
Liu Yifei was interviewed without makeup, the world was quiet, and netizens exclaimed: It looks better than makeup

author:Jesmo Whisper

In this era of filters, the appearance of a video of Liu Yifei's audition without makeup is like a clear stream, instantly detonating the Internet. In this video from the movie audition of "Mulan", Liu Yifei showed her acting skills and charm in the most authentic state, which made countless netizens exclaim: "It looks better than makeup!" This phenomenon not only proves Liu Yifei's personal charm again, but also triggers people's deep thinking about true beauty.

Liu Yifei was interviewed without makeup, the world was quiet, and netizens exclaimed: It looks better than makeup

Recently, the TV series "The Story of Rose" starring Liu Yifei has continued to be popular, and her role as Huang Yimei is deeply loved by the audience. In the play, Liu Yifei shows multiple images from a young girl to a mature woman, and her acting skills and appearance have been highly praised. It was in this context that her no-makeup audition video was re-excavated by netizens and quickly became popular.

Liu Yifei was interviewed without makeup, the world was quiet, and netizens exclaimed: It looks better than makeup

Liu Yifei in the video has no elaborate makeup, no gorgeous costumes, and even the blessing of any filter. She uses fluent English to match her lines, and her expression is natural and rich, showing her professionalism as an actor. The most amazing thing is that even without makeup, Liu Yifei is still breathtakingly beautiful. This kind of unadorned beauty is especially precious and moving in today's era of high reliance on beauty technology.

Liu Yifei was interviewed without makeup, the world was quiet, and netizens exclaimed: It looks better than makeup

Netizens reacted enthusiastically. Some people praised: "She is really good-looking and willful, she is so beautiful without makeup, she simply doesn't leave a way for other actresses to live." Some people also sighed: "This state of no makeup is too good, and there is also a girlish feeling without makeup." Someone even said: "Liu Yifei's makeup is really good at playing, and it looks very comfortable." These comments reflect people's desire and admiration for natural beauty in today's increasingly homogeneous aesthetics.

Liu Yifei was interviewed without makeup, the world was quiet, and netizens exclaimed: It looks better than makeup

Of course, there are some different voices. Some netizens think that Liu Yifei, who is without makeup, is very ordinary, "the parents are almost the same". But this argument has led to more discussion: if this is "ordinary", then the bar is too high. The controversy itself reflects the changing definition of beauty, from over-processed perfection to natural truth.

Liu Yifei was interviewed without makeup, the world was quiet, and netizens exclaimed: It looks better than makeup

The reason why Liu Yifei's no-makeup video can cause such a big response is not unrelated to her outstanding performance in "The Story of Rose". In the play, the character she plays has undergone a transformation from a girl to a mature woman, showing a multi-faceted charm. This diversity of characters forms an interesting contrast to the natural state she shows without makeup, allowing people to see an all-round Liu Yifei.

Liu Yifei was interviewed without makeup, the world was quiet, and netizens exclaimed: It looks better than makeup

This incident also triggered people's thinking about the aesthetic standards of the entertainment industry. In an industry that is often considered to be full of exaggeration and artificiality, Liu Yifei's beauty without makeup is undoubtedly a breath of fresh air. It reminds us that our true selves are the most beautiful, and such beauty is undoubtedly the most attractive and infectious.

Liu Yifei was interviewed without makeup, the world was quiet, and netizens exclaimed: It looks better than makeup

In our quest for perfection, do we lose sight of the most precious truth? Liu Yifei's no-makeup video may give us an answer: beauty not only exists in careful carving, but more often, it is hidden in the most natural and real state. This kind of beauty can not only touch people's hearts, but also inspire our love of life and self-acceptance.

Liu Yifei was interviewed without makeup, the world was quiet, and netizens exclaimed: It looks better than makeup

In an age where everyone can easily become beautiful, true beauty has become more and more precious. Liu Yifei's no-makeup video is not only a proof of her personal charm, but also a gentle and powerful impact on the aesthetics of the entire society. It teaches us that beauty should not be defined as a single standard, but should be pluralistic, inclusive, and most importantly, authentic.

Liu Yifei was interviewed without makeup, the world was quiet, and netizens exclaimed: It looks better than makeup

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