
How many genes does a grandchild have from his grandfather? Do you still have the genes of your ancestors 2,000 years ago?

author:Yueyue said fashionable


"0.1% of your blood is the blood of the ancient Romans."

This is a phrase mentioned by the American scientist Carlos Bustamante in a speech.

If chronologically, the ancient Roman Empire is about 2,000 years from today, then 2,000 years later, although the ancient Roman Empire has long ceased to exist, the genes of the ancient Romans have been passed down from generation to generation.

How many genes does a grandchild have from his grandfather? Do you still have the genes of your ancestors 2,000 years ago?

So where were your genes compared to the ancient Roman Empire 2,000 years ago?

And you once had the blood of the ancient Romans in your blood?

If the genes and blood carried by each generation of people have left an endless lineage, then how many ancient ancestral genes are in each person in human history?

The ancient Romans after 2000 years are in your blood today, then it is clear that the ancients and you are obviously not considered direct relatives.

How many genes does a grandchild have from his grandfather? Do you still have the genes of your ancestors 2,000 years ago?


In the process of human reproduction, there is no shortage of genes from ancestors to carry from generation to generation until they finally flow in the blood of the younger generation.

And in the process of passing on genes from generation to generation, each generation will carry the genes of the previous generation in their bodies.

In the development of society, people's life expectancy has increased, and the foundation of ancient people's genealogy has gradually been dissolved.

How many genes does a grandchild have from his grandfather? Do you still have the genes of your ancestors 2,000 years ago?

Take grandchildren and grandfathers as examples, how many genes do grandchildren have from grandpa?

It is not possible to have a complete genetic difference between a grandfather and a grandson between two generations, so at least a quarter of the genes in a grandchild will come from the grandfather.

Taking men as an example, only the Y chromosome is affected by the grandfather's chromosomes, but the rest of the genes in the grandfather's body are also affected by the genes of his predecessors, and the genes of the grandfather's parents are also in the grandson's body.

So that means that in the genes of the grandchildren, there is the blood of the grandfather, and there may also be the grandfather, the grandfather or even the ancestors of the grandfather.

Even the genes are not only brought from the grandfather's side, because the grandson will also be carried by the grandmother's genes, so he will also carry the grandfather's genes in the grandmother's genes.

How many genes does a grandchild have from his grandfather? Do you still have the genes of your ancestors 2,000 years ago?

Carrying genes is not complicated.

So where did Grandpa get his genes from?

Of course, it came from his parents, that is, the parents of his grandchildren, grandfathers and grandmothers.

Then there will be genes of grandparents in the genes of both fathers, so that in the genes of both fathers, the genes of both fathers will also be mixed with the genes of both grandparents.

How many genes does a grandchild have from his grandfather? Do you still have the genes of your ancestors 2,000 years ago?

In this way, the blood of the grandson will also flow in the blood of his grandfather.

In this way, in fact, the genes of human beings are not as complex as the legend says, and the genes in each human body have their own source, that is, the genes of his parents, whether in the human body or in the entire biological world.

There is still a certain stability in the genes of organisms, and half of the same genes are found between the two sexes in each generation of human genes, on the one hand, in the process of human reproduction, both parents can ensure the genetic balance and stability of the offspring, and it will be conducive to the formation of some new dominant traits in the offspring.

How many genes does a grandchild have from his grandfather? Do you still have the genes of your ancestors 2,000 years ago?

On the other hand, it also enables genes in various parts of the body to cooperate with each other to carry out some specific work, reducing the uncertainty of evolution between genes.

In the process of passing on to the next generation, the genes in the human body of each generation will continue to be passed down to this day.

This simple stability and generational transmission has allowed humans to reproduce on Earth for millions of years.

However, in such a long period of development, the stability of genes has not stopped human beings, and the reason for this is low because of the variability of genes.

This variability has allowed genes to evolve and adapt to the current environment, which has led to the human being who we are today.

Genetic variability.

In the transmission of genes, the grandfather can only carry his own genes to his grandson, and the grandson can only carry the grandfather's genes, so that it seems to be a one-to-one relationship in the transmission of genes, but in fact there are some differences.

In the transmission of genes, even though the carriers of the genes are only the sexes of the parents, it is important to remember that there are 23 pairs of chromosomes in the body, 22 of which are all functionally similar chromosomes, and only the last 23rd pair is a sex-determining chromosome.

In the 22 pairs of chromosomes, the genes carried are similar, and the two sexes of the parents may also be freely combined, so in the process of gene transmission, there will also be various special combinations, which makes the gene transmission process more complicated and adds a lot of uncertainty.

And in the process of gene transmission, some genes may also undergo some dominant and recessive gene mutations, thereby increasing the diversity of organisms and making organisms more likely in the environment.

But if this is the case, the transmission of genes will not become so complicated, after all, it is only a combination and arrangement of some genes in the body, and it will not be too troublesome.

In the process of human reproduction, there will be other external factors, such as the influence of the environment and other factors, which may also have a certain impact on genetic variation and other aspects.

Therefore, there will be many uncertainties in the process of gene transmission, and it is also the most complex part, and every transmission of genes is accompanied by continuous evolution and mutation.


Coupled with the development of human society and the hybridization of people in different places in the process of reproduction, it will have a huge impact on genes and will also cause genes to become more complex.

But in this complexity, it is the source of the diversity of human society, and it is precisely because of the genetic diversity of human beings that there is so much prospect and hope for human evolution.