
Heartwarming! Caring enterprises donated 2,087 sets of desks and chairs to six rural schools in Peng'an

author:Records of people's livelihood information

On June 18th, the students of the Central Primary School of Longshu Town, Peng'an County, received a heart-warming gift - a batch of new desks and chairs jointly donated by Shanghai Meow Guo Information Technology Co., Ltd. (9377 Game Company) and other caring enterprises. Sun Chao, deputy county magistrate, attended the donation event.

Education is the cornerstone of social development, schools are the cradle of children's growth, and a comfortable and safe learning environment plays a vital role in children's growth. In his speech, Sun Chao thanked the donation of caring enterprises, hoped that the children would study hard and grow into talents worthy of the construction of a strong country and the rejuvenation of the nation, and also hoped that more social forces could join in charity and jointly contribute to the growth of the children.

Heartwarming! Caring enterprises donated 2,087 sets of desks and chairs to six rural schools in Peng'an
Heartwarming! Caring enterprises donated 2,087 sets of desks and chairs to six rural schools in Peng'an
Heartwarming! Caring enterprises donated 2,087 sets of desks and chairs to six rural schools in Peng'an
Heartwarming! Caring enterprises donated 2,087 sets of desks and chairs to six rural schools in Peng'an
Heartwarming! Caring enterprises donated 2,087 sets of desks and chairs to six rural schools in Peng'an
Heartwarming! Caring enterprises donated 2,087 sets of desks and chairs to six rural schools in Peng'an
Heartwarming! Caring enterprises donated 2,087 sets of desks and chairs to six rural schools in Peng'an

On the same day, when the new desks and chairs arrived on campus, all teachers and students worked together, either carrying them on their shoulders alone, or carrying them in pairs, and the huge playground suddenly became like a battlefield like "ants moving". After the desks were installed, the children sitting on the new desks and chairs were very happy, and their smiles bloomed like gorgeous flowers on their faces.

Heartwarming! Caring enterprises donated 2,087 sets of desks and chairs to six rural schools in Peng'an

[Lu Xiang, a student of Longshu Town Central Primary School: After receiving the new desk, my heart is extremely happy and excited, thank them for donating the new desks to us, so that we have a better learning environment, in the future study and life, I will study harder, and strive to be a useful person to the country and society in the future. 】

It is understood that a total of 2,087 sets of desks and chairs were donated this time, with a total value of more than 60 yuan, covering six rural schools, including Longsilkworm Primary School, Sanba Primary School, Liutan Primary School, Heshu Middle School, Xinyuan Primary School, and Bixi Primary School.

Transferred from: Peng'an Rong Media

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