
The high temperature makes the new energy vehicle self-contained, and the sunroof is like a sauna


A high temperature in Henan has completely torn apart the drawbacks of nearly 1 million new energy vehicles. The owner of the car was miserable


In the hot weather in Henan, the owners of new energy vehicles are cool?

How are the old irons doing? It is estimated that the big guys have been roasted by this wave of high temperature! Some time ago, I was on a business trip in Henan, and it was called a heat, and I felt like I was going to turn into pancake fruit! You can't bear anything under the sun, even new energy vehicles. It's so miserable!

Two days ago, I also saw a news that said that this wave of high temperature directly persuaded nearly 1 million new energy vehicle owners to retire. Many car owners call it "deceived", which can make the stone I can't fix it. Haven't new energy vehicles always advertised themselves as environmentally friendly, intelligent and fashionable, how can they be exposed in their original form on high temperature days? Today, I will analyze and analyze the old iron, which drawbacks have been ruthlessly exposed!

In hot weather, the battery can't stand it

Battery safety has always been the focus of everyone's attention. The most feared thing for new energy vehicles is the hot weather, once the temperature is too high, the battery is easy to overheat or even spontaneously combust. No, many car owners have recently reported that not long after their cars were parked in the sun, the battery temperature soared to the warning line, and various alarm prompts popped up, which scared the car owners enough.

What's more, the battery of individual brands of cars strikes directly and cannot be charged, causing the owner to break down halfway, which is called an embarrassment! You know, the battery is the heart of the new energy vehicle, if the continuous high temperature and high load operation, the life will definitely be greatly reduced, and the maintenance cost is also a lot of expenses!

It is difficult to charge, the mileage is short, and the travel is full of dangers

In addition to battery safety hazards, it is difficult to charge and short battery life in hot weather, which has also become a pain point for many car owners. The original 500 kilometers of battery life was originally promised, but under the big sun, it was tossed to only 200 kilometers, and the gap was too big, right? Stone I wonder, is this the manufacturer's false standard mileage?

What's worse is that many charging piles can't stand the devastation of high temperatures and strike at every turn. The owner finally found a charging pile, but after plugging it in for a long time, the power did not move at all, and he was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot! If you get out of the door and take a walk, you have to be prepared to break down halfway in advance, and you can't be afraid all day!

Helpless! Intelligent configuration of high temperature forced stop

One of the most attractive selling points of new energy vehicles is the intelligent configuration of various bells and whistles. Large-screen navigation, mobile phone interconnection, voice assistant, a good posture full of science and technology. But on hot days, each of these configurations is more expensive than the other, and they will strike at every turn!

Let's talk about the most common central control screen, as soon as the temperature is high, this cargo begins to let go of itself, crashing and restarting from time to time, making the owner anxious. The on-board interconnection system is not far behind, it is stuck and delayed at every turn, not to mention voice control, and even mobile phones can't be connected! Some car owners complain that there are so many black technologies in the car, and none of them can be used at critical times, so it is better to give a physical button directly!

The air conditioning is not strong, and the car is crying

Driving in the summer without a powerful air conditioner is really terrible. However, at high temperatures, the air conditioning of many new energy vehicles cannot stand up at all, and the refrigeration effect is greatly reduced. According to the feedback of many car owners, the air conditioner is still as hot as a sauna, with oil on the face and sweat on the back.

In order to improve the mileage, the power of the air conditioning compressor is small, and the heat exchange is not strong, resulting in a high temperature in the car. I wondered, what is the matter with a good new energy vehicle with a "half-hanger" air conditioner? Otherwise, the manufacturer simply cancels it, anyway, it doesn't cost to open the window for ventilation!

What about environmental protection? High temperature forced power reduction

One of the initial selling points of new energy vehicles is low emissions and zero pollution. However, in hot weather, in order to prevent the battery from overheating, many models will be forced to enter the power reduction mode. With one foot on the accelerator, the power is as weak as an electric bicycle, can this acceleration be endured?

Not to mention that you have to consume electricity to turn on the air conditioner, and the electricity consumption will rise gradually. Environmental protection? Save worry? It's completely fooling consumers! Some netizens ridiculed that after buying a new energy vehicle, they are more worried about electricity bills when they go out.

