
What is the largest airport in the world?

author:Fun to talk about the world
What is the largest airport in the world?

"A new skyline, a future airport" – in the near future, a sprawling and state-of-the-art mega-airport will be built in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. King Salman International Airport, a mega-transport hub expected to open in 2030, is moving from blueprint to reality.

First, the scale is large, and the design is leading

Imagine an airport with six runways and a total investment of $30 billion. King Salman International Airport will not only be the largest airport in the world, but will also provide passengers with unprecedented comfort with its state-of-the-art design and user-friendly facilities. Foster + Partners, the firm that has been involved in the design of prestigious buildings such as New York City's Midtown Bus Terminal, is working to create the aviation hub of the future.

What is the largest airport in the world?

2. The perfect combination of shopping and flying

Here, waiting for boarding will no longer be tedious. 12 square kilometres of space has been set aside for retail space, with everything from fashion to accessories, from local produce to international brands. You can enjoy your trip while shopping with ease.

3. Create jobs and boost the economy

The construction of the airport will not only demonstrate Saudi Arabia's ambitions, but will also create about 150,000 local jobs. From air traffic control operators to baristas, every position carries the Saudi people's hopes and dreams for the future.

What is the largest airport in the world?

Fourth, promote tourism and prosper the city

The new building is expected to initially serve 120 million passengers, and that number is expected to increase to 185 million by 2050. This will not only give a significant boost to Riyadh's tourism industry, but is also expected to make Riyadh one of the top 10 urban economies in the world. The Saudi Press Agency said in a statement that the airport project coincides with Saudi Arabia's vision to make Riyadh a major economic center in the world.

5. Inheritance and transcendence

Currently, the largest airport in the world is King Fahd International Airport in Saudi Arabia. However, with the completion of King Salman International Airport, this record will be broken. This is not only a transcendence in scale, but also a leap in design and technology.

What is the largest airport in the world?

As we stand on the threshold of 2030 and look back today, the construction of this airport will undoubtedly be a major milestone in the history of aviation in Saudi Arabia and the world. It is not only a bridge connecting the world, but also a symbol of the wisdom and determination of the Saudi people.

In this city of the future, we will witness the crystallization of human wisdom and the charm of science and technology. From blueprint to reality, from dream to take-off, King Salman International Airport is leading us to a more convenient, efficient and beautiful aviation era. Let's look forward to this day together!


The construction of King Salman International Airport is not only about the development of aviation and tourism, but also reflects Saudi Arabia's vision and planning for the future. The airport will be a new hub connecting the world and injecting new vitality into the country's economic and social development. As witnesses and participants, we will also experience the convenience and shock brought by this modern airport in the near future. Let's wait and see!

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