
"Wear cotton in autumn and July, sauna in autumn and July", is this year a male autumn or a female autumn? As the agricultural proverb goes

author:A small water in the countryside

"A fall leaves and know the autumn of the world", time flies really fast, soon we will usher in the small summer solar term, the old saying "small summer heat, steaming and cooking", after entering the small summer, the temperature in various parts of the mainland will become hotter, and the thunderstorms will begin to increase significantly.

Many people will experience fatigue and loss of appetite after entering the summer heat, so many people are looking forward to the arrival of a cool autumn. So is it still hot after the beginning of autumn? There is an old saying in the rural areas of the mainland called "cotton is worn in autumn and July, and sauna is worn in autumn and July", what does this sentence mean? Is this year a "male autumn" or a "female autumn"? Let's find out sooner.

"Wear cotton in autumn and July, sauna in autumn and July", is this year a male autumn or a female autumn? As the agricultural proverb goes

First of all, let's take a look at whether it is still hot after the beginning of autumn?

The beginning of autumn is the 11th solar term in the 24 solar terms of the mainland, and it is also the first solar term of autumn, "Li" means the beginning, so the beginning of autumn is the beginning of autumn, after the beginning of autumn, the yang energy gradually harvests, the yin energy grows, and the crops begin to mature. So is it still hot after the beginning of autumn? It can be clearly said that the beginning of autumn does not represent the end of the hot summer weather, and we will look at it from three aspects.

The folk proverb says that "after the autumn, a Geng counts the end of the year", which means that the first "Geng day" after the beginning of the autumn is the time to enter the end of the autumn, so there is a hot end of the weather after the beginning of the autumn, that is, the "end of the day" in the three dog days is still after the beginning of the autumn. For example, the beginning of autumn is on August 7 this year, and the end of this year is from August 14th to August 23rd, and there are 17 dog days after the beginning of autumn this year.

The 24 solar terms have "three summers", which are small heat, big heat, and heat, "summer" means hot, and the beginning of autumn is between the big heat and the heat, even if the 15-day Liqiu solar term is over, we will also face the relatively hot summer season, it can be said that the summer time is relatively long.

The average daily temperature is stable above 22°C for 5 consecutive days before it enters summer; Only when the average daily temperature is stable below 22 °C for 5 consecutive days, can it be regarded as entering the cool autumn, and from the perspective of temperature division, the average daily temperature in most parts of the mainland is still above 22 °C after the beginning of autumn.

"Wear cotton in autumn and July, sauna in autumn and July", is this year a male autumn or a female autumn? As the agricultural proverb goes

Our ancestors called the hot weather after the beginning of autumn "autumn tigers", the old saying "three dog days with one autumn, there are twenty-four autumn tigers", in the mainland folk there is a "twenty-four autumn tigers" saying, that is, twenty-four days after the beginning of autumn is also very hot. In fact, the autumn tiger weather occurs almost every year, but the autumn tiger lasts for a long time every year, generally between half a month and two months, if the autumn tiger lasts for a short time, then the autumn is relatively cool; And if the autumn tiger lasts for a long time after the beginning of autumn, then it means that autumn is relatively hot.

"Wear cotton in autumn and July, sauna in autumn and July", is this year a male autumn or a female autumn? As the agricultural proverb goes

The agricultural proverb says "cotton is worn in autumn and July, and sauna is worn in autumn and July", what does this sentence mean?

According to our ancestors, if it is the "male autumn", then it indicates that the hot weather after the beginning of the autumn season lasts for a relatively short time, that is, the momentum of the autumn tiger is weak, and the temperature will be relatively cool in the seventh month of the lunar calendar, and you may need to wear cotton clothes to keep warm after the rain.

And if it is the "mother autumn" that year, then it indicates that the hot weather will last for a long time after the beginning of autumn, that is, the momentum of the autumn tiger is relatively strong, and the temperature will still be very hot in the seventh month of the lunar calendar, and we are like taking a sauna.

"Wear cotton in autumn and July, sauna in autumn and July", is this year a male autumn or a female autumn? As the agricultural proverb goes

To put it simply, "Gongqiu" indicates that the cool weather will come early after the beginning of autumn, while "Mother Autumn" indicates that the cool weather will come late after the beginning of autumn. So is this year a "male autumn" or a "female autumn"?

The solar calendar time of the beginning of autumn every year is from August 7th to 9th, when the sun reaches 135 degrees of yellow longitude, this time is almost fixed, but under the influence of the leap month of the lunar calendar, the corresponding lunar time of the beginning of the autumn festival is very different every year, in some years the beginning of autumn in the sixth month of the lunar calendar, and in some years the beginning of autumn in the seventh month of the lunar calendar. If the time of the Liqiu Festival is in the sixth month of the lunar calendar, then it is "Gongqiu"; And if the lunar time of the Liqiu Festival is in July, then it is the "Mother Autumn".

August 7 this year, the beginning of autumn, this day corresponds to the fourth day of the seventh lunar month, is the seventh autumn, obviously belongs to the "mother autumn", according to the experience of our ancestors, this indicates that this autumn may be relatively hot, that is, the hot weather will continue for a long time after the beginning of autumn.

"Wear cotton in autumn and July, sauna in autumn and July", is this year a male autumn or a female autumn? As the agricultural proverb goes

As the agricultural proverb goes, "June and autumn are lost, and July and autumn are harvested", June and autumn indicate that the cold weather will come early, so that the crops will be reduced due to insufficient growth temperature; And if it is "July and autumn", it indicates that the summer heat weather is extended, so that the crops have enough time to grow, and the crops are naturally more likely to produce high yields. Therefore, autumn is too cool, which is not a good thing for farmers, and this year is "July autumn", which is a good omen for farmers.

In summary, agricultural proverbs are the experience summary of our ancestors, which can guide us in agricultural production to a certain extent.

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