Stone Summary:

In fact, you don't need to be too pessimistic. New energy vehicles are still in the development stage, and it is inevitable that there will be some minor problems in individual extreme weather. As long as manufacturers listen to the voices of consumers, make more efforts in batteries, air conditioners, intelligent configurations, etc., and improve the product experience, there is still a lot to be done!

When choosing a car, consumers should also keep their eyes open and start when they see it. Blindly following the so-called "intelligence" and "environmental protection", it is you who will suffer in the end. Buying a car is for enjoyment, not for sin, don't you say that's the reason?

Well, that's all for today's sharing. I don't know what the old irons think about the new energy vehicles in Henan under the high temperature? Would you consider buying a new energy vehicle? What do you value most when buying a car? Welcome to interact with the stone in the comment area and talk about it together, I'm listening to you~ Lao Tie, let's talk openly and honestly about the shortcomings of new energy vehicles today.

Safety hazards cannot be ignored

First of all, let's talk about security. As mentioned earlier, many new energy vehicles lack systematic heat dissipation design, and the battery is particularly prone to overheating at high temperatures. Some car owners reported that they suddenly smoked while driving on a hot day, and they were almost not scared out of heart disease! This safety hazard cannot be ignored!

Cases of spontaneous combustion and fire of batteries are not unique. According to the statistics of some netizens, there were more than a dozen new energy vehicle safety accidents in the first half of this year, not to mention the heavy property losses, but also a serious threat to personal safety. If this problem is not solved, who dares to buy new energy vehicles with confidence? It is hoped that manufacturers will pay attention to it and come up with a feasible rectification plan.

The convenience of charging needs to be improved urgently

In addition to safety issues, the convenience of charging is also a point of criticism. Under the high temperature in Henan, many charging piles went on strike. Even if you find one that works, the charging speed is too slow, and it will take several hours at every turn. If you want to go out for a trip, you have to do a strategy in advance, and find charging stations along the way, which is enough to toss!

Not to mention the installation of charging piles in the community. Some communities can't keep up with the power transformation, there are few parking spaces, and the property does not cooperate, so it is even more difficult to charge at the door of the house! It's time for the government to increase overall planning efforts, improve the charging infrastructure as soon as possible, and improve the happiness of car owners!

The car experience needs to be optimized

After talking about charging, let's talk about the daily car experience. Under the high temperature, many new energy vehicles' central control screens, interconnection systems, and voice assistants have died, and this intelligent experience is really average. Some car owners complained that the system suddenly went black when driving, and the steering wheel also failed, almost causing an accident. Safety and experience should not be opposed, this piece still needs to work hard!

There is also a must-have for air conditioning this summer, and the performance of many new energy vehicles is not satisfactory. Not to mention the poor refrigeration effect, the noise is also loud, like a tractor. Some car owners complained directly, preferring to go out to drink the northwest wind rather than drive this "four-wheeled steamer" to go out and embarrass people. The stone pondered, the air conditioner is not a black technology, it should be powerful!

Does it smell good or not? You have to keep your eyes peeled

Stone to summarize: new energy vehicles are not perfect at present, consumers must be more than one before starting, can not blindly follow the trend. Blindly pursuing "smart fan", as a result, worrying all day long about whether the battery will spontaneously combust and whether the air conditioner is cool enough, this is a bit of putting the cart before the horse.

There is no need for ordinary consumers to avoid new energy vehicles. There are still good products, the key is to see your actual needs. If you commute in major cities and run dozens of kilometers a day, electric vehicles are still very cost-effective. But if you often travel long distances and pursue a passion for driving, a petrol truck may be more suitable for you.

If new energy vehicles want to be truly recognized by consumers, manufacturers have to work hard: optimize more in terms of safety, battery technology, charging convenience, intelligent experience, etc., and come up with the sincerity to convince consumers. Only in this way can we truly make "new energy" no longer just a gimmick, but a real change in the way of travel.

The high temperature makes the new energy vehicle self-contained, and the sunroof is like a sauna

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