
Zhai Naisha: Passed away! After 3 years of illness, he underwent a total of 9 surgeries, but died of the disease

author:Xiaoyi seeks knowledge
Zhai Naisha: Passed away! After 3 years of illness, he underwent a total of 9 surgeries, but died of the disease
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Zhai Naisha: Passed away! After 3 years of illness, he underwent a total of 9 surgeries, but died of the disease

In September 2014, a shocking news quietly swept the Chinese film and television industry: the well-known actor Zhai Naishe died suddenly in a Shanghai hospital at the age of 58.

, a star who once dominated the film industry, passed away quietly when people's memories were almost blurred. What's even more embarrassing is that Zhai Naishe has been fighting the disease for three years, during which he has undergone nine painful surgeries.

However, just when people were still digesting this sudden nightmare, a storm around Zhai Naishe's legacy quietly arose, revealing another little-known side of the actor's life.

This sudden turmoil not only affected the hearts of his family, but also triggered the public's memories and reflections on the actor's life.

Zhai Naisha: Passed away! After 3 years of illness, he underwent a total of 9 surgeries, but died of the disease

Zhai Naishe's life is like a legendary movie with ups and downs. In 1956, he was born in an ordinary family in Qingdao, Shandong Province. After graduating from junior high school, the young Zhai Naishe, like thousands of ordinary young people, became an ordinary car mechanic and worked silently in the traffic team.

However, the god of fate inadvertently favored the young man. A director who came to Qingdao for filming was attracted by Zhai Naisha's sunny handsome appearance and sturdy physique.

The discerning director did not hesitate to invite Zhai Naishe to join the filming team, and boldly predicted: "Zhai Naishe is definitely an excellent film actor." This chance encounter completely changed the ordinary life trajectory of Zhai Naishe.

Under the recommendation of the director, with a vision for his acting career, Zhai Naishe came to the coveted acting class of Beijing Film Academy to study. From a young man who knows nothing about acting to a professional actor, Zhai Naishe has made unimaginable efforts.

Zhai Naisha: Passed away! After 3 years of illness, he underwent a total of 9 surgeries, but died of the disease

He eagerly learned acting skills and studied character building diligently, laying a solid foundation for his future acting career.

After completing his studies, Zhai Naishe did not choose to stay in Beijing, but resolutely went south to the Shanghai Studio Actors Troupe and officially entered the showbiz. In that era of material scarcity, actors faced pressures and challenges far beyond today's.

The crew was in difficult conditions and the salary was meager, but Zhai Naishe never complained. With his extraordinary perseverance and talent, he quickly made a name for himself in the film industry.

Zhai Naishe's dedication and love for performing arts is admirable. He puts his heart and soul into every role, making sacrifices to deliver the most realistic performance.

Zhai Naisha: Passed away! After 3 years of illness, he underwent a total of 9 surgeries, but died of the disease

Once, in order to create a realistic sense of the character, he did not hesitate to jump into an ice hole more than ten degrees below zero. This professionalism has not only won the respect of peers, but also deeply touched countless audiences.

However, Zhai Naishe is not perfect. He had a bad habit that he had a hard time quitting - he was a smoker and an alcoholic. This bad habit undoubtedly caused great damage to his physical health, and also laid a hidden danger for his future illness.

Despite this, his achievements in acting still shine brightly, becoming one of the brightest stars of that era.

Zhai Naishe's acting career is like a brilliant fireworks show, wonderful and dizzying. His famous work "Singing in the Middle of the Night" can be regarded as an important milestone in the history of Chinese cinema.

Zhai Naisha: Passed away! After 3 years of illness, he underwent a total of 9 surgeries, but died of the disease

This film is hailed as China's first true thriller and suspense masterpiece, creating a precedent for domestic thrillers. In this movie, the protagonist played by Zhai Naishe is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and his delicate performance and unique temperament make the audience remember this name, and also establish his status in the film industry.

