
Reminder: There is currently no cure for 5 diseases, don't blindly believe in Jianghu Langzhong, beware of being deceived

author:Dr. Chow

In a remote mountain village, there lives an old man named Aunt Wang. Aunt Wang has been suffering from chronic diseases for many years, the most serious of which is that she suffers from severe rheumatoid arthritis, which makes her joints often painful and immobile. In addition, her health is quite worrying, in addition to frequent asthma attacks, diabetes needs to be controlled for a long time, and she is also deeply troubled by coronary heart disease and high blood pressure. In order to treat these diseases, Aunt Wang has tried various methods, from traditional Chinese medicine to Western medicine, from acupuncture to cupping, but the results are not satisfactory.

Reminder: There is currently no cure for 5 diseases, don't blindly believe in Jianghu Langzhong, beware of being deceived

On an ordinary day, the village unexpectedly ushered in a self-proclaimed "miracle doctor" who was a wandering doctor who had a unique skill and claimed to be able to rejuvenate himself. He held a pennant with the words "cures all diseases", claiming that he had an ancestral secret recipe that could cure all kinds of incurable diseases. After learning the news, Aunt Wang was full of expectations, and she resolutely decided to give it a try. With a heavy medical record and medicines, she was both apprehensive and expectant, and finally found the legendary "miracle doctor" who could rejuvenate her hands.

After a brief inquiry and examination, the "miracle doctor" told Aunt Wang that her illnesses were caused by too many toxins in her body, and that as long as she took his secret medicine, she could completely detoxify and cure the disease. Aunt Wang was convinced and spent a lot of her savings to buy these medicines. However, after taking it for a while, her condition did not improve, and more complications appeared. At this moment, her heart tightened, her face was solemn, and she realized that she might have fallen into a well-planned scam with ulterior motives.

Reminder: There is currently no cure for 5 diseases, don't blindly believe in Jianghu Langzhong, beware of being deceived

Five diseases that cannot be cured

1. Rheumatoid arthritis: Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic autoimmune disease that is mainly manifested by inflammation and pain in the joints. Due to the complex pathogenesis and the involvement of multiple systems and organs, there is currently no cure. At the heart of treatment is effective symptom relief and close monitoring to ensure that the condition is stable and prevents further deterioration or progression.

2. Asthma, an inflammatory disease of the airways that continues to afflict patients, with repeated symptoms such as wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness and coughing, like a heavy shackle, making it difficult for patients to break free and longing for a moment of tranquility and relief. The pathogenesis of asthma is complex, deeply involved in genetic and environmental factors, and closely intertwined with the human immune system, forming a complex disease network. In current medical practice, the core of asthma treatment is to reduce symptoms and prevent flare-ups, but unfortunately, the medical community has not yet found the ultimate solution that can completely eradicate the disease.

Reminder: There is currently no cure for 5 diseases, don't blindly believe in Jianghu Langzhong, beware of being deceived

3. Diabetes, as a significant chronic metabolic disease, is characterized by the continuous maintenance of abnormally high blood sugar levels in the patient's body, which significantly exceeds the health threshold, thus posing a potential threat to overall health that cannot be ignored. In order to maintain a healthy and stable lifestyle, diabetic patients often need to rely on hypoglycemic drugs or precise insulin injections for a long time to carefully regulate and stabilize blood sugar levels. However, the complex pathogenesis of diabetes is not fully understood, and the medical community has not yet been able to find a complete cure for the disease. Patients need to manage their condition throughout their lives, control blood sugar levels, and prevent complications.

4. Coronary heart disease: Coronary heart disease is a heart disease caused by coronary atherosclerosis leading to myocardial ischemia, hypoxia or necrosis. Patients often suffer from angina pectoris, and may even experience the severe challenge of myocardial infarction. The onset of coronary heart disease is related to various factors such as high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, and smoking. At present, the treatment strategy of coronary heart disease mainly includes drug therapy, delicate interventional treatment and necessary surgical treatment, but unfortunately, no ultimate solution has been found to completely cure it. In order to ensure the quality of life of patients and reduce health risks, they must carefully manage their condition over a long period of time to effectively prevent potential cardiovascular complications.

Reminder: There is currently no cure for 5 diseases, don't blindly believe in Jianghu Langzhong, beware of being deceived

5. Hypertension, a common chronic health challenge, marked by a persistent increase in blood pressure, poses a potential risk to the patient's overall health that cannot be ignored. The pathogenesis of hypertension is extremely complex, and it is intertwined with the combined influence of genetics, environmental factors, and unhealthy lifestyles, which together constitute a complex pathogenic network. At present, the treatment of hypertension is mainly based on controlling blood pressure and preventing complications, and there is no radical cure. Patients need to take antihypertensive drugs for a long time and change their bad lifestyle habits to control their blood pressure levels.

Reminder: There is currently no cure for 5 diseases, don't blindly believe in Jianghu Langzhong, beware of being deceived

Through the introduction of the above five diseases, we can see that these diseases are all chronic diseases that are currently considered incurable by the medical community. Treatment of these disorders requires long-term management, control of disease progression, and prevention of complications.

However, in real life, we often come across some charlatans who claim to be able to cure these diseases. They often use the banner of "ancestral secret recipes" and "miraculous cures" to take advantage of patients' desire for a cure and commit fraud. They often do not have specialized medical knowledge and skills, and the drugs they sell may be safety hazards and may even worsen their condition.

Therefore, we would like to remind everyone that in the face of these incurable chronic diseases, we must remain rational and choose regular hospitals and doctors for treatment. Don't trust the promises and medications of informal medical institutions to avoid being deceived. At the same time, we should also strengthen our understanding and learning of medical knowledge, improve our awareness of self-care, and better manage our health.

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