
I used to lose my mind for love

author:Dancer Glory

My name is Chen Yueren, I am a gentle and kind woman, with a pair of smart eyes, always full of love and expectation for life.

I used to lose my mind for love

One day, I met a boy named Chen Yu in the library by chance. He is tall and handsome, with deep eyes and a unique charm on his body. At that moment, my heart felt like something had struck me, and I sank in an instant.

Since then, I have been frequently appearing in the library just to see Chen Yu again. Gradually, we got to know each other, and our feelings for each other continued to heat up in the exchanges.

However, as I got to know better, I found that Chen Yu was a somewhat conceited and selfish person. He was often self-centered and rarely considered my feelings. My friends advised me to be cautious, but I couldn't listen to me when I fell in love.

In order to cater to Chen Yu, I gave up painting, which I had always loved, because Chen Yu felt that it was a waste of time. I also changed my dressing style, just because Chen Yu said he liked it. Even, when Chen Yu made some unreasonable requests, I always met them unconditionally.

Once, Chen Yu wanted to go to a party in a distant place, but didn't have enough money. I didn't hesitate to pull out my hard-earned savings and buy him a plane ticket and a gift, even though it meant that I would have to save myself for a long time.

Another time, Chen Yu had a conflict with someone outside, and I knew that it was Chen Yu's fault, but I stood on his side desperately, arguing with the other party, and completely lost my usual reason and demeanor.

I used to lose my mind for love

My parents were very worried when they saw how much I had lost myself for the relationship. They tried to persuade me, but I felt that my parents didn't understand my love, and my relationship with them became strained.

Until one day, Chen Yu suddenly proposed to break up, saying that he had fallen in love with someone else. My world collapsed in an instant, I couldn't accept this fact, and begged Chen Yu not to leave. But Chen Yu had made up his mind and turned away mercilessly.

At that moment, I woke up from a dream and realized that I had lost so much in this relationship. Not only did I lose myself, I gave up my love of painting, I alienated my true friends, and I hurt my parents who loved me the most.

Those days when I changed myself for Chen Yu, those moments when I didn't care about right and wrong just to defend him, and those moments when I ignored my inner voice because of him, all came to mind, and I regretted it one by one.

After a period of depression and painful reflection, I finally decided to get back on my feet. I picked up the brush again, and with each stroke, it was as if I was rediscovering the independent and confident self I once had. I also apologized to my parents and tried to repair my relationship with them.

In the process, I have come to understand that true love should not make people lose their minds, become blind and humble. True love should be about mutual respect and mutual fulfillment, making people better and stronger.

Instead of overly blaming myself for my past mistakes, I took it as a precious experience in my life. I believe that in the future, I will definitely treat love more rationally and no longer let myself fall into the sea of misery!

Love, this magical word, is like the brightest star in the night sky, shining with endless light, attracting people to chase its warmth and beauty. However, love is sometimes like a turbulent torrent, which can swallow people's reason in an instant and make people lose their way in the whirlpool of emotions. For women, this kind of loss and struggle in love may be more profound and complex.

I used to lose my mind for love

When love quietly comes, a woman's heart is like being enchanted, and only that special person can be placed in her eyes. His smile, every move can set off turbulent waves in a woman's heart. In the early days of love, everything is so beautiful and sweet. Every encounter is full of anticipation, and every exchange is intoxicating. This kind of strong emotional impact often makes women lose their original calmness and judgment.

Just like my best friend Xiaoya, she used to be an independent and goal-oriented professional woman. After meeting the man who made her heart move, she seemed to be a different person. was originally resolute, but she became cautious in the face of love, and suffered from gains and losses. In order to spend more time with her boyfriend, she gave up many important job opportunities, and even neglected her dreams and pursuits. The career beliefs she once adhered to were easily forgotten under a look and a request from her lover.

A woman in love often gives up her principles and bottom line for the sake of the other party. They used to be very focused on personal space and independence, but after falling in love with another person, they may become extremely dependent on the other person, or even lose themselves. In order to cater to the preferences of the other party, change your hobbies, living habits, and even life plans.

That's the case with my colleague Xiao Min. She was originally a girl who loved to travel and adventure, but when she fell in love with a man who liked to be quiet at home, she gradually gave up her travel plans and spent more time on decorating her home. She thought that such a change would make love last longer, but she unknowingly lost her once energetic and confident self.

