice adds a unique charm to Liu Dacheng's singing, which not only contains a love for music, but also contains the determination to stick to his dreams.

14 years ago, Liu Dacheng, who promised in public that he would never abandon his bad wife after becoming popular, did he do it later?

As an adult, in order to get rid of his father's control and pursue a broader world, Liu Dacheng chose to leave his hometown and work in a factory. In this hustle and bustle environment, his musical dreams seem to be buried by the weight of reality.

However, fate always favors those who don't give up. It was in this factory that Liu Dacheng met the person who changed his life - Wang Min.

Although the life in the factory is ordinary, Liu Dacheng has not forgotten his musical dream. Whenever he is not working, he will find a quiet corner and hum a few words, as if this can comfort his tired soul.

His singing voice has both longing for his hometown and longing for the future.

14 years ago, Liu Dacheng, who promised in public that he would never abandon his bad wife after becoming popular, did he do it later?

This experience shaped Liu Dacheng's tenacious character. From a poor boy to a factory youth with dreams, Liu Dacheng has never given up his love for music.

Even in the face of the pressure of reality and the opposition of his family, he still insisted on his choice. This dedication not only laid the foundation for his future success, but also allowed him to maintain his original intention in the face of the temptation of fame and fortune.

Liu Dacheng's story tells us that once the seeds of dreams are planted, they will take root and sprout in our hearts. Even if the environment is difficult, it cannot stop a person from pursuing his dreams.

It was this persistence and love that allowed Liu Dacheng to maintain his passion for music in his ordinary life, paving the way for his later success.

14 years ago, Liu Dacheng, who promised in public that he would never abandon his bad wife after becoming popular, did he do it later?

In the bustling factory, Mr. Liu is just one of many ordinary workers. He is mediocre in appearance, except for a good voice, there seems to be nothing special about him.

However, the beautiful and moving Wang Min is like a light, illuminating his ordinary life. Wang Min not only has outstanding appearance, but also has an elegant temperament, which attracts the attention of many young men in the factory.

Liu Dacheng was deeply attracted by Wang Min's beauty and temperament, but his inferiority complex made him dare not show his heart. He is well aware that his family conditions are not good, and his appearance cannot be compared to that of other suitors.

However, once the spark of love is ignited, it is difficult to extinguish. Liu Dacheng chose a special way to express his love: write a love letter to Wang Min every day.

14 years ago, Liu Dacheng, who promised in public that he would never abandon his bad wife after becoming popular, did he do it later?

These words, full of sincere feelings, have become the outlet of Liu Dacheng's inner feelings. He poured his love for music, his perception of life, and his admiration for Wang Min into these letters.

Every night, when the factory fell silent, Liu Dacheng carefully wrote his thoughts through the dim light.

However, the letters were never sent. Liu Dacheng carefully hid them under the bed board of the dormitory, as if guarding a precious secret. In two years, more than 500 love letters were silently piled up, witnessing a deep and pure crush.

These unsent letters carry Liu Dacheng's vision of love and expectations for the future.

14 years ago, Liu Dacheng, who promised in public that he would never abandon his bad wife after becoming popular, did he do it later?

Fate always favors the brave. The gala held by the factory gave Liu Dacheng an opportunity to show his talents. When he stood on the stage and sang, his talent was like a blooming flower, which amazed everyone.

Liu Dacheng's strong voice and infectious singing made the colleagues present fall for it. And what pleased him the most was that he found that Wang Min in the audience was looking at him with surprise and admiration.

This performance became a turning point in the relationship between the two. Wang Min became interested in this unimpressive but talented man. With the help of colleagues, the two began frequent contact.

Liu Dacheng plucked up the courage and began to take the initiative to talk to Wang Min and share his love for music.

14 years ago, Liu Dacheng, who promised in public that he would never abandon his bad wife after becoming popular, did he do it later?

By chance, Wang Min learned that Liu Dacheng was often plagued by mosquitoes in the hot summer. She thoughtfully sewed a mosquito net for Liu Dacheng and delivered it to his dormitory in person.

In the process of installing mosquito nets, Wang Min accidentally found those love letters hidden under the bed board.

The life after marriage is not rich, but the relationship between Liu Dacheng and Wang Min is getting deeper and deeper. The small rental house is poorly furnished, but it is full of happiness.

Wang Min is well aware of her husband's love for music, and often encourages Liu Dacheng to continue practicing singing after work. She firmly believes that her husband's talent will one day be discovered by the world.

14 years ago, Liu Dacheng, who promised in public that he would never abandon his bad wife after becoming popular, did he do it later?

One day, Wang Min learned by chance that there was a professional singing training course. She did not hesitate to take out all the savings she had accumulated in her family for a long time and registered for Liu Dacheng.

Liu Dacheng was moved to tears, he knew that the money could have been used to improve their lives, but his wife chose to support his dream.

Opportunity always favors those who are prepared. When the "Walk of Fame" program launched, the couple realized that this was the perfect opportunity to change their fate. However, they had to travel to Beijing, which was a big expense for them.

Wang Min once again showed her selflessness and courage, handing over the salary she had just paid to Liu Dacheng and encouraging him to pursue his dreams bravely.

14 years ago, Liu Dacheng, who promised in public that he would never abandon his bad wife after becoming popular, did he do it later?

