
Liu Xiaoli: The most correct decision in this life is to abandon her American husband and take Liu Yifei back to China to pursue her dreams


1. Under the warm yellow light of the table lamp, Liu Yifei sat on the sofa and quietly reviewed his road to fame. She told the story of all the sacrifices and sacrifices made for her by her mother Liu Xiaoli when she was a child

"My mom dreamed of being a professional dancer since she was a child." Liu Yifei said in a tone full of admiration, "She was born with excellent dancing talent, elegant and dexterous movements, and her grasp of the rhythm of music is almost innate."

At the age of 11, Liu Xiaoli was admitted to the Wuhan Song and Dance Theater with excellent results and began the cultivation of her professional dance career. Liu Yifei showed a proud look on her face, "There, my mother went through 6 years of rigorous and arduous training, and she finally became an excellent dancer with tireless efforts.

"At that time, my mother was a great beauty, and her graceful dancing and exquisite appearance naturally attracted the pursuit of countless people." Liu Yifei's words changed, and her eyes became ambiguous, "Among them is my future father, Mr. An Shaokang, a university professor with a dashing and cheerful personality.

Liu Xiaoli: The most correct decision in this life is to abandon her American husband and take Liu Yifei back to China to pursue her dreams

She smiled coquettishly and added: "But at first, my mother refused, because she only wanted to work hard for her career and didn't care about love." Young and vigorous, she dreams of one day shining on stage.

"Later, Dad did everything he could, almost like 'messing around' to pursue Mom frantically." Liu Yifei made an exaggerated gesture and giggled at her analogy, "Two stubborn people are reluctantly together like this, and both parents see it in their eyes, and finally express their support."

However, life after marriage was not as smooth as the two expected. Liu Yifei sighed, her brows unconsciously locked slightly, "Dad and his family don't seem to have fully accepted Mom's profession from the beginning.

They hope that their mother can return to the family in peace and mind, and devote herself to her husband and children. "But it's undoubtedly a painful thing for a mom who has always been dazzling on stage.

Liu Xiaoli: The most correct decision in this life is to abandon her American husband and take Liu Yifei back to China to pursue her dreams

2. "Liu Yifei's expression was gloomy, and she seemed to feel her mother's contradictions and struggles again, "She couldn't give up her enthusiasm for the stage, and gave up her dream to make her life's efforts come to naught."

"In 1987, Liu Yifei was born, and the contradiction between mother and daughter became more acute." My mom insisted on taking me to learn to dance together, and together we achieved some success in our dance careers.

Liu Yifei said, her eyes revealing infinite pride and reverence. But the family became more and more dissatisfied, they felt that the mother was too willful and irresponsible.

Her tone was full of regret, "At that time, the family concept was relatively conservative, and my mother was alone outside, which really caused a lot of criticism." In 1997, the situation was irreconcilable.

Liu Xiaoli: The most correct decision in this life is to abandon her American husband and take Liu Yifei back to China to pursue her dreams

Liu Yifei recalled sadly: "My father was transferred to France to work at that time, and our mother and daughter got together less and left more in China. But every time he came back, he would beg his mother to give up her career and be at home with peace of mind.

"The last time, my mother was resolute, and she told her father categorically that dancing was all she had, and that she would rather take me out of the house than be imprisoned at home by him.

Liu Yifei's tone also became firm and powerful, "So, for me, in order to pursue her dreams, my mother made the most correct decision in her life - she divorced strongly and got custody of me!" After the divorce, Liu Xiaoli has a new life plan.

She took her young daughter Liu Yifei to the distant United States, changed her nationality and name, and hoped that she could study and grow up there in peace. "It was a quiet time until about 4 years later, when a boss named Chen Jinfei appeared in our lives.

Liu Xiaoli: The most correct decision in this life is to abandon her American husband and take Liu Yifei back to China to pursue her dreams

Liu Yifei recalled the scene back then, and her eyes were full of excitement and gratitude. Uncle Chen Jinfei, as my 'godfather', described to me the bright prospect of entering the entertainment industry and becoming a star.

She danced and gestured, as if she had changed back to the appearance of the little girl, "I was awakened by him at a young age, and I was determined to return to China for development." It's just that at that time, her mother Liu Xiaoli was resolutely opposed.

Liu Yifei pouted and made a petty look, "Mom said that I was too young at the time, for fear that I wouldn't be able to endure the hardships of the showbiz."

Three," she paused, and a solemn look appeared on her face again, "But in the end, my mother was still worn out by the two of us and agreed to let me return to China for development." It was only before that that she made a decision that I couldn't believe it would be

Liu Xiaoli: The most correct decision in this life is to abandon her American husband and take Liu Yifei back to China to pursue her dreams

Liu Yifei took a deep breath, as if thinking of something sad, "My mother decided to abandon her second husband in the United States and accompany me back to China alone." Because the stepfather firmly disagreed with me entering the entertainment industry, the two of them quarreled over it.

