
Official Bright Sword! Wanfan bloggers spied on Jiang Ping's privacy and was banned

author:Little Seven's daily change

Jiang Ping, a poor student, became famous with her excellent performance in the preliminaries of the global mathematics competition. However, along with the praise came a group of uninvited guests - those bloggers who hyped up traffic. They broke into Jiang Ping's house without permission and filmed wantonly, even sparing the chickens in the yard. In their eyes, Jiang Ping seems to be just a traffic machine that can be slaughtered by others. In the face of harassment, Jiang Ping's parents were forced to leave home. What does this farce reflect? It's worth pondering.


Once upon a time, "a noble son from a poor family" was still an inspirational story. Ten years of cold windows, once the crane roars, how many students dream of the pinnacle of life. Jiang Ping used her strength to prove that her background is not fate, and her struggle will pay off. However, her success unexpectedly brought uninvited guests to her family.

Official Bright Sword! Wanfan bloggers spied on Jiang Ping's privacy and was banned

When Jiang Ping's hometown was exposed, a group of self-proclaimed "bloggers" flocked to it. They drove all kinds of vehicles, squeezing the originally quiet small village into a car show. On the side of the dirt road, cars are parked indiscriminately; In the small courtyard, long guns and short cannons abound. Cameras and mobile phones are held high for fear of missing the slightest bit of "scoop".

Official Bright Sword! Wanfan bloggers spied on Jiang Ping's privacy and was banned

The funny thing is that even the chickens in the yard have become "Internet celebrities" in their eyes. This group of chickens is free to roam freely on weekdays, leisurely and leisurely. never thought about it, but he was worth a hundred times overnight and became a "supermodel" that bloggers are vying to shoot. can't help but sigh, just poultry can be hyped, let alone a fresh person?

Official Bright Sword! Wanfan bloggers spied on Jiang Ping's privacy and was banned
Official Bright Sword! Wanfan bloggers spied on Jiang Ping's privacy and was banned

Faced with such a scene, Jiang Ping's parents were unbearable. In order to escape harassment, they had to leave their homes temporarily. But even so, the bloggers still don't give up. The locked door and the laundry on the drying rack were all the subjects of their photographs. Villagers say that some bloggers are of poor quality and do not know how to respect the privacy of others.

Official Bright Sword! Wanfan bloggers spied on Jiang Ping's privacy and was banned

What's even more infuriating is that a fan blogger posted 21 videos in three days, claiming to be "visiting" Jiang Ping. What is his purpose? Is it a sincere blessing, or is it a hot time? The growth story of a top student, does it have to be a paparazzi tracking? The inspirational experience of a poor student can only be reduced to the traffic plaything of bloggers?

Official Bright Sword! Wanfan bloggers spied on Jiang Ping's privacy and was banned

Fortunately, Jiang Ping's experience has attracted the attention of the official media. It is reported that the "crazy blogger" has been banned. This is undoubtedly a great pleasure and a slap in the face of the blogger's unethical behavior. Lawyers also voiced their support for filming others without consent, which has been suspected of violating the law. I believe that under the dual constraints of law and morality, Jiang Ping's family will eventually regain their tranquility.

Official Bright Sword! Wanfan bloggers spied on Jiang Ping's privacy and was banned

However, it is not enough to punish individual bloggers. This kind of online chaos is by no means an isolated case. From "Suzhou Code" to "Tangshan Beating", from "Chain Girl" to "White-haired Old Man Forced to Kneel", countless tragedies have been consumed by unscrupulous self-media. They exaggerate their grief and enrich themselves, but they turn a blind eye to the trauma of the person involved, and even add fuel to the fire. Such behavior is not only contrary to morality, but also runs counter to the spirit of the rule of law.

Official Bright Sword! Wanfan bloggers spied on Jiang Ping's privacy and was banned

What's even more alarming is that in the eyes of some people, inspirational stories have been reduced to a tool to attract attention. They are accustomed to consuming misery rather than paying tribute to struggle. As a result, a vivid and vivid teenager was reduced to a labeled symbol and treated as a traffic machine that could be slaughtered by others. This phenomenon vividly reveals some chaos in the Internet era - right and wrong are reversed, and values are misplaced.

Struggle should be encouraged, talent should be celebrated. A hard-working child deserves more kind attention and help, rather than being used as a plaything for others. Otherwise, this impetuous and utilitarian atmosphere will only discourage more poor students and bury them in the chaos of the world.

Therefore, each of us should use our actions to support Jiang Ping. Instead of spending time snooping into her privacy, it is better to give more sincere encouragement. Instead of exaggerating her suffering, it is better to listen to her story quietly and feel her mental journey; Rather than simplifying consumption and inspiration, it is better to quietly look at each small flower that grows upwards with an appreciative gaze.

Only in this way can a positive campus and a network full of positive energy come naturally. And the applause that accompanied the pace of struggle will surely become louder and louder. I believe that as long as everyone gathers goodwill, Jiang Ping will eventually break through the fog and shine on the road to their dreams.

Jiang Ping's experience is like a mirror, reflecting all kinds of chaos in the Internet era. The blogger's encirclement and interception turned a student into a "traffic machine" that could be slaughtered. This reminds us to reflect: is it simple labeled consumption, or sincere and warm encouragement, that is what strivers need most? Only by clarifying the muddy waters and sweeping away the unhealthy winds, an upward campus and a network full of positive energy can it be a matter of course.

If you were Jiang Ping, how would you deal with the harassment of bloggers? And how to calmly face the sudden attention? As bystanders, how can we help and encourage the struggling "Jiang Pings" around us? Feel free to speak in the comment section, and let's create a cyberspace full of love and power together.