However, Zhai Naishe is not satisfied with the achievements of the domestic market. In 1987, opportunity once again favored the hard-working actor. He received an offer from Hollywood to star in the movie "Empire of the Sun".

This move made him the first Chinese movie star to play a Chinese role on the big screen in Hollywood. This is not only a major breakthrough in Zhai Naishe's personal career, but also opens up a new path for Chinese actors to go to the international stage.

Although he has emerged in the international film industry, Zhai Naishe's most impressive role for the audience is Yang Zhi played in the classic Chinese TV series "Water Margin".

Zhai Naisha: Passed away! After 3 years of illness, he underwent a total of 9 surgeries, but died of the disease

Zhai Naishe interprets this heroic character vividly, whether it is the image or the details, it seems to be a real person who came out of the book. His deep understanding of the role and superb acting skills have left an indelible impression on the character of Yang Zhi in the hearts of the audience.

This role not only earned him widespread acclaim, but also left him a strong mark in the history of Chinese TV dramas.

Zhai Naishe's success not only stems from his talent, but also from his dedication and love for performing arts. Even during his illness, he continued to work and participated in the filming of TV series.

He often said: "As long as you can still move, you must dedicate more excellent works to the audience." This dedication has made him a role model for young actors to follow.

Zhai Naisha: Passed away! After 3 years of illness, he underwent a total of 9 surgeries, but died of the disease

However, with the growth of age and changes in the market, Zhai Naishe's acting path has gradually narrowed. But instead of getting frustrated or giving up, he focused more on the creation of each role.

He often said: "The value of an actor is not in the number of scenes, but in whether he can move the audience." This professional attitude allowed him to maintain his love and pursuit of acting even in his later years.

Although Zhai Naishe's acting career is brilliant, he has always kept a low profile and rarely appears in public. This humble attitude has also earned him the respect of his peers in the industry.

However, this has also led many viewers to only remember his wonderful performance on the screen, but forget his real name.

Zhai Naisha: Passed away! After 3 years of illness, he underwent a total of 9 surgeries, but died of the disease

Overall, Zhai Naishe's acting career is a legend. From the pioneer of domestic thrillers, to the Chinese face on the big screen in Hollywood, to the role of TV series that is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, he has left an indelible mark on the history of Chinese film and television with his efforts and talents.

His dedication and dedication to art have also set an example for future generations and have had a profound impact.

Behind Zhai Naishe's glamorous acting career, there are little-known family troubles. His first marriage fell apart due to his busy work, leaving behind a daughter.

At that time, Zhai Naishe was in the rising period of his career, and he had been running around for a long time and had no time to take care of his family. His wife was alone at home taking care of her daughter, under great stress and loneliness.

Zhai Naisha: Passed away! After 3 years of illness, he underwent a total of 9 surgeries, but died of the disease

The youngest daughter often calls her father at home, but Zhai Naishe is always busy filming and can't go home to visit. This long-term separation eventually led to the breakdown of the couple's relationship.

Although Zhai Naishe tried to save the marriage, it was too late, and his wife eventually chose to leave. This failed marriage has become an eternal regret and guilt in Zhai Naishe's heart.

At the peak of his career, Zhai Naishe met actor Wang Libo. The two were like-minded and soon fell in love and got married. They also adopted a daughter together and seem to finally have a complete family.

However, the good times did not last long, and the marriage ended in failure. Despite this, the two chose not to disclose the news of their divorce, which also laid the groundwork for future inheritance disputes.

Zhai Naisha: Passed away! After 3 years of illness, he underwent a total of 9 surgeries, but died of the disease

Zhai Naishe once sighed in an interview: "I always want to be a good actor, but I forget how to be a good husband and father." This contradiction between career and family has become a problem for his life.

He often feels guilty and lost for missing out on important moments in his daughter's upbringing.

In the last stage of his life, Zhai Naishe tried to make up for the debt he owed to his daughter. He began to care more about his daughter's life, working to repair the rift caused by long-term negligence.

However, fate doesn't seem to give him much chance to make up for these regrets.

