
Huang Yiming "killed crazy" live broadcast room sold green onions to raise children, and Wang Sicong was completely out of temper

author:Shuo Shuo eats melons

Huang Yiming's road to Internet celebrity: a wonderful interweaving of onions and riches


Have you ever heard of the "Goddess of Green Onions"? This is not a guest on a food show, but an Internet celebrity named Huang Yiming. She used a green onion as a prop to attract fans in the live broadcast room, and what is even more amazing is that she also got involved with Wang Sicong, a top rich man in China, and called herself "Wang Sicong's illegitimate daughter". What's going on here? Let's unveil the wonder of this onion and the rich intertwined.

Huang Yiming "killed crazy" live broadcast room sold green onions to raise children, and Wang Sicong was completely out of temper

1. Huang Yiming's road to Internet celebrity: Green onions are also crazy

In today's prevalence of short videos, Internet celebrities have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain. Huang Yiming is one of the best, and she has become the focus of attention of many netizens with a green onion. In the live broadcast room, she wore a green onion headband, promoted her products with a smile, and teased herself as "Wang Sicong's illegitimate daughter" from time to time, which caused the audience to laugh.

Huang Yiming "killed crazy" live broadcast room sold green onions to raise children, and Wang Sicong was completely out of temper

Huang Yiming's marketing strategy can be described as unique. She skillfully combines green onions with her own image to create a unique image of an influencer. This down-to-earth, people-friendly style quickly won her the love of a large number of fans. Moreover, she is not satisfied with the status quo, and constantly tries new ideas and gameplay, making the live broadcast room full of surprises and fun.

Huang Yiming "killed crazy" live broadcast room sold green onions to raise children, and Wang Sicong was completely out of temper

2. Wang Sicong's silence: acquiescence or protection?

At the same time that Huang Yiming was crazy about attracting fans, the "illegitimate daughter" turmoil between her and Wang Sicong also intensified. However, in the face of all this, Wang Sicong chose to remain silent. This made many netizens curious: Is Wang Sicong's silence a tacit acquiescence to Huang Yiming's remarks? Or is he just protecting his own privacy?

Huang Yiming "killed crazy" live broadcast room sold green onions to raise children, and Wang Sicong was completely out of temper

Regarding Wang Sicong's silence, everyone has their own opinion. Some people think that he is acquiescing in Huang Yiming's remarks, after all, the relationship between the two is really reminiscent. But there are also those who believe that he is protecting his privacy, after all, as a public figure, his private life has received too much attention. In any case, Wang Sicong's silence added more mystery to the turmoil.

Huang Yiming "killed crazy" live broadcast room sold green onions to raise children, and Wang Sicong was completely out of temper

3. Huang Yiming's controversy: challenging tradition or attracting attention?

Huang Yiming's popularity was not all smooth sailing. Her behavior has also caused a lot of controversy and questioning. Some people think that she is challenging the traditional family concept and moral bottom line, using the hype of green onions and rich people to win attention; Others think that she is pursuing her dreams and success, but in a somewhat unique way.

Huang Yiming "killed crazy" live broadcast room sold green onions to raise children, and Wang Sicong was completely out of temper

In my opinion, Huang Yiming's behavior is indeed a bit out of line. But as an influencer, she needs to keep innovating and experimenting to attract more attention. Moreover, she didn't do anything against the law, she just pursued her dreams and success in her own way. Therefore, we should not criticize her too harshly, but should look at this turmoil rationally.

Huang Yiming "killed crazy" live broadcast room sold green onions to raise children, and Wang Sicong was completely out of temper

4. The Power of Social Media: A Double-edged Sword or a Sharp Weapon?

Huang Yiming's popularity also shows us the power of social media. In this era of information explosion, everyone has the potential to be in the spotlight, and everyone's words and actions can cause a storm. However, this power is also a double-edged sword. It can not only make an ordinary person quickly become popular and become an Internet celebrity; It can also allow a person's privacy to be ruthlessly exposed to the public.

Huang Yiming "killed crazy" live broadcast room sold green onions to raise children, and Wang Sicong was completely out of temper

Therefore, we should be rational and objective when using social media. Don't blindly follow the trend and guess; And don't spread unverified information and statements at will. We should respect everyone's privacy and rights; At the same time, we should learn to look at and respond to all kinds of information and speech rationally.

Huang Yiming "killed crazy" live broadcast room sold green onions to raise children, and Wang Sicong was completely out of temper

5. Conclusion: A rational view of Internet celebrities and social media

Although Huang Yiming's road to Internet celebrity is full of controversy and doubts; But her courage and persistence are also worthy of our admiration. She pursues her dreams and success in her own way; Despite the bumpy road, she never gave up. And Wang Sicong's silence made this turmoil even more attention-grabbing; It also allows us to see the complexity and contradiction behind the exposure of celebrities' private lives.

Huang Yiming "killed crazy" live broadcast room sold green onions to raise children, and Wang Sicong was completely out of temper

In this wonderful interweaving of onions and plutocracy; We may be able to learn a lot. We should respect everyone's privacy and rights; Don't blindly follow the trend and guess; At the same time, we should also see the power and influence of social media; Learn to look at and respond to all kinds of information and speech rationally. In these uncertain times; We need to keep a clear head and the ability to think independently; in order not to be swayed by the wind and waves. Let's look forward to more positive and meaningful influencers and content; Let's create a healthy and positive online environment together!

Huang Yiming "killed crazy" live broadcast room sold green onions to raise children, and Wang Sicong was completely out of temper