
The temperature in one place in the province has rushed to 37 °C, and next week's "sauna day" warning

author:Tide News

Chao News client reporter Yu Liudong

The temperature in one place in the province has rushed to 37 °C, and next week's "sauna day" warning

On June 29, the sunshine of Hangzhou returned, and citizens chose to "go out for a walk". Photo by reporter Yu Liudong

Miss Mei is absent, and the high temperature Jun invades.

As the rain belt lifted northward, early yesterday (June 29) early in the morning, the sun in many areas broke through the thick clouds, and they couldn't wait to show their little faces. Throughout the day, except for the light rain in Lishui, most of the province was dominated by cloudy weather.

As of 16 o'clock yesterday, the highest temperature in northern Zhejiang was 30-33 °C, and the central and southern parts of Zhejiang reached 34-36 °C, and the top three were Qingtian (37.3 °C), Wenzhou (36.3 °C), Wencheng (35.9 °C).

The temperature in one place in the province has rushed to 37 °C, and next week's "sauna day" warning

Source: Zhejiang Weather

As the plum rain belt swings from the Jianghuai River basin to the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, there are moderate to heavy rains and localized heavy rains in northern Zhejiang and parts of central and western Zhejiang today, beware of local strong convection. Northwest Zhejiang will be cloudy to cloudy with showers or thunderstorms tomorrow, and other areas will be cloudy with showers or thunderstorms in the afternoon. The risk of geological disasters still exists in some areas.

The temperature in one place in the province has rushed to 37 °C, and next week's "sauna day" warning

Source: Zhejiang Weather

Looking at next week, high temperature is the key word.

In the early stage, on July 2-3, our province was on the edge of the subtropical high, with strong warm and humid airflow, and scattered thundershowers in the afternoon.

From July 4th, the subtropical high pressure will strengthen the control of our province, the temperature will gradually rise, the province is dominated by sunny and hot weather, and the maximum temperature in most areas has risen to more than 35 °C, especially on the 6th-8th, the maximum temperature in some areas can reach more than 37 °C.

The stuffy "sauna day" is easy to make people unable to dissipate heat in time, resulting in an increase in body temperature and rapid heartbeat, causing various uncomfortable symptoms. The focus of everyone's attention should be changed from rain and moisture prevention to heat stroke prevention and cooling.

The temperature in one place in the province has rushed to 37 °C, and next week's "sauna day" warning

Source: China Weather

The public is advised to get enough sleep to enhance their immunity; Do a good job in the transition of cold and hot environments, the temperature of the air conditioner should be set at around 26 °C, and the windows should be opened for ventilation every once in a while; Try to avoid prolonged outdoor activities between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., when temperatures are high.

Specific to Hangzhou, today is cloudy to overcast with showers or thunderstorms, and there are local short-term rainstorms and strong convective weather such as 7-9 thunderstorms and strong winds during thunderstorms; Tomorrow will be cloudy, sometimes cloudy with showers or thunderstorms.

After the maximum temperature reached 30°C+ yesterday, it is difficult to see the prefix "2" in the short term. If the previous sultry heat was "slow steaming" over a small fire, then the weather will be "hot to collect the juice". Especially after July 2, as the subtropical high further lifted northward to control Hangzhou, the maximum temperature exceeded 35°C easily.

The focus of everyone's attention is about to change from rain and moisture prevention to heatstroke prevention and cooling.

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