
After many years, Yang Lijuan, who jumped into the sea for chasing stars and forcing her father, how is her life now?

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After many years, Yang Lijuan, who jumped into the sea for chasing stars and forcing her father, how is her life now?
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and walk, get rich forever, pay attention to it, and like it, it's hard to get rich if you don't want to
After many years, Yang Lijuan, who jumped into the sea for chasing stars and forcing her father, how is her life now?

On a cold winter day in 2007, a heart-rending cry rang out on the beach in Fujian. There are 16 pages of suicide note scattered in the sea breeze, telling the despair and helplessness of a father.

This father is Yang Qinji, in order to support his daughter Yang Lijuan to pursue the dream of idol Andy Lau, he gave everything, even his own life.

Today, 17 years later, the girl who used to chase stars at all costs is now working as a shopping guide with a monthly salary of only 2,000 yuan in a supermarket. What kind of ups and downs has this seemingly ordinary girl experienced in life? How did her dream of chasing stars completely change the fate of her and her family? Let's look back on this heartbreaking past and explore the costs and reflections behind chasing stars.

Yang Lijuan was born in an ordinary family of teachers. Her father, Yang Qinji, is a diligent and down-to-earth teacher, and her mother, Tao Juying, is a strong housewife.

After many years, Yang Lijuan, who jumped into the sea for chasing stars and forcing her father, how is her life now?

However, the atmosphere of this family is not harmonious. The couple often quarreled over economic problems and differences in concepts, resulting in Yang Lijuan's lack of parental care since she was a child, and her personality became withdrawn and introverted.

In 1988, 16-year-old Yang Lijuan experienced a strange dream that changed her fate. In her dream, she meets a handsome and dashing prince charming. Although she couldn't see each other's faces clearly, this dream was deeply imprinted in her heart.

In reality, when she saw Andy Lau's poster by chance, she seemed to be struck by lightning, and firmly believed that he was the prince charming in her dreams.

From that moment on, Yang Lijuan's obsession with Andy Lau began to spread wildly. She is hungry to collect all items related to Andy Lau, from posters to records.

After many years, Yang Lijuan, who jumped into the sea for chasing stars and forcing her father, how is her life now?

She even indulged in sleep, just to meet Andy Lau in her dreams. Yang Qinji saw that his daughter was so obsessed, but instead of stopping it, he gave it all his might. He carefully hung the meal on the door of his daughter's room, for fear of disturbing her sweet dreams.

With the passage of time, Yang Lijuan's star-chasing behavior has become more and more extreme. She began to skip classes and drop out of school just to participate in Andy Lau's concert. She did not hesitate to spend a huge amount of money to buy a front seat, hoping to attract Andy Lau's attention.

In order to fulfill his daughter's dream, Yang Qinji began to sell his property, and even came up with the idea of selling his kidney. The family's savings were quickly depleted and they had to live in rented housing.

Yang Lijuan went to Hong Kong twice to find Andy Lau's traces. The first time she took a green train, it cost thousands of dollars; The second time he chose to take a plane, which cost tens of thousands of yuan.

After many years, Yang Lijuan, who jumped into the sea for chasing stars and forcing her father, how is her life now?

However, these efforts did not win Andy Lau's attention. But Yang Lijuan was not discouraged, she firmly believed that as long as Andy Lau knew more about her, he would definitely remember herself.

During this period, Yang Lijuan only had Andy Lau in her eyes. She always has a longing smile on her face, as if as long as she can meet her idol, all difficulties are not a problem.

However, she doesn't realize that her obsession is pushing the whole family to a cliff.

Yang Lijuan's road to star-chasing started from a simple dream, but it evolved into a frightening madness. Her story is not only the personal experience of a star-chasing girl, but also reflects the extreme performance of some young people in that era who blindly worship idols.

After many years, Yang Lijuan, who jumped into the sea for chasing stars and forcing her father, how is her life now?

This almost pathological star-chasing behavior not only distorted her own life trajectory, but also brought irreparable damage to her family.

Yang Qinji is an ordinary middle school teacher, but his love for his daughter Yang Lijuan is far beyond ordinary people. In the face of his daughter's increasingly crazy star-chasing behavior, he chose unconditional support.

