
When science fiction shines into reality! Drone farming, robot detection, this agriculture in the central part of the country is a bit "tide"

When science fiction shines into reality! Drone farming, robot detection, this agriculture in the central part of the country is a bit "tide"

Lao Tie, do you still remember the "hoeing day at noon, sweat drops into the soil" when you were a child? At that time, who didn't fantasize about eating fragrant rice without facing the loess with their backs to the sky? I'm telling you, it's not a dream! Recently, the editor found that the agriculture in central China has quietly changed, and the sense of science and technology is exactly the same as in science fiction movies!

When science fiction shines into reality! Drone farming, robot detection, this agriculture in the central part of the country is a bit "tide"

Drones and robots are on the battlefield, and this agricultural technology is a bit "trendy"!

When it comes to the central part of the country, everyone's first impression is the vast plains and hard-working peasant uncles. That's right, the central region is the "granary" of our country, with a quarter of the country's arable land, nearly one-third of the country's grain is grown! However, farming is no longer what it used to be.

When science fiction shines into reality! Drone farming, robot detection, this agriculture in the central part of the country is a bit "tide"

In the Central Plains Agricultural Valley in Xinxiang, Henan, at a glance, in the golden wheat fields, there are no sweaty farmers, only drones shuttling back and forth! They are not here for sightseeing, but professional "pesticide sprayers", not to mention high efficiency, but also very environmentally friendly!

When science fiction shines into reality! Drone farming, robot detection, this agriculture in the central part of the country is a bit "tide"

What's even more powerful is the "Six Conditions Early Warning Monitoring Station" in the field, which is simply the "personal doctor" of crops! Seedlings, disasters, diseases, insects, moisture and fertilizer are clear at a glance on the LED display. In the past, we relied on experience, but now we rely on data, so it's no wonder that the agricultural products here have high yields and good quality!

Raising "dead branches and leaves"? Cultivating "date-like" kiwifruit? Full marks for this agricultural idea!

Have you ever seen a greenhouse that specializes in raising "dead branches and leaves"? There is a farm valley in the Central Plains! It turned out that they were studying the "diseased seedlings" and cultivating better varieties, which was really well-intentioned! No, they have cultivated 82 new crop varieties, and "Xinmai 58" and "Zhengmai 918" have also successively set new records for the transfer price of single varieties of wheat in the mainland!

What's even more surprising is that they have also cultivated "jujube-like" kiwifruit! No need to peel the skin, one bite down, sweet and juicy! It seems that you won't have to worry about sticking to your hand hair when you eat kiwifruit in the future!

From the field to the table, smart agriculture makes life better!

In the smart farm in Nanchang, Jiangxi, 26 professional farmers can manage tens of thousands of acres of farmland! From ploughing, rice transplanting, plant protection to harvesting and drying, all mechanized operations are carried out with great efficiency!

What's more, they also used digital AI visual recognition technology for the whole process of rice planting! The intelligent management platform can not only identify the growth of crops, but also warn of disasters and diagnose pests and diseases, which is simply the "strongest brain" in the farmland! Moreover, from the field to the table, the whole process can be traced, so you can eat more assured!

When science fiction shines into reality! Drone farming, robot detection, this agriculture in the central part of the country is a bit "tide"

Enabled by science and technology, the future of agriculture is promising!

After reading these, do you feel that our agriculture is becoming more and more "tall"? UAV farming, robot detection, big data management...... These scenes, which once only appeared in science fiction movies, have now become a reality on the land of China!

Technology is changing lives, and it is also changing agriculture. I believe that in the near future, our agriculture will be more intelligent, efficient and environmentally friendly, and produce more high-quality and safe agricultural products for us!

What kind of black technology do you think there will be in agriculture in the future? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area and imagine the future together!

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