
No matter how bad her acting skills are, this time she was sucked by the "Zhou Papi Company", which made people love fiercely

author:Drama star chatter

In the past few days, there has been a lot of controversy about Ju Jingyi's use of a trumpet to post a blog, and with the owner Siba Media, who has cooperated for 10 years.

On Ju Jingyi's 30th birthday, she officially responded to leave her employer, Siba Media: she will not renew her contract when it expires. However, Siba Media soon issued a public document, requiring her to fulfill the "second phase of cooperation" in accordance with the "terms of the supplementary agreement". I thought that I would be able to leave after 10 years, but when I saw this "supplementary agreement clause", I realized that it was too naïve?

No matter how bad her acting skills are, this time she was sucked by the "Zhou Papi Company", which made people love fiercely

Ju Jingyi said that she was completely unaware of the so-called "supplementary agreement", and at present, it is equivalent to one leaving, but the other will not let go, and it is obvious that this is going to fight a contract dispute lawsuit.

This can't help but remind people of Zhao Jiamin, who also issued a statement in 2020 saying that "it will not be renewed when it expires", but he has not been able to completely get rid of Siba.

No matter how bad her acting skills are, this time she was sucked by the "Zhou Papi Company", which made people love fiercely

Originally, Siba's company didn't have a good impression in the hearts of netizens, but now that he dares to make such an arrogant public statement, he must be sure that the artist should sign it.

And this supplementary agreement, according to the content of the contract revealed by the previous Siba artist, is generally that after the girl group signs the contract until the age of 30, it will automatically renew the 20-year film and television contract. It means that he will continue to be sucked in blood, and he will have to be approved by the company in the future, and he will also be given to the company.

No matter how bad her acting skills are, this time she was sucked by the "Zhou Papi Company", which made people love fiercely

I all know that the most precious time for an artist is the 10 years or so when he is young, and the film and television contract is renewed to 50 years old, which is equivalent to buying out for a lifetime, isn't this clause a proper deed of sale? This company deserves to be the notorious "Zhou Papi Company" in domestic entertainment.

This company has been established for exactly 10 years, and there are too many cases of unfair competition and contract disputes. The artists who left had no one to get together and disperse. The biggest trouble is Huang Tingting, who used to be the "second sister of Siba", who was sentenced to 3.5 million liquidated damages for unilateral termination of the contract, and finally only found 90,000 yuan in her name, and now she has been listed as a dishonest executor.

There is also a list of liquidated damages for artists spread on the Internet, amateurs who are not famous will have to pay at least 200,000 yuan if they leave, no wonder many artists dare not easily propose to leave.

No matter how bad her acting skills are, this time she was sucked by the "Zhou Papi Company", which made people love fiercely

And the rogue clause that the artists didn't notice also planted a mine in the middle of the first contract, if you don't sign it, maybe it will be hidden, and if you can't leave, you can only sign the overlord clause, the idols themselves are not highly educated, and they may not be able to understand what they sign. So it seems that they really can't do anything about it.

At the beginning, He Jiong said, "Some companies just rely on signing a large number of people, and then do not develop them, and finally get the termination fee."

So many companies sign up a bunch of people, and most of them end up being amateurs. And Ju Jingyi, as the most popular artist in this company, must be reluctant to let her go.

No matter how bad her acting skills are, this time she was sucked by the "Zhou Papi Company", which made people love fiercely

Although Ju Jingyi has been complained about her acting skills over the years, and every drama is "semi-permanent makeup", she can't go this time, and she still makes people love her. She may not be a qualified actor, she can't boast of her business ability as an actor, but as an idol, she still has nothing to say, she has always maintained a beautiful image, she doesn't fall in love and has no scandals, she sings and films with both hands, she always has output works, she basically contributes new dramas to fans every year, and she is still a conscientious idol.

No matter how bad her acting skills are, this time she was sucked by the "Zhou Papi Company", which made people love fiercely

I thought that after 10 years of being a part-time worker, I thought I would be free, but I didn't expect to underestimate this "internal entertainment week". The two sides tore their faces, and the next day Ju Jingyi's assistant number was taken back by the company, and she could only use the trumpet to post: "Believe me, accompany me", it is indeed abusive to fans, even if she is not a fan of her, this cannibalistic contract touched the nerves of the workers, and she also made people love her. Although his acting skills have always been criticized, he still supports leaving this kind of vampire company.

No matter how bad her acting skills are, this time she was sucked by the "Zhou Papi Company", which made people love fiercely

Now the personal account is also in danger, and the confrontation with the company is very serious, so I wish her freedom as soon as possible!

Text/Entertainment Jun Falling Galaxy (The picture comes from the Internet, contact invasion and deletion)

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