Maybe it was out of compensation for his daughter's lack of maternal love, or maybe because his daughter was the only comfort in his life, Yang Qinji did his best to meet all his daughter's requirements.

As Yang Lijuan's star-chasing behavior became more and more extreme, the family's financial situation deteriorated rapidly. Yang Qinji's monthly pension of 2,050 yuan was quickly spent, and his family's savings were not much left.

After many years, Yang Lijuan, who jumped into the sea for chasing stars and forcing her father, how is her life now?

However, in the face of such a predicament, Yang Qinji did not choose to dissuade his daughter, but made a more extreme decision.

He resolutely sold the only house in his family and the family began to live in a rented house. When the money was about to run out, Yang Qinji even had the idea of selling his kidney.

In his opinion, as long as he can make his daughter's dream come true, what is the point of losing a kidney? His eyes were full of determination and helplessness, as if he was ready to sacrifice everything for his daughter.

However, even so, Yang Lijuan's wish to see Andy Lau is still difficult to come true. In desperation, Yang Qinji had to turn to loan sharks. His face was deeply wrinkled, and his eyes were full of exhaustion and despair, but he still forced a smile to hope for his daughter's support.

After many years, Yang Lijuan, who jumped into the sea for chasing stars and forcing her father, how is her life now?

Yang Qinji's behavior has aroused widespread concern and controversy in society. Some praised the greatness of his fatherly love, while others criticized him for being biased. Even Andy Lau himself expressed his opinion on this matter, saying that it was disloyal and unfilial for his father to sell his house and kidneys to chase stars.

However, for Yang Qinji, his daughter's happiness is his greatest wish, even if this "happiness" is so unreasonable in the eyes of others.

In 2006, Yang Lijuan's family was already in extreme financial trouble. However, Yang Qinji still borrowed money from relatives and friends, and finally raised 10,000 yuan so that his daughter could attend a public meeting with Andy Lau on March 25, 2007.

The story of Yang Qinji shows the great sacrifice that a father made for his daughter's dream. Although his behavior is extreme, it also reflects the phenomenon of some parents in an era who overdot their children.

After many years, Yang Lijuan, who jumped into the sea for chasing stars and forcing her father, how is her life now?

This almost pathological paternal love, instead of helping her grow, fueled her unrealistic fantasies, which ultimately led to the tragedy of the family. Yang Qinji's experience provides a profound case for us to think about parent-child relationships and the right way to educate.

March 25, 2007 was a long-awaited day for Yang Lijuan. With the full support of her father Yang Qinji, she finally waited for the opportunity to meet her idol Andy Lau.

With excitement, Yang Lijuan participated in a public meeting event.

On the same day, Yang Lijuan waited patiently in line, her heart beating faster and her palms sweating. Finally, when Andy Lau walked up to her, she was so excited that she could barely speak.

After many years, Yang Lijuan, who jumped into the sea for chasing stars and forcing her father, how is her life now?

She shook hands with her idol trembling and left a precious group photo. This moment seems to be the reward of all her efforts over the years.

However, the meeting did not go as Yang had hoped. The keen Andy Lau noticed her abnormal emotions and kindly reminded her to treat idolatry rationally and pursue a healthy and happy life.

But Yang Lijuan, who was immersed in her fantasies, did not listen to these advices, and she was still intoxicated with the joy of meeting her idol.

When Yang Lijuan returned home in high spirits, her father noticed the complicated expression on her face. After learning what happened, Yang Qinji's heart seemed to be pierced by a sharp blade.

After many years, Yang Lijuan, who jumped into the sea for chasing stars and forcing her father, how is her life now?

He realizes that no matter how hard he tries, he will not be able to achieve his daughter's dream. Years of hard work seemed to come to naught at this moment.

In desperation, Yang Qinji made a heartbreaking decision. He left a 16-page suicide note, detailing his grievances and requests, and then resolutely chose to commit suicide by jumping into the sea.

In the suicide note, he expressed his strong dissatisfaction with Andy Lau's refusal to accept his daughter, and at the same time begged Andy to see his daughter again.