On the stage in Beijing, Liu Dacheng impressed the judges and the audience with his simple and infectious singing voice. Every time he sings, he seems to be able to see Wang Min cheering for him offstage.

This support from his wife has become the driving force for him to keep moving forward.

Liu Dacheng passed all the way and finally successfully advanced to the finals. When he stood on the bright stage, his heart was filled with gratitude. He knows that his success is not only the result of personal efforts, but also the result of working together with his wife.

This experience of chasing dreams made Liu Dacheng and Wang Min's relationship even deeper. They proved with their actions that true love is not only about supporting each other in life, but also about moving forward side by side on the road of chasing dreams.

14 years ago, Liu Dacheng, who promised in public that he would never abandon his bad wife after becoming popular, did he do it later?

This mutual affection has laid a solid foundation for Liu Dacheng to stick to his promise in the future.

The success of "Avenue of Stars" made Liu Dacheng famous overnight. This was followed by a flood of commercial offers and rising salaries. Liu Dacheng's life has changed dramatically, but he has not been carried away by the sudden fame and fortune.

On the contrary, he has always maintained his love for life and concern for his family.

After becoming famous, Liu Dacheng's first thought was to improve the quality of life of his family. He took his parents and parents-in-law to taste the city's food and buy them new clothes and things.

14 years ago, Liu Dacheng, who promised in public that he would never abandon his bad wife after becoming popular, did he do it later?

However, the attentive Wang Min found that her husband always forgot to buy new clothes for himself. Liu Dacheng said with a smile: "I am already very satisfied, and the most important thing is to let my family live a good life."

treats his parents and father-in-law and mother-in-law, Liu Dacheng has always maintained a sense of respect. When his father-in-law was hospitalized due to illness, Liu Dacheng took care of his father-in-law in the hospital regardless of his status as a big star.

He accompanies him day and night, takes care of him carefully, and is even busier than Wang Min. Knowing that there was an authoritative expert who might be helpful to his father-in-law's condition, Liu Dacheng drove hundreds of kilometers overnight to invite the doctor without saying a word.

This kind of meticulous filial piety deeply touched everyone.

14 years ago, Liu Dacheng, who promised in public that he would never abandon his bad wife after becoming popular, did he do it later?

In addition to caring for his family, Liu Dacheng has not forgotten to return to his hometown. He generously donated money to build schools and hospitals in his hometown, with a special focus on the education of left-behind children.

Every year, he finds time to return to his hometown to give free concerts to the children there, encouraging them to pursue their dreams.

The most admirable thing is that Liu Dacheng has always adhered to his promise to his wife Wang Min. Despite his busy acting career, he chooses to spend time with his family whenever he has free time.

On days when there are no performances, Liu Dacheng will do housework with his wife and play with the children. Their family life is simple, but full of warmth.

14 years ago, Liu Dacheng, who promised in public that he would never abandon his bad wife after becoming popular, did he do it later?

Even after becoming popular, Liu Dacheng still maintains his simple nature. He often taught young singers to be grateful and not to forget their roots. Once, a young singer had an arrogant attitude towards the staff, and Liu Dacheng seriously criticized: "Our achievements today are inseparable from the efforts of every staff member."

Always be humble and grateful.

In the past 14 years, Liu Dacheng has proved with practical actions that he is not only a talented singer, but also a man who values love and righteousness and believes in his words. His story became a powerful refutation of the idea that "when a man is rich, he becomes bad".

Liu Dacheng used his own actions to interpret what real success is: not only the brilliance of the career, but also the nobility of character and the adherence to commitment.

14 years ago, Liu Dacheng, who promised in public that he would never abandon his bad wife after becoming popular, did he do it later?

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, Liu Dacheng has been famous for 14 years. In the past 14 years, he has consistently fulfilled the promise of the year, and interpreted what true love is with his actions.

From an obscure factory worker to a household name singer, Liu Dacheng's life has undergone earth-shaking changes. However, instead of diluting because of fame and fortune, the relationship between him and Wang Min became deeper and deeper.

They have experienced the ups and downs of life together, sharing joys, sorrows, and sorrows.

In the past 14 years, Wang Min is still Liu Dacheng's strongest backing. Whenever Liu Dacheng encountered a bottleneck in his career or questioned his voice, Wang Min was always the first to stand up and support him and encourage him.

14 years ago, Liu Dacheng, who promised in public that he would never abandon his bad wife after becoming popular, did he do it later?

And Liu Dacheng also proved with his words and deeds that he is a trustworthy husband who always puts his family first.

The couple's affection is not only reflected in the bits and pieces of life, but also in their support for each other's careers. Liu Dacheng encouraged Wang Min to pursue her interests and fully supported her to open a small public library to provide free reading space for left-behind children.

This sincere relationship, which spans 14 years, not only touched the people around him, but also touched countless audiences. Liu Dacheng used his own experience to tell the world that true love can stand the test of time and fame.

His story has become a rare story in the entertainment industry, and it has also taught a vivid love lesson for those doubters.

14 years ago, Liu Dacheng, who promised in public that he would never abandon his bad wife after becoming popular, did he do it later?

The story of Liu Dacheng and Wang Min proves that sincere feelings can transcend the limitations of time and environment. They used 14 years of companionship to interpret the true meaning of "holding the hand of the son and growing old with the son".

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