
The man "magnified the move" in the middle of the night and "fought" with 200 mosquitoes, netizens: A new way to decompress?


Recently, in Shanghai, a man got up in the middle of the night and used an electric mosquito swatter to fight mosquitoes, because there were so many mosquitoes in the house that it was unbearable, he simply opened the window and put in more mosquitoes so that he could get enough at one time. The man later counted more than 200 mosquitoes electrocuted. This behavior sparked heated discussions on the Internet, and many netizens jokingly called it a new way to decompress.

The man "magnified the move" in the middle of the night and "fought" with 200 mosquitoes, netizens: A new way to decompress?

It is understood that the man's name is Mr. Li, and he is busy with work and pressure. On the night of the incident, Mr. Li woke up from a mosquito bite and found that there were unusually many mosquitoes in his home, so he picked up an electric mosquito swatter and began to fight back. Unexpectedly, the mosquitoes in the house seemed to be getting more and more frequent, and Mr. Li opened the window in a fit of rage, hoping to solve all the mosquito problems at once. In the end, he successfully defeated more than 200 mosquitoes in a "pop" sound.

The incident quickly went viral, with many netizens saying they had never heard of this "mosquito indoors" mosquito repellent method, and Mr. Li's approach, although it seemed absurd, was a unique response. Some netizens ridiculed that this may be a new method of pressure release - to reduce pressure by fighting mosquitoes.

The man "magnified the move" in the middle of the night and "fought" with 200 mosquitoes, netizens: A new way to decompress?

However, this behavior has also sparked concern and discussion among some experts. "Mosquitoes are vectors of many diseases, such as dengue fever and Zika virus, and large numbers of mosquitoes may increase the risk of disease transmission," said Professor Zhang, an entomology expert. Professor Cheung suggested that the public should adopt more scientific and safe mosquito prevention measures in summer, such as using mosquito nets, mosquito coils and wearing long-sleeved clothing.

At the same time, the incident also reflects the environmental problems faced by urban residents in their fast-paced lives. With climate change and urbanization, mosquito problems are increasing in cities, which not only affects citizens' nighttime rest, but may also pose a threat to public health safety. Therefore, improving the living environment and strengthening community health management have become urgent problems to be solved.

The man "magnified the move" in the middle of the night and "fought" with 200 mosquitoes, netizens: A new way to decompress?

Regarding Mr. Li's behavior, the community manager said that he would strengthen mosquito control work in the area and remind residents to pay attention to mosquito prevention. Ms Wong, a community worker, said, "We will step up cleaning of public areas and regularly clean up stagnant water to reduce the chance of mosquito breeding. At the same time, she advises residents to keep their doors and windows closed at night to avoid mosquito invasion.

In addition, the incident has also sparked demand for mosquito repellent products in the market, with sales increasing from electric mosquito swatters to various mosquito repellent sprays. A homeware store owner revealed: "Recently, the sales of such products have increased by about 30% compared to before, and many customers come to buy after seeing this news." ”

The man "magnified the move" in the middle of the night and "fought" with 200 mosquitoes, netizens: A new way to decompress?

In the face of mosquito problems, ordinary people may be able to take a more scientific approach to deal with it. Experts suggest that in addition to physical protection, you can also use some environmentally friendly chemical mosquito repellents, or install physical barriers such as mosquito nets. At the same time, keeping the home environment clean and tidy, and regularly checking and removing possible mosquito breeding sites are also effective means to prevent mosquito infestation.

With the arrival of the rainy season, mosquito activities will become more frequent, and how to effectively prevent mosquitoes and insects and protect the health of individuals and families has become a problem that every family must face. Through this event, more people have begun to pay attention to the importance of mosquito prevention in summer, and various mosquito prevention strategies will also become part of people's daily life.

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