Yang Qinji's suicide shocked the entire society. People began to reflect, why would a father go to a dead end for his daughter's dream of chasing stars? Yang Lijuan became the focus of public opinion, and many blamed her for her selfishness and paranoia that led to the tragedy.

After many years, Yang Lijuan, who jumped into the sea for chasing stars and forcing her father, how is her life now?

However, even after her father's death, Yang Lijuan still insisted that her father's last wish was to hope that Andy Lau could see her again. Her obsession has transcended the boundaries of reason and has become an almost pathological obsession.

This meeting became a turning point in Yang Lijuan's life. It not only marked the end of her dream of chasing stars, but also became the beginning of her family's tragedy. This incident triggered a deep reflection on the culture of star-chasing in society, and people began to realize the serious consequences that blind star-chasing may bring.

At the same time, it also reveals some problems in family education, and how to find a balance between caring for children and correct guidance has become the focus of discussion.

The death of her father brought a huge blow to Yang Lijuan. She returned to her hometown of Lanzhou with her heartbroken mother and began a difficult life. The girl who used to do everything to chase stars, but now she doesn't dare to take half a step out of the house, for fear of encountering accusatory eyes.

After many years, Yang Lijuan, who jumped into the sea for chasing stars and forcing her father, how is her life now?

The burden of life suddenly fell on Yang Lijuan's shoulders. She and her mother live in a dilapidated and cramped house, living on subsistence allowances. She used to go bankrupt in order to chase stars, but now she can't even maintain a basic life.

Faced with the reality of constraints every day, Yang Lijuan finally began to face up to her past behavior.

However, the hardships of life did not break Yang Lijuan. After looking for a job in vain, a friend of her father's gave her an opportunity to work in a grain and oil store.

The shopkeeper did not discriminate against her because of her past, but only asked her to work hard. This job became an opportunity for Yang Lijuan to reintegrate into society.

After many years, Yang Lijuan, who jumped into the sea for chasing stars and forcing her father, how is her life now?

As time passed, Yang Lijuan slowly came out of the haze and began to re-examine her life. Although the work is hard and the salary is meager, she finds the meaning and direction of life in it.

She began to actively participate in public welfare activities and strive to become a person who contributes to society.

In 2019, Yang Lijuan was invited to participate in a program hosted by Lu Yu. In the show, she showed unprecedented calmness and calmness. She admitted that she is still single, working as a shopping guide in a supermarket, with a monthly salary of only 2,000 yuan.

Although she was not wealthy, she chose to continue to live in a rented house and try to support herself.

After many years, Yang Lijuan, who jumped into the sea for chasing stars and forcing her father, how is her life now?

When asked if she regretted her past choice, Yang Lijuan replied firmly: "Never!" This answer was surprising and allowed people to see her growth.

Although the past experience has brought her great pain, it has also taught her to face reality and cherish the present.

Yang Lijuan's story, from crazy chasing stars to difficult rebirth, shows the process of how a person gets back on his feet after a major blow. Her experience is not only a personal growth, but also a case for society to reflect on idolatry and family education.

Today's Yang Lijuan has woken up from her crazy dream of chasing stars. She deeply regrets her past actions, but she also understands that she can't change everything that has happened.

After many years, Yang Lijuan, who jumped into the sea for chasing stars and forcing her father, how is her life now?

In the face of the choice she once made, she chose to face it calmly and no longer run away.

Yang Lijuan puts more energy into work and public welfare, and strives to become a useful person to the society. Although life is still difficult, she has learned to find value and meaning in the ordinary.

Her story has sparked a rational reflection on the behavior of star-chasing, and people have begun to reflect on the possible impact of idolatry on individuals and families.

Yang Lijuan, who once jumped into the sea for chasing stars, has now grown into a pragmatic and strong ordinary person. Her experience reminds us that while chasing our dreams, we must also learn to balance reality and cherish the people and things around us.

After many years, Yang Lijuan, who jumped into the sea for chasing stars and forcing her father, how is her life now?

Yang Lijuan's story has become a mirror that reflects the importance of society to the education and value guidance of young people.

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