Love can also make a woman blind. When deeply in love, the other person's shortcomings will also be automatically glorified in the eyes of the woman, or they will be chosen to turn a blind eye. Those problems that seem obvious to others seem to be non-existent in the eyes of lovers. We will make excuses for the other person's mistakes and excuse their bad behavior. Even when people around you are reminding you to stay awake, it can turn a deaf ear and firmly believe that your loved one is perfect.

I know an older sister who, when she was in a relationship, her boyfriend often lost his temper with her and even yelled at her in public on a few occasions. But she always defended her boyfriend, saying that he was just under pressure at work and in a bad mood. It wasn't until one time, when her boyfriend hit her, that she woke up from a dream and realized the unhealthy nature of the relationship.

In the frenzy of love, it is easier for women to make impulsive decisions. For example, in order to be with your lover, you give up your stable job, stay away from the familiar environment, and go to an unfamiliar place to start over. Or, without fully understanding each other, they quickly enter the palace of marriage, only to find that they are not suitable for each other. This impulsive behavior is often due to being carried away by love, without careful consideration, and only by the passion and impulse of the moment.

I used to lose my mind for love

My college classmate Xiaoyu went to his hometown to follow her boyfriend after graduation. But when I got there, I found that there were few job opportunities and the living environment was not suitable. And her boyfriend cared less and less about her, and finally the two broke up. Xiaoyu not only lost her love, but also put her life in trouble.

Love can also make a woman overly possessive and jealous. Seeing that a lover has contact with other members of the opposite sex, even if it is just normal communication, will cause a nameless anger and uneasiness to rise in my heart. This kind of emotional loss of control makes women lose their due reason and demeanor, and do some radical behaviors, thus hurting each other's feelings.

However, love makes people lose their minds, and it is not all negative. It is precisely because of this madness and devotion to losing one's mind that love has become unforgettable. Those moments of desperation for love have become the most splendid memories of life.

But in order for love to develop for a long time and healthily, women need to maintain a certain sanity while loving. Learn to find balance and calmness in the midst of passionate emotions. In this way, you can better deal with the problems in love and not let love become a weapon to harm yourself and others.

For example, when faced with your lover's shortcomings and mistakes, you should have the courage to face them up instead of blindly tolerating them. Communicate and solve problems in a rational way, help the other person grow, and at the same time let yourself continue to improve in love. When making a big decision, consider all the factors and weigh the pros and cons, rather than being driven by the passion of love alone.

In real life, we often see examples of this. There is a young couple who met and fell in love in college and fell in love passionately and deeply. After graduating, the girl was given the opportunity to study abroad, which had always been her dream. However, the boy hopes that she can stay by his side and work hard together in the country. The girl almost gave up this rare opportunity because she loved the boy so much. But at the last moment, she still sensibly chose to go abroad. During the days apart, they kept in touch by phone and email, encouraging and supporting each other. A few years later, the girl returned from school, and the relationship between the two not only did not fade because of the distance, but became deeper and firmer. It is because the girl keeps her sanity at a critical moment that their love has a better future.

I used to lose my mind for love

There is also a couple who have been married for many years and have always had a good relationship. But over time, the husband becomes grumpy due to the pressure of work and often loses his temper with his wife. At first, the wife always chooses to be patient, thinking that it is a momentary emotion of the husband. But over time, she found that the situation was getting worse. So, she decided to have an in-depth communication with her husband at a suitable time. Instead of making a fuss when she was emotional, she analyzed the problems between them with reason and calmness and proposed some solutions. Under her guidance, her husband also realized his mistake and gradually changed his attitude. As a result, their marriage survived a crisis and returned to the track of happiness.

These examples all tell us that although love can be intoxicating, only by staying rational can love go further.

When a woman falls in love, that feeling of a fast heartbeat and a hot head is hard to resist. But understand that true love is not only passion and impulse, but also responsibility and responsibility. In love, you need to use reason to judge right and wrong, and use reason to plan the direction of the future.

At the same time, learn to control your emotions. There will inevitably be quarrels and contradictions in love, and if you can't keep your sanity and let your emotions get out of control, you are likely to say some hurtful things and do something irreparable. And when you can calm down and face problems with a calm mind, you will often find that many contradictions are not as serious as you imagined.

I used to lose my mind for love

Love can make people lose their minds, but that doesn't mean being slaves to love. On the contrary, be the master of love, use reason to harness this emotion, and let it become the motivation and beauty in life, not the trouble and pain.

In short, love is a beautiful adventure, and reason is the compass in the hand. Only under the guidance of reason can we walk more steadily on the road of love and reap true happiness.

Let us use reason to protect love, so that love can bloom with the most brilliant light under the care of reason.