"I felt very sorry for my mother at the time." Liu Yifei's eyes were a little moist, "Because that stepfather is not bad, he has always loved me as his own daughter." But for me, my mother can abandon everything, she has no choice but to leave him with me..."After returning to China, Liu Xiaoli almost devoted herself to Liu Yifei's career as promised to her daughter before.

"No matter where I am filming, my mother will personally accompany me and escort me." Liu Yifei's tone was full of gratitude, "Everyone knows the conditions of the crew, and they are usually very simple and hard.

In order to allow me to work comfortably, my mother will spare no expense to buy me the best folding chair to sit on every time. "Mother Liu Xiaoli's ardent expectations and selfless dedication have not been in vain.

Liu Xiaoli: The most correct decision in this life is to abandon her American husband and take Liu Yifei back to China to pursue her dreams

Under her careful training, Liu Yifei was admitted to the nationally renowned Beijing Film Academy with her outstanding talent and hard work at the age of 15, and officially started her film and television career.

"My appearance at that time was so eye-catching." Liu Yifei laughed at herself and said, "As soon as the directors saw my face, they began to go crazy collectively, and they wanted me to join their costume drama lineup."

"In fact, she does have a natural fate with costume dramas." My mother once said that my appearance is very compatible with classical beauty, and I have the same smart and gentle temperament. Liu Yifei smiled and made a small spin, "So when I played the role of 'Bai Xiuzhu' in "The Family of Gold Powder", the film critics all praised me as beautiful as a fairy, like a classical beauty who came out of a painting.

4. "At the age of 16, she played the role of the classic "Wang Yuyan" in Jin Yong's martial arts drama, which won Mr. Jin's personal praise and support. At that time, his superb performance in the play made countless audiences obsessed

Liu Xiaoli: The most correct decision in this life is to abandon her American husband and take Liu Yifei back to China to pursue her dreams

"The audience said that I was beautiful enough to make the amorous stallion 'Jin Yanxi' bow to the wind, and I was completely unworthy of my beauty and intelligence." Liu Yifei's tone was half joking and half serious, and she looked very proud.

Since then, a series of classic roles such as "Little Dragon Girl" and "Zhao Linger" have pushed Liu Yifei to the pinnacle of her career. In each role, she implements herself with a unique and excellent understanding, which makes people fascinated and praised.

But at this time, her career also had a brief period of decline. Liu Yifei honestly admitted: "After entering the film and television industry, I have acted in a lot of movies, starring and supporting roles, but the overall reputation and box office are not good enough, and I have always been in a state of 'warm water'."

She showed a self-deprecating wry smile, "At that time, some people also criticized my appearance in a certain drama, saying that my appearance lost to other Hua Dan, and questioned that I was no longer so good-looking."

Liu Xiaoli: The most correct decision in this life is to abandon her American husband and take Liu Yifei back to China to pursue her dreams

Fifth, I also endured all kinds of criticism during that low period, but I never gave up my dream. In fact, Liu Yifei has always been a person with a unique personality and pursuit

She generously admits that she is not after fame and fortune like other stars. "People always say why I don't make a few more works when I'm at the top of my game, and strike while the iron is hot to consolidate my position.

Liu Yifei smiled and shook her head, "But I never think about it that way, I just simply like to make some dramas that I really like." She blinked her eyes wide, her face was full of confidence, "Fame and fortune are not really important to me, what I value more is to interpret a character well and make it vivid in front of the audience."

This unique style makes Liu Yifei unique in the mainland entertainment industry. In this circle, she never plays her cards according to common sense, and following her heart's preferences is more important than anything else.

Liu Xiaoli: The most correct decision in this life is to abandon her American husband and take Liu Yifei back to China to pursue her dreams

6. "Some people say I'm too headstrong, but I just want to keep myself." She said lightly, but there was a rebellion against "convention" hidden in her words, "Too many people in the world live in frames, so I don't want to be imprisoned in other people's frames."

Perhaps it is precisely because of this character that Liu Yifei has never been discouraged when her career is at a low point. She looked straight ahead, focused on her favorite drama, and finally regained popularity in dramas such as "Menghualu".

"You know, there were a lot of lines that were widely circulated because of my interpretation, and they became classics for a new generation." Liu Yifei couldn't hide her pride, but a playful smile immediately appeared on her childlike face.

In the same way, she never commented on her body type in the unexpected world. "Some people say I'm fat, but that's what I am." She said confidently, "I haven't used a stand-in since my debut, and I'd rather go into battle in person with a little flesh."

Liu Xiaoli: The most correct decision in this life is to abandon her American husband and take Liu Yifei back to China to pursue her dreams

She gestured her hands around her body, "This figure shows my hard work, why should I care about those unnecessary gossip?"

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