
I am disabled, my children are proud of me, my youngest son marries a foreign daughter-in-law, and my in-laws praise me as a good example

author:Light Emotion

**The Power of Role Models for the Physically Handicapped: My Path to Glory with My Children**

My name is Li Jianguo, I am 55 years old, and I was born in an ordinary rural family. When I was a child, I lost the ability to walk on my legs due to an accident and had to rely on a wheelchair to live. Although physically disabled, I never gave up my love and pursuit of life. Over the years, with my strong will and unremitting efforts, I have not only made great achievements in my career, but also become the pride of the children.

I am disabled, my children are proud of me, my youngest son marries a foreign daughter-in-law, and my in-laws praise me as a good example

I run a small handicraft shop, which is small but thriving. Every day, I wake up early, sit in my wheelchair, and craft all kinds of beautiful handicrafts. My works are not only loved by customers, but also won many awards in various exhibitions. These accolades not only make me proud, but also motivate me to keep going.

I have a happy family, my wife is gentle and virtuous, and my two sons are growing up healthy and happy. The eldest son has graduated from college and found a stable job; The youngest son is in college and is doing well in his studies. They are all very proud of me, and every time I hear them talk about my deeds, my heart is filled with joy and pride.

What makes me even more proud is that my youngest son also married a beautiful foreign daughter-in-law. She comes from distant Europe, blonde hair, beautiful and generous. Despite the differences in language and cultural background, the two of them love each other very much and live very happily. Every time I see them walking hand in hand, I feel extremely relieved and satisfied.

My in-laws praised me and praised me as a good role model. They said that I was not only physically disabled, but also educated such an excellent child, which is really a rare good father. Hearing these praises, my heart is happy, but at the same time, I also know that these honors and praises are all earned by my sweat and hard work.

I am disabled, my children are proud of me, my youngest son marries a foreign daughter-in-law, and my in-laws praise me as a good example

I remember one winter, when the weather was unusually cold, my hands were red from the cold because of the long hours of making handicrafts. But I didn't give up, but gritted my teeth and persevered. Because I know that every effort will not be in vain, and every perseverance will bring me one step closer to success.

It is this belief and perseverance that keeps me moving forward on the road of life. Although my physical disability has caused me a lot of inconvenience and difficulties, I have never bowed to fate. I firmly believe that as long as you have a dream in your heart and strength under your feet, you will be able to overcome all difficulties and realize your own value.

In addition to my work efforts, I also pay great attention to family education and parent-child relationships. I know that as a father, my words and actions will have a profound impact on my children. Therefore, I always pay attention to my words and actions and strive to be a role model for my children. I will share my experiences and insights with them, so that they can understand the difficulties and preciousness of life. I also listen to their thoughts and confusions, and give them encouragement and support.

Under my influence, the children are very sensible and filial. Not only do they excel in their studies, but they also know how to care for others and be helpful. Every time I see their seriousness when they help others, I feel extremely relieved and proud.

I am disabled, my children are proud of me, my youngest son marries a foreign daughter-in-law, and my in-laws praise me as a good example

Today, I'm over half a hundred years old, but my mind is still young and full of energy. I know that life will not always be easy, but as long as I maintain a positive attitude and perseverance, I will be able to overcome all difficulties and meet a better future.

Looking back on the past days, I deeply feel that my growth and progress are inseparable from the support and encouragement of those around me. I would like to thank my family, friends and customers for your companionship and help to make me stronger and more confident. In the future, I will continue to work hard to continuously improve my ability and quality, and make greater contributions to my family and society.

In this era of challenges and opportunities, I believe that everyone with a disability can find their own value and meaning. As long as we face difficulties bravely, actively pursue our dreams, and treat life sincerely, we will be able to create a wonderful life of our own.

And I will continue to use my own efforts and actions to interpret the power of the example of the disabled and bring more positive energy and hope to the people around me. I believe that in the future, I will write more wonderful stories and share more glory and happiness with children.