
Dong Yuhui, never stare at the mess in your heart

author:Zhiqiu culture
Dong Yuhui, never stare at the mess in your heart

Text丨Dawn Reading Time

Adhere to the original, every morning at 8 o'clock with you to see the world, read life


In an interview, Dong Yuhui said:

"You can't understand the malice of this world, many times, this world is really imperfect a lot of times, in fact, when I was a child, I was robbed many times by a group of children in the village next to me, and I had a dozen yuan of living expenses, and for a week, a group of them pressed me to the ground and beat me several times, because that person had a better economic situation in his family, and he was going to the county seat, sometimes my mother said' You take my child to school', he will be very ugly along the way, I said you stop, I don't take your car, and then he ushered in more intense abuse, I said I just opened the car door, I went down to the school by myself, I will feel that he let me see the world very early, so that I no longer have perfect illusions about the world, but what, if we look at that puddle of mud for a while, we will never have a good mood. ”

The fact that people in the backwoods have a low crime rate sometimes does not mean that they are noble.

There will never be perfection in this world, and the content of your life is never good.

Sometimes the biggest malice in human nature is to bully the soft and fear the hard, persimmons used to be soft pinched, and hysterical bullying of the weak seems to have become a sense of superiority for them to show off their might.

Romain Rolland Says:

"There is only one true heroism, and that is to recognize the truth of life and still love life."

Dong Yuhui said, never stare at the mess in your heart.

Dong Yuhui, never stare at the mess in your heart


Ma Yun once said that a man's mind is supported by grievances.

Su Shi said:

"Those who have achieved great things in ancient and modern times not only have supernatural talents, but also have perseverance."

Since ancient times, there have been many hardships and hardships, and there have never been many great men.

What can really make a person strong is often not good times, not comfort, not worry-free food and clothing, not praise, but adversity, tribulation, frustration, grievances, tears, criticism, suppression, ridicule, falling into the well, discrimination, and disrespect......

It is said that people who have never cried in the dark are not enough to talk about life.

At a young age, in Dong Yuhui's body, we have to see the vicissitudes and maturity that should not have at his age, the weak little body, when he has gone all the way, how much darkness and frustration he has accepted in his heart, and how many grievances and tribulations he has endured, we don't know.

But suffering accompanies each other, and a person's transparency and wisdom are sometimes destined to be the price of grievances and unsatisfactory results.

Dong Yuhui, never stare at the mess in your heart


Sometimes I admire some people, even if they have suffered enough grievances in life, they are still not full of hostility to the world, but choose to be tolerant, choose to be strong, and still use their own way to inject new warmth and light into the world!

After all, there is no such natural strong person in this world, and the exposure of a foot of magic is one foot high, and the more frustrated he is, the more courageous he becomes, and often inspires a person's infinite strength.

Sometimes to treat your opponents, it is not necessary to choose the kind of sabre-rattling way to tooth for tooth, eye for eye, is a better way, is a strong self, there is a day so that those opponents of your can only forget to turn their backs when facing you, and no longer have the domineering spirit and capital, but you choose to ignore and not look directly.

When you go all the way, who is not full of scars, and the best way to face the scars of the past is to be able to turn sadness into strength and let these scars become a medal for your growth.

Dong Yuhui, never stare at the mess in your heart


Sometimes when you think about your own experiences, isn't that what happened?

Sometimes it's fortunate that you haven't been living that smooth sailing life, in adversity, in the mud, and frustration, only to slowly grow up from the heart of another person.

Sometimes I also wonder if fate had given me a comfortable way and state, and I would have been free of food and clothing at a young age, and there would have been no more pressure in life, would I still be willing to calm down and precipitate myself and toss myself, maybe I would have come to the conclusion that it would not be.

From thrift to luxury, from luxury to thrift, this is the law of human nature, and people who can do things against your human nature are never simple characters, but in life, we are more ordinary people.

After the painful thoughts, the painful self-realization of right and wrong slowly began to make me aware from the heart, and I will sincerely thank those hardships I have encountered, those difficult roads, and those difficult peaks to climb, but step by step I have become the person I am today, honing my character, precipitating my thoughts, and consolidating my growth.

Dong Yuhui, never stare at the mess in your heart


If you haven't really fallen into the trough, it seems that you can't clearly understand the truth that the hemp rope is broken in detail.

When a person is truly powerless, maybe you can truly experience the darkness and oppression in human nature.

After all, a person has to work hard to strengthen himself, and when you are strong, you will begin to look at the life you need with another eye.

When you are strong, it also means that the ability to heal yourself is raised, and you will continue to inject new warmth and strength into the world in your own way.

When you are strong, your heart can become soft enough, and you are not afraid of those injuries and grievances.

This world is imperfect after all, just like natural life will have sunny and dark moments, there will be the possibility of success, there will be more baptism of failure, there will be many things that can be put on the table to talk about, and there will be many clear parts that cannot be taken out.

But no matter what, even if you are suffering at this moment, bearing grievances, and suffering unsatisfactory, you still have light in your heart and believe that there will be some beautiful things in this world, but you no longer have perfect illusions about this world.

A person who strives to see life as it is is for a better life, so that you can precipitate the power of true growth.

Life needs us to be so sober, no matter what kind of grievances you are experiencing, don't keep staring at the puddle of mud in your heart.