Zhai Naisha: Passed away! After 3 years of illness, he underwent a total of 9 surgeries, but died of the disease

It is worth mentioning that although Zhai Naishe and Wang Libo have divorced, in the last years of his life, Wang Libo still chose to guard him and take care of his daily life.

This kind of camaraderie is touching and makes people think more about their relationship.

Zhai Naishe's family life is like a mirror, reflecting the common dilemma faced by many successful artists. His story reminds us that the importance of family should not be overlooked in the pursuit of career success.

Although he tried to make up for it in his later years, the impermanence of life made this regret remain in the world forever.

Zhai Naisha: Passed away! After 3 years of illness, he underwent a total of 9 surgeries, but died of the disease

In 2011, a thunderbolt from the blue struck Zhai Naishe: he was diagnosed with liver cancer. This cruel diagnosis seemed to sound the alarm bell for his life.

However, in the face of this terrible disease, Zhai Naishe did not choose to give up. He faced the treatment with a positive and optimistic attitude and was determined to fight the disease to the end.

Over the next three years, Zhai Naishe underwent nine surgeries, large and small. These surgeries not only caused great physical pain, but also caused a drastic deterioration in his physical condition.

According to Wang Libo's recollection, Zhai Naishe originally weighed as much as 180 pounds, but the torture of illness made him lose 70 or 80 pounds sharply, and his body became thinner and thinner.

Zhai Naisha: Passed away! After 3 years of illness, he underwent a total of 9 surgeries, but died of the disease

However, even in such a difficult situation, Zhai Naishe still insisted on working and participated in the filming of the TV series. He often said: "As long as you can still move, you must dedicate more excellent works to the audience."

This kind of professionalism can't help but move people.

During this difficult period, Zhai Naishe's ex-wife Wang Libo has always been by his side and taken care of him. Although the two have divorced, Wang Libo still chooses to guard Zhai Naishe and take care of his daily life.

This kind of friendship that transcends marriage makes people feel the warmth of human nature.

Zhai Naisha: Passed away! After 3 years of illness, he underwent a total of 9 surgeries, but died of the disease

Zhai Naishe's courage and tenacity in the face of illness, as well as his love for work, have become a role model in the hearts of many people. He used his actions to interpret what professionalism is and what is the tenacity of life.

However, fate is unforgiving after all. After three years of tenacious struggle, 58-year-old Zhai Naishe passed away in September 2014. His departure is not only a big loss to the Chinese film and television industry, but also makes countless fans feel sad.

Zhai Naishe's life, in his unique way, interprets what is the dedication to art and what is the courage to face life.

Zhai Naishe's death is not the end of the story, but sets off an unexpected turmoil. Since he did not make a will during his lifetime, a battle for inheritance quietly began after his death.

Zhai Naisha: Passed away! After 3 years of illness, he underwent a total of 9 surgeries, but died of the disease

The most striking thing is that his daughter and ex-wife Wang Libo went to court over a set of real estate.

The lawsuit reveals Zhai Naishe's complex family relationships. His daughter insisted that as Zhai Naishe's only biological child, she should inherit the property.

However, Wang Libo argued that although she and Zhai Naisshe had divorced, considering her efforts in the last stage of Zhai Naishe's life, the house should belong to her.

In the end, the court ruled in favor of Wang Libo.

Zhai Naisha: Passed away! After 3 years of illness, he underwent a total of 9 surgeries, but died of the disease

This inheritance dispute has sparked public reflection on Zhai Naishe's life. Some believe that he was an accomplished actor who left regrets in his family life.

Some people also praised his positive anti-cancer attitude in his later years, believing that this spirit is worth learning from future generations.

In any case, Zhai Naishe's life is wonderful. He has grown from an ordinary car mechanic to a superstar in the film industry, and has used his own efforts to interpret what dedication and persistence are.

Although his life was not perfect, what he left behind is a moving story about pursuing his dreams and defying difficulties. His departure is not only a loss for the Chinese film and television industry, but also a profound interpretation of the impermanence of life.

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