
Yin deficiency is discharge, qi depression is soft, and yang deficiency is short. Traditional Chinese medicine gives you a medicine to make you stronger.

author:TCM Andrology Cai Yanlei

In the daily life of male friends, as long as they are not good in that aspect and there is an obstacle, they will think that their own kidney qi is deficient, and they want to blindly replenish the kidney, but in fact, they do not want to blindly replenish the kidney, but to cooperate with multiple aspects to recuperate.

Yin deficiency is discharge, qi depression is soft, and yang deficiency is short. Traditional Chinese medicine gives you a medicine to make you stronger.

1. Yin deficiency is discharged

Kidney yin deficiency is mainly manifested as kidney yin deficiency and deficiency of heat and internal disturbance, which may lead to symptoms such as irritability, insomnia, night sweats, and dry throat. When kidney yin deficiency develops to a certain extent, it may affect the functions of other viscera, including the function of kidney transportation. In this case, symptoms of early thanksgiving may occur.

In terms of conditioning, you can refer to the addition and subtraction of Zhibai Dihuang, and the ingredients include Rehmannia Rehmannia, Cornus officinalis, Yam, Ze Yuan, Poria Cocos, Danpi, Zhimu, and Phellodendron cork, which have the effect of nourishing yin and reducing fire. It is mainly used to treat symptoms such as yin deficiency and fire, hot flashes, night sweats, dry mouth and sore throat, tinnitus, sperm loss, and shortness of urine.

The kidneys store essence, and the yin in the body cannot nourish and moisten, and the fire is endogenous, turning heat from yang, making the sperm chamber uneasy, and it is yin deficiency and discharge.

Yin deficiency is discharge, qi depression is soft, and yang deficiency is short. Traditional Chinese medicine gives you a medicine to make you stronger.

2. If you are depressed, you will be soft

Stagnation of liver qi will lead to weakness and weakness of the sujin. The liver stores blood, the liver is the main tendon, and the blood nourishes the tendons and promotes the normal operation of qi and blood. If the liver qi is stagnant, the flow of qi and blood is not smooth, and the tendons are weak and not nourished by the blood, it will be difficult to stand up, resulting in weakness and weakness.

In terms of conditioning, you can refer to the comprehensive treatment of Bupleurum Liver Granules plus and minus.

Bupleurum Liver Relief Granules are made of gentian, gardenia, Zexiao, Xiangfu, Chuanxiong and other medicines, which have the effects of soothing the liver and regulating qi, reducing swelling and relieving pain.

3. Yang deficiency is short

The kidney is the main reproduction, and the deficiency of kidney yang will lead to the decline of reproductive function, and symptoms such as yang micro, early thanks, and loss of libido will appear.

There are two main reasons why kidney yang deficiency causes difficulty in standing up.

First of all, kidney yang deficiency will lead to the failure of the vital door, so that the reproductive organs will not get enough warmth, which will affect the standing up.

Secondly, kidney yang deficiency will also affect the flow of qi and blood, making it impossible for qi and blood to reach the Zongjin smoothly, resulting in difficulty in standing up.

Generally, kidney yang deficiency will also be accompanied by loose stools, cold extremities.

You can refer to the addition and subtraction of Guilu tonifying kidney qi.

Yin deficiency is discharge, qi depression is soft, and yang deficiency is short. Traditional Chinese medicine gives you a medicine to make you stronger.

Turtle and Deer Kidney Tonifying Herb is composed of dodder seed, Indian sheep weed, ginseng, Suoyang, dog spine, etc., which has the effect of tonifying the kidney and strengthening the muscles and bones.

It has the effects of nourishing yin and nourishing the kidneys, consolidating the essence and adding meridians, invigorating qi and invigorating blood, relaxing tendons and channels, dispelling wind and dehumidifying.

The popularization of TCM science is for reference only, and the condition varies from person to person, so if you feel unwell, you should go to the offline clinic in time. #养生##中医##健康#

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